The only way to survive is to escape.

Her name is Bessie, and she is a succubus.

She heard from her companions that they once came from a succubus kingdom, but were occupied by evil invaders, so they had to flee.

She has been fleeing since she can remember.

On planets, on starships, and in various places.

They have to disguise their identities and cannot appear in front of the world. Most of the places they sleep are dark, damp, full of bugs and stench.

The food they eat is generally artificial food, and they can only eat one meal every two or three days. She has seen several companions starved to death.

Several times they were almost caught by evil villains or defeated by hunger.

Fortunately, their sister Lilith was very powerful. She always led them out of danger and always found food for them.

But suddenly one day, a group of people attacked the underground pipeline where they were hiding. Just when they were in danger, a very powerful man appeared.

He easily knocked down all the bad guys and took them to his starship.

She had never seen such a beautiful starship before, and they didn't need to hide their identities here, because most of the people they saw here were female orcs.

Sister Lilith said that they, the succubi, must be very careful of men!

Men are all man-eating demons.

After that, they were arranged by a beautiful and gentle young lady to take a bath.

That was her first time to take a bath with clean warm water. In the past, they could only use dirty water to wipe their bodies.

When she felt the water flowing over her body, she liked this feeling.

Not only taking a bath, there was also a bathtub in that place, where you can enjoy the happy time of soaking your whole body in it.

After that, they were taken to a restaurant, and the beautiful young lady said they could order whatever they wanted.

Looking at the names on the menu, she felt strange at first, because she had only eaten artificial food before.

The only natural food she ate was a finger-sized biscuit and some wild animals caught in the wild on the planet.

In the end, she chose a food that looked like it had a lot of meat.

When the big plate of meat was brought to her, the aroma that hit her face and the infinite beauty on her taste buds when she chewed.

For the first time, she realized that eating is not just for survival, but a kind of enjoyment.

After that, they were arranged to a very clean room.

There was a soft bed, clean bedding, and even a separate bathroom, as well as clean and tidy clothes, and there was a faint fragrance on the clothes.

Everyone can have an independent space, without having to squeeze in a narrow space.

Everything seems so beautiful.

Like a dream, if this is really a dream, Bessie really hopes that this dream will never wake up.

For a week after that, they lived on this starship, living in a clean room, eating delicious food, and they also helped the crew sisters clean the starship and do some trivial things.

And today, the man who brought them here appeared again, but what he said made her feel like the whisper of the abyss.

"Tell me, where do you want to go next, I can take you away."

Bessie's eyes were dull for a moment, and the meat in front of her, which she used to like to eat, lost its appeal in an instant.

She had only one thought in her mind: they... want to leave here... they want to go back to the life they used to live.

No! She doesn't want it!

"What do you mean?" Lilith stared at the man in front of her in a daze.

Zhao Chen said: "I have contacted someone, and I can book you tickets for the interstellar cruise ship and take you to any planet or starport you want to go to."

Lilith's expression was dull, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because what this man said was completely unexpected to her.

Suddenly, a succubus jumped up, grabbed a fork from the plate, and pressed it against her throat.

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm not going anywhere!" Succubus Bessie's face was full of tears, and she looked at Zhao Chen with a trembling voice.

"Bessie! What are you doing! Put down the fork!" Lilith looked at Bessie, the youngest of her companions. According to the age of the succubus clan, she was still a minor.

The little succubus Bessie ignored Lilith directly, and she looked at Zhao Chen: "Why?"

Zhao Chen looked at this little succubus

, she is only about 1.4 meters tall, but because of the innate developmental advantage of the succubus, she has a very attractive figure.

If some loli control sees it, they will definitely kneel down and lick it.

"Sister Lilith, I don't want... I don't want to go back to the life I used to live.

I don't want to drink that black water anymore, I don't want to hide in a dark place anymore, I don't want to live a life of fear every day.

I don't want to scrape the moss on the wall, eat the soil, and find any food to eat every day because of hunger, and then endure the pain in the corner!

I don't want to fight those terrible beasts for a little food in the wilderness of the desolate planet. I don't want to see the bodies of our companions falling in the battle." The little succubus Bessie choked and looked around.

She smiled bitterly and said, "Here... I discovered for the first time that... living is also a very enjoyable thing."

Can living be a very enjoyable thing?

This sentence is ironic, but for the succubi living in the darkness, it is very difficult to just survive, not to mention enjoying life.

Many succubi present were choking and crying, with red and swollen eyes.

Some older succubi continued to eat the food in the bowl, chewing every grain of rice carefully, because this might be the last time they can enjoy such delicious food in their lives.

They... will return to the darkness.

The little succubus Bessie stared at Zhao Chen with bloodshot eyes. She cried hysterically with tears: "Since you are sending us away, why are you so good to us!

Why do you let us experience such a life, give us clean clothes, warm hot water, these foods, and soft beds.

Why do you let us know that... we can live so happily.

You let us see the light, but now... you are going to push us back into the darkness again!"

As she spoke, the knife and fork in the hands of the little succubus Bessie fell to the ground. She fell to the ground and covered her face and cried.

Lilith walked forward with mixed feelings and hugged the little succubus Bessie. She felt guilty, but she was also helpless.

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