The fireflies were in the air, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

The Salamanders, who were attacking the last refuge base of the Dwarves, were looking at the sky above their heads.

A combat mech raised his big head and watched with his own eyes as a T2 interstellar battleship that had dropped him turned into a fireball and fell to the ground in the distance.

The Salamander driver in the mech: It was fine when I came, but now... I can't go back?

The Dwarves in the defense line also found some strange movements outside.

At the same time, the enemy's fierce firepower was weakened a lot at this time and gradually stopped.

"What's going on? Why don't the stinky lizards attack?" A Dwarf warrior slowly moved his head out of the bunker and looked outside.

He actually found that there were no people in the place where the fire lizard warriors were originally.

"Strange, where are they?" The dwarf warrior looked puzzled.

Some dwarf warriors were still hiding carefully in the bunker, reminding: "Be careful, it may be a trick of the stinky lizards."

"Lizards still have tricks? Their brain cores are not as big as mine!" A dwarf warrior said disdainfully, and then took the initiative to ask Chief Ba Jin: "Chief, I will go outside to see, and I will notify you if there is any situation."

Chief Ba Jin nodded, and then handed a bullet-riddled alloy shield to the dwarf warrior.

The dwarf warrior slowly walked out of the bunker with the alloy shield in his hand, and soon he walked to a position outside where he could see the sky.

He stood there, looking up at the sky, and did not speak for a long time.

"Xiaoshu, what's the situation outside? Xiaoshu?" Chief Ba Jin kept calling in the communication channel, but there was no response except for some heavy breathing.

Finally, the dwarf warrior named Xiaoshu came back to his senses. He swallowed and said, " should come out and see for's an interstellar battleship...a ​​T3-level interstellar battleship!"

Interstellar battleship?

T3 interstellar battleship?

Could it be that the T3 Arkham-class medium-sized interstellar battleship of the Salamanders came directly in?

Chief Bajin was very confused. He walked out of the bunker with a weapon in his hand and came to the dwarf warrior named Ashu who was standing there blankly.

When he looked up at the sky, he understood why Ashu had a dull expression at this moment.

A T3 interstellar battleship was hovering in the air, and its close-in defense guns kept firing. Salamander interstellar battleships within a certain range fell one after another, just like rain.

The scattered attacks of those Salamander interstellar battleships could not cause effective damage to the hull armor of the interstellar battleship even if they directly hit the hull armor of the interstellar battleship.

In addition, dozens of interstellar drones launched attacks on the ground combat mechas and Salamander ground combat forces.

The Salamanders' originally unstoppable ground forces fell in large numbers at this moment.

The T3 interstellar battleship was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, cleaning the Salamanders' troops on this planet.

"What on earth happened?" More and more dwarf warriors came out, staring blankly at the sky.


Suddenly there was a loud noise overhead, and a fireball happened to fall in front of the dwarf warriors. It was a T1 interstellar battleship of the Salamanders...

There was also a Salamander warrior who staggered out.

Just as the dwarf warriors were immediately alert, a barrage of bullets directly beat the Salamander warrior into a pulp.

The dwarf warriors stared blankly at the interstellar drones floating above their heads.

They could clearly see the terrifying machine gun.


They swallowed their saliva and dared not move at all.

As long as the interstellar drone has an idea, it can smash them into pulp.

The interstellar drone seemed to scan them, then turned around and left, continuing to clean up the surrounding Salamander warriors.

"I'm scared to death..."

"I feel like I'm about to piss myself, and my pants feel cold."

"This interstellar drone is definitely T3 level! The firepower is too fierce, it can easily crush a T1 interstellar battleship!"

"That interstellar battleship looks like a T3 interstellar cruiser, right?"

Patriarch Ba Jin stared at the interstellar battleship, he shook his head and said: "No, that is not an interstellar cruiser. It should be an interstellar battle cruiser!"

At this time, the dwarf warrior discovered that the interstellar battleship was actually very fast.

It flew over their heads, dropped dozens of small black balls, and then sailed out of the planet again, breaking through the atmosphere.

The dozens of small black balls kept getting bigger in the dwarf warriors' field of vision.

Finally, there were several loud noises hitting the ground.

Boom boom boom

Some dwarf warriors fell to the ground without standing firmly.

And they finally saw the true face of those 'small black balls', which turned out to be interstellar combat mechas!

Chief Ba Jin looked at the black interstellar combat mechas in front of him with trepidation. He didn't know what was going on with these unidentified combat mechas and the mysterious T3 interstellar battle cruiser.

But he was very clear that the starship and the interstellar combat mechas in front of him were very cutting-edge technologies, far beyond the reach of the country bumpkins of the Salamanders.

"Hey, we're on the ground, don't be afraid, you can open your eyes."

A male voice came from above an interstellar combat mecha.

At this time, a dwarf warrior just discovered that there was a man wearing a single-soldier exoskeleton combat armor standing on the shoulder of the black interstellar combat armor, and next to his legs was a "child" whose head only reached his waist.

The "child" was also wearing a smaller single-soldier exoskeleton combat armor. The "child" was holding the man's thigh tightly, not daring to let go.

"Are we really on the ground?" A familiar female voice came from the single-soldier exoskeleton combat armor of the "child".

The expression of Chief Ba Jin froze.

"Now that we are on the ground, can the commander still lie to you?"

"Commander... I just lied to Annie! I said jumping down is not scary at all... Now... Now... Annie feels like she is going to piss herself...

Annie will never listen to the commander again... Commander, you are such a liar..."

"Didn't you say you were worried about your parents' safety and wanted to come down quickly to see them?"

"Annie can also take the shuttle..."

"Okay, okay, go down quickly. Those should be your people.

Excuse me, who among you is the chief of the dwarf tribe, Ba Jin?

Or, who of you can contact the chief of Ba Jin." Zhao Chen carried the little guy beside him and jumped directly to the ground; the following words were to ask the dwarf soldiers in front of him.

Those T2 Black Knight-class light interstellar combat mechas began to be alert to the surroundings, and once they found any combat units of the Salamander tribe, they would be eliminated immediately.

"I... I am..." Chief Ba Jin stepped forward tremblingly, and he looked at the 'child' whose face was covered by the helmet with some disbelief.

That voice just now... that voice just now can't be wrong...

And that name... Anne...

PS: 5/5

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