The news was so unexpected that it was not until the end of the war.

Someone in the Xiaolong Galaxy tried to kill him?

Zhao Chen frowned. This sudden news broke his original plan.

"This person is my sister's trusted sentry left in the Xiaolong Galaxy. Only my sister and I know her identity. The news she sent must be true.

I think we should not return to the territory first!" Zhao Wan'er said with some concern.

"Can I contact this person?" Zhao Chen asked.

Zhao Wan'er thought for a while and said, "I have a private communication channel to contact her, but I can't guarantee that she will reply to me in time."

Zhao Chen began to think. His return to his territory this time was not as simple as going home for a holiday.

It was for his future development.

To strengthen himself and have the strength to protect himself.

Then you must have a strong enough foundation, and the Xiaolong Galaxy is a ready-made one.

However, the Xiaolong Galaxy has been in a bad and complicated situation because of the decline of the past few decades, so Zhao Chen wants to take this opportunity to go back and reorganize the Xiaolong Galaxy and make arrangements for his future.

But if this plan is cancelled because of this sudden news.

Three months later, it will be the start of the school year, and the academic schedule for the next year will make it difficult for him to take time to deal with the affairs of the Xiaolong Galaxy.

This delay may take a year or so.

Zhao Chen does not have that much time to waste.

"We want to go home." Zhao Chen said seriously.

Zhao Waner was so anxious that she jumped up and down: "Hey, you are not mistaken. Now you know that there are a group of people in the Xiaolong Galaxy coming for us, and you still want to go back and give yourself up?"

"Who said we are going back to give ourselves up?" Zhao Chen raised his mouth and sneered: "The situation in our Xiaolong Galaxy has always been very chaotic. Because of the weakness of our Zhao family, some nobles in the galaxy have not taken us seriously.

If you want to truly control the Xiaolong Galaxy, you must clean up those acnes and tumors.

Originally I thought of taking it step by step. Now that they have created an opportunity for me, why should I waste it!"

Zhao Waner heard Zhao Chen's idea. He wanted to take this opportunity to uproot the forces behind those who tried to assassinate him.

Reshuffle the Xiaolong Galaxy.

"I don't object to your idea, but you have to consider your own weight. We don't know how the enemy is arranged now.

And we only have two T2 starships, you and me. Isn't it like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth if we go back!" Zhao Waner was still worried about the safety of the two.

"We have to go back, but not immediately. Go contact the person you mentioned and find a way to get more information from her.

For example, who organized this assassination, what kind of assassination plan was arranged, and whether there is an organized interstellar fleet!" Zhao Chen said seriously.

"These are not a problem, but our strength..."

Zhao Chen raised his mouth: "Don't worry, I will be prepared."

Zhao Chen raised his hand and opened a star map.

He marked his current location and the location of the Xiaolong galaxy on it, and began to select between the two points.

Finally, he chose a place.

Zhao Chen pointed to the location: "Let's go here first!"

Arctic Fox Starport

Zhao Wan'er looked at the place name, she looked at Zhao Chen in surprise: "Why go here?"

"You'll know when you go there."

"Don't you need to bring my T2 Fire Crow?"

"No need."

"Zhao Chen, what do you want to do!"

"Build a ship!"



After some preparation, Blizzard Zero officially left the starport of the North Star Starship Military Academy.

Before that, Zhao Chen also received two funds from his two accounts.

Zhang Haoran's 500,000 star coins and Li Yaqi's 3 million star coins.

The former is the academy account, and the latter is an account that Zhao Chen secretly opened before selling starship technology, in order to conceal his identity.

Originally planned to leave on July 1.

But because of the matter of Xiaolong Galaxy, Zhao Chen had to hurry up and set off two days in advance, and sent a message to Li Wei to say goodbye; Zhao Wan'er also hurriedly said goodbye to Senior Sister Su Lan and others.

"The coordinates are located in the Arctic Fox Star Port in the Arctic Fox Galaxy. We will first go to the star gate of the North Star Galaxy, then go through the star gate to the star gate of the Arctic Fox Galaxy, and finally arrive at the Arctic Fox Star Port.

It is expected to take five hours." Charlotte

The deputy captain stood beside the captain's chair and reported to Zhao Chen the route plan she had made.

"You can do whatever you want. I just need to reach the Arctic Fox Starport in the shortest time." Zhao Chen sat on the captain's chair.

There was also Zhao Wan'er who was angry at the side. She was angry that Zhao Chen didn't explain to her what he wanted to do.

"Next, the third-level warp engine will be activated. During the warp engine navigation phase, all crew members will enter the deep-sea navigation mode.

All crew members will enter the hibernation cabin." Deputy Captain Charlotte said.

Zhao Chen nodded in agreement.

If you want to get to the starport in the North Star system as quickly as possible, it is necessary to use the warp engine.

A starship generally has two to three navigation engine systems, one of which is a conventional engine. For example, the Zero Blizzard can travel at a speed of 100 star speeds, which uses a conventional engine.

The other most used set is the warp engine.

Warp engines are generally used during long voyages, and can accelerate starships to the extreme. When using warp engines, most starships must enter deep sea mode, otherwise the side effects of warp navigation will cause the crew members who are not in the rest cabin to die directly.

The human body cannot withstand warp navigation.

It is also impossible to fight during the warp navigation stage.

Warp engines are also divided into levels according to speed.

From low to high, they are divided into levels one to nine.

Zhao Chen's Blizzard Zero is equipped with a level three warp engine.

"The warp engine route has been prefabricated, and the next step will be the acceleration stage, and the warp navigation stage will be entered in ten minutes.

Within ten minutes, all crew members will enter deep sea mode!

Repeat, within ten minutes, all crew members will enter deep sea mode!"

At this moment, the voice of Deputy Captain Charlotte rang out from various positions inside the starship, and a lavender light flashed at the same time.

This is a reminder before entering warp navigation.

Tsk, tsk, tsk

At this time, several hibernation capsules appeared next to Zhao Chen's captain's chair.

This is a vertical cylindrical transparent chamber.

The purpose of arranging hibernation capsules on the bridge is to allow crew members who leave the warp speed mode to return to their posts as quickly as possible and resume combat mode.

This is very important in a real battlefield.

Especially when fighting behind enemy lines, this is an extreme test of the crew's reaction ability of a starship.

Zhao Chen also stood in the hibernation capsule at this time. He looked at Zhao Wan'er who entered the hibernation capsule next to him: "Don't be nervous, it will be fine in a blink of an eye."

"Please, I have performed combat missions in the fourth grade of the academy, and I don't need you to teach me." Zhao Wan'er rolled her eyes, and then she started the hibernation capsule herself.

A transparent hatch sealed the entire hibernation capsule, and then some light blue liquid was injected.

In this hibernation liquid, people can breathe independently and will also be hypnotized.

Zhao Wan'er has closed her eyes at this moment, as quiet as a sleeping beauty in the water.

Zhao Chen did not enter the dormant state immediately. He looked at Charlotte who was still waiting in front of the console.

At this time, most of the energy supply of Blizzard Zero was cut off, and almost all of the energy supply was provided to the warp engine, while the starship itself was just in a low-consumption state.

When there were three minutes left before ten minutes, Charlotte turned her head and looked at Zhao Chen, reporting: "Report, 100 of the 102 crew members on the ship have entered the dormant state. There are three minutes left to officially enter the warp navigation phase."

"It's our turn." Zhao Chen crossed his hands on his chest, then took a deep breath and started the dormant chamber.

The light blue liquid began to cover his whole body. There was no discomfort, but it made Zhao Chen very relaxed. Finally, he fell into a deep sleep.

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