The two of them were busy, and the two sides were busy.

Blizzard Zero Starship Restaurant

According to Captain Zhao Chen's order, all 100 female Orc crew members on the ship arrived.

"Why are you all standing? Sit down quickly." Zhao Chen looked at the female crew members standing in a row and waved to them to sit down.

Under some restraint, these female crew members sat down slowly.

"Charlotte, help me distribute these foods." Zhao Chen opened all the bags of lunch boxes that Vice Captain Charlotte had brought over just now.

In an instant, the fragrant aroma spread throughout the restaurant.

You have to know that the sense of smell of the Orcs far exceeds that of the human race, so they are more attracted by these aromas.

Deputy Captain Charlotte stared at the lunch boxes that exuded an alluring aroma for several seconds.

"Don't just look at them, hurry up. Otherwise, they will all get cold and won't taste good." Zhao Chen urged.

He personally served as the 'kitchen aunt', evenly divided the food in the lunch boxes into 100 portions, and then asked Charlotte to distribute the plates with the food.

In fact, if it was just those dishes, distributing 100 portions would basically be enough for everyone.

But in addition, there was a large bowl of white food.


Looking at the white rice, many female orc crew members swallowed their saliva.

"These... are all distributed?" Deputy Captain Charlotte didn't understand what Zhao Chen was up to.

"What's wrong? This is everyone's lunch today." Zhao Chen said casually.


Are these delicious dishes that make people drool?

Hearing Captain Zhao Chen's words, Charlotte and the 100 female crew members present were dumbfounded, looking at the captain they had gradually become familiar with in disbelief.

"Hurry up and serve it, everyone is still waiting." Zhao Chen looked at Deputy Captain Charlotte who was still in a daze and urged.

At this time, Deputy Captain Charlotte started to work and served the meals to the female crew members.

After a while, more than 30 meals had been distributed.

Zhao Chen took the time to look up, but found that none of the female crew members who had been distributed food had touched it.

Although some of them were already drooling at the food in front of them, they still did not touch it and sat upright.

"Why are you all standing there, eat. Those who have been distributed food will eat first, and those who have not been distributed will wait for a while.

Don't worry, everyone has a share." Zhao Chen said.

Seeing that no one was still doing anything, Zhao Chen pretended to be angry and said, "This is an order!"

At this time, the female crew members who were given food just started to eat. At the beginning, they were a little restrained and ate in small bites.

But soon, the stimulation on the taste buds made them unable to be reserved or calm.

The taste buds that had been tortured by artificial food for many years were like people in the desert who finally drank a sip of water.

One by one, they began to eat the food frantically, and even grabbed it with their hands.

A portion of food was eaten in less than three minutes, and everyone was still licking the plates and tableware with reluctance.

Looking at the female crew members with animal ears licking the plates, Zhao Chen felt a little cute, but also a little sad.

Many of them were younger than him, and some were even minors.

Of course, this was according to Zhao Chen's thinking. There was no definition of minors and adults in the half-orc tribe. As long as they could fight, they were already adults.

So generally, half-orcs aged twelve or thirteen would be put into battle and work, regardless of gender.

Only fighting and working could earn a day's ration.

Soon, all 100 portions of food were distributed.

The last portion of food was brought to Vice Captain Charlotte by Zhao Chen himself: "Try it, it tastes very good. Especially the fruit!"

Vice Captain Charlotte looked at the rich food on the plate, as well as the crescent-shaped apple and the finger-sized small fruit.

She looked at Zhao Chen: "Then you..."

"I've eaten, I'm quite full. If you don't believe me, look at my belly." Zhao Chen patted his bulging belly without caring about his image.

Vice Captain Charlotte chuckled, she lowered her head and began to eat the food.

After eating a few bites, Zhao Chen noticed that Charlotte's head was lowered even lower, and her whole face was basically parallel to the plate.

At first, Zhao Chen didn't understand what was going on.

But when he saw the corner of Charlotte's eye between her white hair,

A glimmer of crystal.

He understood what Charlotte was hiding.

"Woo woo woo woo..." At this time, Zhao Chen heard crying coming from the restaurant.

Some female crew members cried while eating food, and the food was stuffed into their mouths with tears.

They may cry because the food is so delicious, or because they recalled their past experiences from this beauty, and recalled that their brothers and sisters in their hometown just tried their best to survive.

For the first time, they knew that food is not just for filling the stomach, but a good experience.

"Everyone eat, I will announce something." Zhao Chen suddenly spoke at this time, startling all the female crew members in the restaurant.

Some female crew members who were still eating also stopped their actions.

"It's okay, you continue to eat; just listen to me." Zhao Chen signaled the female crew members to continue eating, but the female crew members still looked at him.

Helplessly, Zhao Chen could only look at Charlotte who also stopped eating when he looked at him.

Charlotte understood what he meant and took the lead to continue eating, but her movements were obviously slowed down.

"What I want to talk about is everyone's welfare benefits.

We agreed before that you work for me for three years and I will give you freedom, right?

But there are some details that we haven't made clear.

For example, the welfare benefits of the crew." Zhao Chen looked at Deputy Captain Charlotte: "Deputy Captain, in the past... what was the meal treatment for the crew in your previous fleet?"

Deputy Captain Charlotte was stunned, and then said: "The meal standard is 0.01 star coins per day."

Zhao Chen's mouth twitched slightly, 0.01 star coins?

This is basically the price of the most basic daily artificial food, one serving!

This means that they used to have one meal a day.

"I calculated that we will eliminate artificial food, and our food will be all natural in the future.

But we can't make it as rich as today.

But we can still guarantee that we can eat three meals a day; the meal standard we set is 0.3 star coins per person per day, and no more than 10 star coins per month.

As for what to eat specifically, I will discuss it with the logistics department responsible for meals later." Zhao Chen announced this matter calmly.

But everyone present was stunned.

After a long time, a 15-year-old half-orc female crew member said in a crying voice: "That... means... I can... eat rice... every meal..."

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