The first time, the second time.

From the North Star Galaxy to the Arctic Fox Galaxy, Zhao Chen actually didn't feel anything special. If he hadn't told him, he might not have thought he had come to another galaxy.

Because basically everything he could see was the same, the dark universe, the boundless space, and the planets, satellites, and asteroids of various shapes...

When Zhao Chen woke up from the hibernation capsule again, the discomfort he felt the first time was slightly reduced, but his legs were still trembling.

"Captain, our ship has arrived at the outskirts of the Arctic Fox Starport." Charlotte reported.

Zhao Chen looked at the huge starport in front of him, which was many times larger than the starport of the North Star Fleet Military Academy.

Because this is the real starport!

It can also be said to be an interstellar city!

"Contact this person and say it's Blizzard Zero Zhao Chen." Zhao Chen raised his hand and sent a communication link to Charlotte.

Charlotte did as she was told, and soon a video window popped up.

Opposite was a beautiful woman wearing what looked like a work uniform.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao Chen, I am the person in charge of Arctic Fox Star Port, number CC11, and I am honored to serve you.

According to the request you made when you contacted us before.

A large starship modification, construction and upgrade workshop has been prepared for you. I will send you the address. You have booked a two-month period of use, and the price is 100,000 star coins.

In addition, the 'goods' you ordered with a total price of 1.5 million star coins have all arrived, and according to your requirements, they have been placed in your starship workshop." The female person in charge said with a smile.

"1.5 million star coins!" Zhao Wan'er exclaimed, and she looked at Zhao Chen, who was calm and collected.

Charlotte also glanced at Zhao Chen in surprise, but her long-term psychological quality prevented her from losing her composure like Zhao Wan'er.

"Thank you, young lady. I'll treat you to tea another day." Zhao Chen smiled.

The female manager covered her mouth and chuckled: "Sir, you are joking. During your stay, I am your exclusive manager. If you need anything, you can contact me at any time.

I am waiting for you 24 hours a day." After saying that, she did not forget to throw a wink.

This is a big customer. The bonus for this order is equivalent to her basic salary for half a year!

Charlotte got the position of the star port berth. Under the dispatch of the star port, she slowly sailed over and prepared to enter the port.

"What's the matter with your 1.5 million star coins?" Zhao Wan'er couldn't help but asked again.

"I sold a T1 starship technology." Zhao Chen did not hide it. Anyway, it would not be necessary to hide it in a short time.

"Sell T1 starship technology?" Zhao Wan'er was dumbfounded.

Zhao Chen took out an Empire card and clicked it to holographically project the balance on it.

More than 1.9 million star coins!

"Where did you get so many star coins!" Zhao Wan'er was shocked.

The Xiaolong Galaxy doesn't have that much money.

"I sold the T1 starship technology for 3 million, and then I got 500,000 from Zhang Haoran.

I rented the starship workshop of the Arctic Fox Star Port for two months, which cost 100,000 star coins.

I spent 1.5 million star coins on the ordered batch of goods.

And the supplies before the Zero Blizzard set sail cost 10,000 star coins.

After counting the bits and pieces, there are about 1.9 million star coins left." Zhao Chen shrugged.

Zhao Wan'er listened to this and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

She also heard the key point, T1 starship technology?

"Where did you get the T1 starship technology!"

"I developed it myself."

"When did you learn to develop starship technology?"

"Didn't you see me assembling a starship?"

"Assembly and development are two completely different things."

"In my opinion, it's just a little harder."

Zhao Wan'er covered her head. When did developing a brand new starship become just a 'slightly harder' thing?

Beep beep

Just when Zhao Wan'er wanted to ask more, her handheld terminal flashed. She took a look and her face turned serious: "It's the sentry arranged by my sister!"

"Ask her if we can have a video call." Zhao Chen asked.

Zhao Wan'er asked: "She said yes, but only for five minutes!"

"Five minutes is enough."

The video call was quickly opened, and a video window appeared in front of Zhao Chen and Zhao Wan'er.

Across from them was a well-mannered woman.

Zhao Chen recalled the information about this woman in his memory.

A small manager in the interstellar trade industry of the Xiaolong Galaxy.

I didn't expect that she was actually the sentry arranged by the elder sister,

It seems to be Jiang Hong.

"Second Young Master, Third Young Lady." Jiang Hong bowed slightly.

"Let's cut to the chase and tell us what's going on in the Xiaolong Galaxy?" Zhao Chen asked directly.

Jiang Hong was stunned. She didn't expect that the second young master, who used to be timid, would be so tough, but this was what she was going to say.

"I got a message two days ago.

Several nobles in the Xiaolong Galaxy are colluding with interstellar pirates. They want to use the hands of interstellar pirates to send a fleet to ambush you when you and the third young lady return to the Xiaolong Galaxy during the holiday.

At that time, they can ask the empire to nominate a new lord.

And I can't contact the eldest young lady, so the second young master and the third young lady must not come back now!" Jiang Hong said.

Interstellar pirate attack?

Zhao Chen snorted coldly. Such a routine is really too old-fashioned, but it has to be said that it is very effective.

"Do you know how many starships the interstellar pirates they contacted have prepared to ambush us? And the list of nobles who participated in this plan, and the number of starships they control." Zhao Chen asked.

Jiang Hong didn't understand why Zhao Chen asked this, but she happened to know: "That group of interstellar pirates is not a big force, they are just wandering here.

There are only 30 starships, five of which are T2 starships and the rest are T1 starships.

I already have a list of the nobles of the Xiaolong Galaxy who participated in the planning of this plan. If the second young master needs it, I can send it to you.

The fleets controlled by these nobles are only more than ten, most of which are T1 starships, and those families have one or two T2 starships."

"Send the list to me immediately, and you continue to hide your identity and wait. If there is any other information, notify me immediately." Zhao Chen ordered.

"Yes." Jiang Hong was stunned. Why did she obey the second young master's order? She hurriedly asked: "What are your plans, second young master?"

"Don't go back for the time being. I will contact you if I have other plans." Zhao Chen said.

"Then I will try to contact the eldest lady. As long as the eldest lady comes forward, this matter can be handled.

It is not appropriate for me to contact for a long time, so let's stop here. Second Young Master, Third Young Lady, please be safe." Jiang Hong hung up the call.

At this time, a list was also presented in front of Zhao Chen and Zhao Wan'er.

Cui Family, Bao Family...

There are more than ten families and forces on it, but most of them are inconspicuous small families and forces.

Only the first two are unusual for the Xiaolong Galaxy.

"I didn't expect that the Cui Family and the Bao Family would collude with interstellar pirates to try to kill us!" Zhao Wan'er said angrily.

"The influence of the Cui family and the Bao family in the Xiaolong galaxy has long surpassed our Zhao family. Our position as lord is just a false title.

Their desires are no longer satisfied. They don't want to be just a noble in the galaxy."

Zhao Chen looked at the list and said with some surprise: "But what I didn't expect is that her family is not included."

"What should we do now? Oh, you haven't explained clearly what we are doing in this Arctic Fox Star Port?" Zhao Wan'er's doubts are about to explode like a volcano.

"Didn't I say it before, building a ship." Zhao Chen said.

"Build a ship? What ship?" Zhao Wan'er was surprised.

At this time, Blizzard Zero had already entered the large starship workshop.

This starship workshop is dozens of times larger than the starship workshop of the North Star Starship Military Academy!

Even Blizzard Zero is more than enough to park in it.

"I came to the Arctic Fox Starport because there are a few large starship workshops in the northern star region of the Star Empire, and the supporting equipment is complete. Various raw materials can be dispatched at any time, which greatly increases the speed of shipbuilding."

Zhao Chen looked at the starship workshop in front of him and felt excited.

"Build a ship... build a ship, what are you going to build?" Zhao Wan'er couldn't help asking.

Zhao Chen raised his hand, and a holographic image of a starship appeared in front of Zhao Wan'er, which attracted Zhao Wan'er's attention at this moment.

It was an aircraft carrier starship, and its appearance was very gorgeous.

"That's it."

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