The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.


The middle-aged man sitting in the main seat looked around at everyone present: "You are all uncles of Yaqi. Yaqi is expanding the interstellar arms trade for our Beiyan.

This is considered to be expanding the territory. Everything is difficult at the beginning.

When my father built Beiyan, he didn't survive the first ten years before he had the current Beiyan Interstellar Trade Group."

This middle-aged man is the chairman of Beiyan Interstellar Trade Group, the current head of the Li family, and Li Wei's father.

"Chairman, that was then, and this is now.

Now everyone has families to support, and we invested all our lives and fortunes in Beiyan because we believed in you, the head of the Li family.

But what about now?

It's actually not enough to cover our expenses.

Investment in the starship arms trade is a bottomless pit!

If we continue like this, Beiyan will be ruined sooner or later!" The second director snorted coldly.

"Stick to the old ways, don't make progress, and don't dare to step out of your comfort zone, which will drag down Beiyan!" Li Yaqi couldn't help but stand up and scolded.

Hearing Li Yaqi say this, the directors talked about it one by one, accusing Li Yaqi of being ignorant, disrespectful to elders, etc.

"I said before that girls are not suitable for doing business.

You are almost forty years old, Yaqi.

If you had listened to me and married the son of the earl, would you still have to work hard here now? You would have become a countess and enjoyed your life long ago." The second director chuckled and said.

"Enjoy life? Uncle, I don't want to be a golden bird in someone else's hands like my cousin. I dare not say a word even when my cousin's husband is out looking for women!

If this is enjoyment, I, Li Yaqi, am not worthy of it!" Li Yaqi also fought back directly without showing any weakness.

The second director looked very unhappy.

This second director is Li Yaqi's second uncle, the younger brother of Li Yaqi's father; he is the second largest shareholder of Beiyan Interstellar Trade Group.

"Okay. Let's give Yaqi some more time.

Didn't we agree on five years before?

Five years.

As long as Yaqi's starship arms trade department can turn losses into profits within five years, the department will continue to exist.

There is still half a year now.

Why are you in such a hurry?" said the head of the Li family happily.

"Then give my niece half a year, and then my uncle will arrange a good marriage for her." The second director snorted and left the meeting room.

The other directors also left the meeting room one after another.

The head of the Li family looked at his daughter with an unwilling and resentful look, and he sighed: "Yaqi, it's not that Dad doesn't help you.

Business is like this.

Everyone only cares about profits, and you still have half a year.

Within half a year, as long as your arms trade department can turn losses into profits, even if it is flat; Dad can let your department continue to exist.

But...if it fails, forget it.

If you still want to do business, you can continue to do the previous interstellar transportation trade."

Half a year...How can it be possible to turn losses into profits in half a year.

I don't even have a decent starship product in my hands now, and she doesn't believe that she can turn losses into profits within half a year.

"I know...Dad, I'm a little tired, I'll go back first." Li Yaqi whispered and walked out of the meeting room.


Li Yaqi threw herself on the bed in her room, and a furry cat-like pet jumped in front of her.

"Meng Meng, I'm very tired today. Go play by yourself nearby." Li Yaqi covered her eyes with her arms, trying not to let her tears flow.

Five years of preparation, five years of hard work.

More than ten years of youth.

Is it going to end here?

Beep, beep, beep

At this time, Li Yaqi's handheld terminal rang, and she glanced at it.

It was a communication request sent by her younger brother.

She sat up, adjusted her emotional state, and clicked to agree.

"Sister... Sister, why are your eyes red?" Li Wei greeted her sister across the video screen.

However, due to the inter-galactic communication, there was a delay of nearly ten seconds.

"It's okay, I'm just too tired these days.

What do you want to talk to me about suddenly? Is the living allowance used up again? If I remember correctly, won't you have a holiday in a few days?

Is it because you didn't pass the grade assessment this year and have to repeat the grade?" Li Yaqi stared at Li Wei


Li Wei pouted: "Sister, why don't you wish me well at all?

I still have living expenses, and I haven't failed a grade. Next year I will be in the fourth grade and can really drive a starship!"

"Then why did you think of contacting me?" Li Yaqi looked at her brother who had no business to visit her with suspicion.

Li Wei started to talk business: "I sent you a set of starship blueprints yesterday. It should have arrived now. Take a look.

My friend...made it. I want to ask if you are willing to buy it."

"Starship blueprints?" Li Yaqi stared at her brother again: "You are not owed money, are you trying to fool me here?"

"Sister, why do you always look down on your brother? Well, go and take a look yourself. If you are interested, contact me.

I will help you contact that... friend.

Don't ask too much. If it can be used, you can give a reasonable price, just as a face for your brother." Li Wei still didn't believe that the starship made by Zhao Chen could be good, so he said some nice words.

"I won't say anything for now. Remember to contact me after you finish reading it."

Li Wei didn't want to talk to this sister who always looked down on him, so he interrupted the communication directly.

"This kid...where did his friends who can design starships come from? I heard that he was fooling me." Li Yaqi didn't believe Li Wei's words at all.

But she sat on the bed for more than ten seconds, and somehow opened her mailbox. There was indeed a data file in it, and the file was decrypted.

Anyway, she had nothing to do now, and her starship design department had no signs at all, so she would take a look at the thing Li Wei sent first.

Li Yaqi said to herself to comfort herself. When she opened the file, she looked at the huge starship drawing information, and her eyes gradually began to change.

From the initial carelessness to the abnormal seriousness later, even her breathing became much quieter.

After reading for more than half an hour, she suddenly came back to her senses, raised her hand to summon a holographic computer, and began to simulate some of the data in the file on it.

No problem... No problem... No problem!

This process lasted for another three hours.

Li Yaqi's expression was very rich. She muttered: "T1 wolf lice-class medium-sized star destroyer... this... this technical drawing..."

She stood up suddenly, quickly copied the starship technology into a data disk, and then ran out of the bedroom and ran to the starship design research department she set up.

It would have taken her an hour to get there by manually driving the flying car, and it only took her ten minutes.

She didn't bother to change into the researcher's clothes, and rushed directly into the research department, standing in front of her group of researchers and engineers, pointing at the data disk.

"Help me see if this starship blueprint technology is feasible!" Li Yaqi was so excited that she couldn't suppress it: "Within five hours, I want a reliable feasibility report!... No... I want it within three hours!"

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