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T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship·Bridge "Report, the first echelon of interstellar drones have returned and landed successfully. It is estimated that it will take 60 seconds to reload the ammunition."

"The first batch of interstellar drones The report has been compiled. Seven T2 Killer Bee-class medium interstellar drones and one T2 Hornet-class heavy interstellar drone were lost.

Two enemy T1 Bluebird-class medium interstellar cruisers and four T1 Vulture-class medium interstellar frigates were destroyed , two T1 Scythe-class medium-sized interstellar destroyers. "

"Report, the enemy fleet has captured our ship's position and is attacking us at full speed!"

The female crew members on the bridge were on high alert, constantly telling the captain and the deputy captain The captain reported the current news.

Deputy Captain Charlotte stood by and looked at Zhao Waner who was sitting in the captain's chair.

Before this battle, Zhao Chen had contacted her privately and told her to hand over full command to Zhao Waner at the beginning of the battle, unless Zhao Waner gave a wrong order, she had the right to terminate it.

Or if the battle got out of control, she had the right to take over Command.

So far, Zhao Waner's orders have been very good.

And this girl, sitting in the captain's chair at this moment, has a cold expression, and does not show any panic or nervousness.

She does not look like a girl who has not yet graduated. student, but like a professional soldier who has been through many battles.

"Begin to launch T2 Hive-class light interstellar drones to intercept the enemy fleet. The starship begins to move, heading in the preset direction, sailing at full speed, while the star shield System started.

The interstellar drones that have been resupplied are ready for the second round of attack. "Zhao Wan'er issued combat orders word by word, while her eyes kept scanning the data panel.

Faced with the approach of the vicious interstellar pirate fleet, the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier began to speed up and leave, but because it was a heavy aircraft carrier, the fastest speed was only 30 knots.

It was impossible to get rid of the pursuers behind. At the same time, holes appeared on the belly of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier, and then a series of T2 Honeybee-class light interstellar drones were dropped.

In less than ten seconds, three hundred T2 Honeybee-class All the light interstellar drones were deployed.

The densely packed T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones began to rush towards the interstellar pirate fleet that was chasing behind.

At this time, the battlefield was divided into two sides, one side was Blizzard Zero, and the other side was T2 Queen Bee. Class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

But Blizzard Zero had no intention of supporting the T2 Queen Bee class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Instead, it began to change its sailing direction and sailed in an arc to the right wing, so that Blizzard Zero entered the enemy's fire range.

Several starships of the interstellar pirate fleet were ready to open fire immediately, but the enemy's The speed is too fast. It will take some time to lock onto the enemy ship.

Change the direction of travel. This is the order from Zhao Chen. Otherwise, with the speed of Blizzard Zero, the starships of these interstellar pirates will never be able to catch up.

"Start T2 Heavy 1200mm Devil Crocodile Cannon." Captain Zhao Chen gave the order.

"Understood, activating the T2 Heavy 1200mm Devil Crocodile Cannon, it will take ten seconds...10..." The bridge crew executed the order.

The bow of the T2 Blizzard Zero The giant cannon was revealed at this time.

"Shut down the right starship engine, turn on the left starship engine, and turn on the spot. Let's aim our main gun at that T2 Ishtar-class heavy star destroyer!" Zhao Chen gave the order.

"The right starship engine is shut down, over!"

"The left starship engine is fully powered, over!"

Blizzard Zero, which was originally sailing in an arc, suddenly "brakes and turns", and the bow turns directly towards The direction of the pursuing interstellar pirate fleet.

This sudden action caught the pursuing interstellar pirate fleet completely by surprise.

Zhao Chen stared at the search window where the main gun was aimed.

Just when the search red circle and the T2 When the Ishtar-class heavy star destroyers overlapped, he shouted: "Fire!"

Instantly, the entire Blizzard Zero shook.

Zhao Chen didn't bother to check the results of the firing, he immediately gave the order: Restart the right engine, let the Zero Blizzard sail around the enemy fleet at a star speed of 70 knots, and adopt a high-speed maneuver hunting mode! "

"Understood!" The starship helmsman shouted confidently.

The so-called

Sailing around the enemy fleet, high-speed maneuver hunting mode.

It is a mode in which one's own starship crushes the enemy ship at a high speed, and then constantly circles around the enemy fleet with the absolute advantage of high speed. While circling, one's own ship and a small number of one or two starships in the enemy fleet are within the range of firepower engagement.

In this way, it is possible to avoid the ship from being subjected to the firepower of all starships in the enemy fleet at the same time, greatly reducing the risk of being hit.

This requires high technical skills from the starship helmsman. Fortunately, the speed of Blizzard Zero is extremely terrifying, and it has an absolute advantage!

Blizzard Zero sailed at high speed again, and the whole process took less than ten seconds, which is enough to show the horror of the maneuverability of this starship!

At this time, Zhao Chen had time to check the results of the previous shot.

He was a little surprised.

And some people were terrified at this moment.

The entire head of the T2 Ishtar-class heavy star destroyer disappeared, and the entire head position was a huge explosion pit, as if it had been beheaded.

The surrounding interstellar pirate starships witnessed the whole process.

The starship they were chasing suddenly turned around, and then a main gun attack followed.

Unexpectedly, one of the only two T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyers in their fleet was directly hit by a cannon!

You have to know that this is a heavy interstellar destroyer.

Heavy means that the ship is larger, the weapons equipped are more powerful, and the ship armor is thicker.

Such a T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyer was actually hit by a cannon by the enemy.

"That's... that's a 1200-caliber cannon!" Suddenly, the captain of a starship in the interstellar pirate fleet exclaimed in the internal shared communication channel.

Other pirate captains used deep space telescopes to check the situation.

They suddenly saw that the bow of the target they were chasing, the Zero Blizzard, had a huge cannon with a terrifying caliber!

It was this huge cannon that destroyed the T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyer with one shot just now.

"How can a... T2 starship be equipped with such a large-caliber cannon? What kind of monster starship is this!" The captain of a T1 Scythe-class medium interstellar destroyer felt a chill on his back.

The higher-level T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyer could not withstand this shot, and the lower-level T1 Scythe-class medium interstellar destroyer was still a medium interstellar destroyer.

If it could withstand one shot, you can imagine what the result would be.

"One shot every five minutes, let me count how many there are. One... two... three..." Zhao Chen grinned like he was counting beans, counting the enemy's starships.

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