The battle was over, but the enemy was still alive.

Everyone had different attitudes when they heard the order Zhao Chen issued at this time.

Zhao Wan'er was startled and said hurriedly: "They all surrendered, why do we still want to destroy them?"

Zhao Chen looked indifferent: "Surrender? When they launched this battle, there was no choice of surrender in their ending.

If we were defeated at this moment, have you ever thought about what kind of situation we would face if we didn't surrender?"

Zhao Wan'er had a complicated expression. She thought of that ending. It might be okay if they all died in the battle.

Once captured, she and the female crew members on the ship would be worse off than dead!

Zhao Chen continued, "Just now I took the time to connect to the communication network of the Xiaolong Galaxy. During the two months that these interstellar pirates stayed in the Xiaolong Galaxy, they asked the nobles to send them at least 500 women from various planets. You should know very well what kind of treatment these women will receive when they are sent to those pirate starships." Zhao Wan'er bit her lips lightly when she heard this. Although she had combat experience, she had never faced such a situation when she was performing combat training tasks in the academy before, especially destroying surrendered starships. After all, in the books, this is a violation of human rights and morality. "Charlotte, if Zhao Wan'er can no longer command the battle, then the command of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship will be transferred to you. Continue to execute combat orders." Zhao Chen said coldly. Deputy Captain Charlotte said, "Yes!" At this moment, the complex look in Deputy Captain Charlotte's eyes disappeared completely, and she agreed with Captain Zhao Chen's decisive order. As a veteran of the battlefield, she knew very well that if she wanted to survive in the interstellar battlefield, she had to be cold-blooded!

"Miss, Captain Zhao Chen's order was correct. In this battlefield, there can be no mercy, especially when facing these bastards without bottom line.

They have no concerns, no bottom line, and if they survive, they can do anything.

The sins they have committed are enough to make them die hundreds of times; the dirty things they have done are completely unimaginable to you." Deputy Captain Charlotte stood beside Zhao Wan'er and persuaded.

"But... there are still those captured women on those pirate starships..." Zhao Wan'er was a little worried.

Deputy Captain Charlotte said in a deep voice: "For those women, death is a relief."

Zhao Wan'er understood what Deputy Captain Charlotte meant. She took a deep breath and looked at Charlotte: "Can I continue to command the battle?"

Deputy Captain Charlotte smiled with relief.

Zhao Wan'er stared at the six pirate starships on the opposite side, and at this moment, there was a hint of indifference in her eyes.

"All interstellar drones are ready for the last round of attack."

The bearded pirate captain was waiting for the other starship to take over their starship, but what he waited for was a group of interstellar drones attacking from a distance, as well as the 1200mm cannon of the Zero Blizzard.

The vibration of the hull being attacked made the bearded pirate captain immediately react to what was going on.

"Zhao Chen! You bastard! You go back on your word!" The bearded pirate captain roared angrily, and this was also his last voice.

The next moment, his T2 Gray Shark-class medium interstellar cruiser was hit by the 1200mm cannon of the Zero Blizzard.

The remaining five starships also fell into the artillery fire.

It was too late for them to think about restarting the starship at this moment.

Under the attack of the Zero Blizzard, under the bombardment of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship interstellar drone group.

The six pirate starships fell one by one.

In the end, all of them became the wreckage of starships on this battlefield.

The battle is over.

"Rest here for ten minutes. Charlotte, you count the battle consumption of the two starships.

If there is no problem, we will go to the core area of ​​the Xiaolong Galaxy in ten minutes." Zhao Chen said.

Most of those nobles live in the core area of ​​the Xiaolong Galaxy. This matter is not over yet.

"Yes." Deputy Captain Charlotte immediately started her work.

Zhao Chen sat in the captain's chair and let out a long breath.

This should be his first real star war. Although the opponent is just an interstellar pirate, it is much more exciting than the starship duel that was just a play in the academy before.

Two starships, annihilated 35 pirate starships.

This result is still quite good.

In particular,

The combat effectiveness of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship in this battle, even without the escort fleet, can still be at ease in the battle, which is enough to show its strength.

Zhao Chen leaned on the captain's chair and closed his eyes as if he was taking a rest.

In fact, he opened the system interface.

There is actually another reason why he wants to kill this group of interstellar pirates.

That is the existence of the system task.

[Task content: Destroy the interstellar pirate fleet of the Xiaolong galaxy

Task difficulty: C level

Task reward: three task points and 600 points

Task status: The task has been completed, and the task reward can be received]

Yes, it is for this system task.

Zhao Chen clicked to receive the task reward, and all three task points and 600 system points were collected.

In addition to the quarterly task completed last time, Zhao Chen now has a lot of "resources".

[Host: Zhao Chen

Occupation: Top Starship Engineer

Special Attributes: Fleet Luck Bonus, Eye of Insight

Points: 1100

Mission Points: 8

Number of Starships: 2

Missions: None

Warehouse: Technical Drawings of T3 Blizzard-Class Light Interstellar Battlecruiser, Technical Drawings of T1 Wolf Lice-Class Medium Interstellar Destroyer, Technical Drawings of T2 Queen Bee-Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship, Technical Drawings of T2 Hammer-Class Heavy Interstellar Industrial Ship]

There are 8 mission points, and the system points are as high as 1100 points.

"You can consider exchanging for another T2 product later." Zhao Chen was a little looking forward to it.

With the growth of his strength, he gradually had the foundation to build an interstellar fleet.

Deputy Captain Charlotte's post-war report interrupted Zhao Chen's thoughts.

He opened his eyes and looked at Deputy Captain Charlotte on the other side of the video window.

"During this battle, the hull of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship was not damaged at all, and 107 T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones, 39 T2 Killer Bee-class medium interstellar drones, and 5 T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones were lost.

67% of ammunition and supplies were consumed, and there were no casualties.

The comprehensive damage to the hull armor of the T2 Zero Blizzard was 7.5%, mainly located on the port side hull armor, which did not affect the starship's navigation and combat.

46% of ammunition and supplies were consumed, and there were no casualties.

The subsequent repair of the starship armor, the manufacture of interstellar drones, and the consumption of ammunition; the total market value of the loss in this battle was 8,000 star coins." Deputy Captain Charlotte reported.

In just one hour of fighting, 8,000 star coins were consumed.

Although it is nothing compared to the millions of star coins accumulated by Zhao Chen.

But for ordinary people, this is a wealth that they can never save in their lifetime.

"But this time we destroyed 35 starships, including five T2 starships. We can recycle the wreckage of these starships later.

It is expected to generate a value of 600,000 star coins." Vice Captain Charlotte said another piece of news.

This surprised Zhao Chen.

"600,000 star coins? So much?" Zhao Chen was shocked.

Vice Captain Charlotte explained: "Although these 35 starships are all old starships, if they are sold, their value is at least about 6 million star coins."

Thinking about it, the pirate fleet originally priced at 6 million star coins can make 600,000 star coins from the remaining starship wreckage, which is about the same.

"However, 600,000 star coins are based on the profit of our own melting and remelting. If we sell it directly to others, we may only get 300,000 star coins." Vice Captain Charlotte added.

By the way, the Xiaolong galaxy does not seem to have industrial facilities to deal with these starship wreckages.

Zhao Chen covered his head helplessly. Who said that the Xiaolong Galaxy was too backward and had nothing.

The technological level was completely at the level of T1 technology.

"Let's leave these starship wreckage here first. No one will grab them anyway.

Blizzard Zero and T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship are ready to set off and sail at warp speed to the core area of ​​the Xiaolong Galaxy.

It's time to meet my uncles and aunts. They have prepared such a big gift for us to go home.

I have to reciprocate the gifts." Zhao Chen looked empty, his eyes full of indifference.

The time to cleanse the Xiaolong Galaxy has come.

Although this time the cleansing of the Xiaolong Galaxy may shake the foundation of the Xiaolong Galaxy, after all, many families are involved in the interests of the Xiaolong Galaxy.

However, a short pain is worse than a long pain.

For the future development of the Xiaolong Galaxy, Zhao Chen would rather leave himself a clean Xiaolong Galaxy than take over a rotten Xiaolong Galaxy.

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