The ship was in a state of panic, but the weather was very good.

When I opened my eyes again, I had arrived at the outer area of ​​the Arctic Fox Star Port. I could see the Arctic Fox Star Port in a few minutes.

After the starship resumed normal navigation, Zhao Chen immediately contacted the female manager numbered CC11.

"Sir, you are back?" The female manager covered her mouth and looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

It took less than five hours for this fleet to leave and come back.

"Not welcome?" Zhao Chen teased.

"No... I... I don't mean that... that... the battle of the P331 asteroid..." The female manager asked curiously. This question actually violated the reception regulations. They were not allowed to inquire about the guests.

But because no detailed information about the P331 asteroid has been sent back so far, or because she is not at a high enough level, she is still not aware of it; so she is a little curious about what the 'Black Dragon Fleet', which originally accepted the bounty mission but returned so quickly, did?

"It's done." Zhao Chen said lightly.

It's done?

The simple answer made the female person in charge even more curious.

"Help me renew the use of my original starship workshop for one month, and then I need the raw materials on this order, and all of them must be delivered to me within three days.

Part of it is used to repair the starship. According to the bounty mission, the loss of the hull and the combat consumption in this battle are borne by the publisher. I have listed this part separately." Zhao Chen sent a list of raw materials.

"The payment of one million star coins this time will be deducted from my bounty; for the part that is not enough, there should be a sum of money in a few days."

"Okay... yes..." said the female person in charge.

The communication was interrupted.

What happened?

The female manager was wondering in her heart. At this moment, a communication request came in, and the communication was opened directly without consent.

This was an internal communication of the senior management.

The female manager immediately straightened her posture. She was surprised to see that the person opposite the video window was the general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port.

"You just received the Black Dragon Fleet, right?" The general manager of the Star Port asked directly.

"Yes... yes." The female manager said.

"Did they make any requests?"

The female manager relayed what Zhao Chen had just said.

"The one-month use fee of the starship workshop will be waived for them. The raw material order will be arranged for them within one day.

In addition, the bounty and another sum of money will be transferred to this gentleman's account within 12 hours.

You can send a text message to that gentleman." The general manager of the Star Port said seriously.

The female manager was surprised in her heart. What kind of identity was that gentleman? He could make the general manager of the Star Port personally inquire about this matter and "expedited" every matter.

"From now on, you will be promoted to the deputy director of the reception department of the Arctic Fox Star Port. You can push other guests to others. Now you are specifically responsible for this gentleman's Black Dragon Fleet.

If you have any needs, try to meet them as long as they are not excessive. If you can't meet them, you can contact me." The general manager of the Star Port ordered.

"Deputy director of the reception department?" The female manager felt dizzy. You should know that she was just an ordinary starship reception manager before, or a customer service representative.

Now she has become the deputy director of the reception department, which can be said to be a promotion of several levels.

"Thank... Thank... Thank you, sir." The female manager was hesitant at this moment.

The general manager of the Star Port said: "If you want to thank someone, thank your luck for meeting such a guest."

"That... sir... what is the origin of this Black Dragon Fleet? You are so serious about it. Please tell me the truth so that I can pay more attention." The female manager asked cautiously.

"I don't know where he came from, but he successfully completed the bounty mission and led the Imperial Fleet to complete the safe evacuation plan of the P331 asteroid." The Starport General Manager said in a deep voice.

The female manager took a breath of cold air. He actually completed the mission that all the private fleets were unwilling to take.

Although she had already thought about this before.

But she could hear important information from the words used by the general manager.

It was to lead the Imperial Fleet to complete the mission, not to help the Imperial Fleet or assist the Imperial Fleet.

Don't underestimate these three different words, meaning

Si Ke is completely different.

If it's 'assistance', it's the feeling of a younger brother helping his elder brother.

If it's 'help', it's when both sides are evenly matched.

And 'leading', it means that the battle is centered on the Black Dragon Fleet, and the Imperial Fleet is assisting and cooperating on the side!

"Another big shot has asked about the information of the Black Dragon Fleet, and he will soon visit our Arctic Fox Star Port.

That big shot is not someone we can provoke. Even if the Lord of our Arctic Fox Galaxy is here, we have to smile and entertain him warmly." The general manager of the star port said nervously.

The Lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy has to smile at someone?

The Lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy is a famous Imperial Earl, and there is even hope that he will be awarded the title of Marquis in the next ten years!

The Black Dragon Fleet is related to such a person who can make such an Imperial Earl treat him with caution.

The female manager swallowed her saliva.

"Anyway, just treat this guest with your heart, and report to me immediately if anything happens." The general manager of the star port said, and the communication was cut off.

At this moment, the two starships of the Black Dragon Fleet have slowly entered the field of vision of the Arctic Fox Star Port, and are entering the berth of the starship workshop according to the guidance.

The female manager called up the video screen, and she could see the scene of the two starships.

One is an aircraft carrier starship with a yellow appearance, and the other is a starship of uncertain appearance.

The latter is in a serious situation, the entire bow is sunken, and there are many holes on the hull that seem to have been hit by a meteorite. In addition, there are long sunken marks of tens of meters on the port side of the hull.

In fact, this is the trauma left when it rubbed against the T2 Hive Mothership.

"What on earth has this happened?" The female manager muttered.

The two starships entered the workshop berth, and the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship was still parked in place. In addition, nearly a hundred orc female crew members who had not yet been assigned formal positions stood in line to welcome them back.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..." Secretary Lilith breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the starship dock successfully.

After years of escape, it was the first time that she participated in an interstellar battle as a starship secretary, and it was a battle against the interstellar Zerg.

Although she looked very calm on the surface before, she was still quite nervous inside.

Now that it has come to an end, she can finally put her hanging heart at ease.

"Arrange treatment for the wounded on the Blizzard Zero. If the injuries are serious, they can use the treatment cabin in the starport. The cost will be borne by the fleet.

At the same time, the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship began to work, repairing the Blizzard Zero hull, and at the same time, build the interstellar drones lost on the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, and restore the combat status of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship as soon as possible.

I will be responsible for this matter personally, and you will be responsible for assisting."

As soon as Zhao Chen came up, he began to arrange tasks.

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