The system task is here! Zhao Chen found a reason to leave the banquet venue and came to a quiet place. Two system pop-up windows appeared in front of him. [Annual task: Please graduate from the North Star Fleet Military Academy within one year. ] Zhao Chen was stunned. Graduate from the North Star Fleet Military Academy within one year? You know, he is only a fourth-year student now, and normally he has to wait more than two years to graduate. Before the end of this year, he will be a fifth-year student at most. However, the rewards for the quarterly tasks are so generous, and the rewards for such an annual task are definitely not much different. It’s a pity to waste it in vain. It seems that he has to find a way to graduate from the North Star Fleet Military Academy as soon as possible. It just so happens that he also wants to build the Xiaolong Galaxy with all his strength after preparing a certain foundation.

Look at another task pop-up window.

[Quarterly task: Own five different types of T2 and T2-level starships (3/5)

Build an interstellar fleet with a fleet of thirty starships. Note: must be T2 or T2-level starships (12/30)

Own a T3-level starship (0/1) (system-produced starship)]

This task has a lot of requirements.

However, the first two requirements are not difficult to complete.

Five different types of T2 and T2-level starships. Now Zhao Chen has built three T2 starships: the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, the T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigate, and the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship.

At the same time, there are technical drawings of a T2 Bronze Eden-class starship and a T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser in his system warehouse.

If it doesn't work, exchanging a T2 starship from the T2 mall is also a piece of cake for Zhao Chen now.

The second requirement is thirty starships. Just the T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigate, Zhao Chen can complete this task requirement in two months.

The most important thing is the third requirement.

A T3-level starship.

Zhao Chen once again opened the technical drawings of the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser that had been lying in his system warehouse for a long time.

To build this T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser, the first construction cost is 13 million star coins!

This is equivalent to the construction cost of 130 T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigates or the construction cost of nearly ten T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starships.

Zhao Chen only had less than 1.2 million star coins left.

There was a tenfold gap.

It was not easy to make up for this tenfold gap in three months.

In addition, if the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship was used to build the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser, all production capacity would need to be provided for a two-month construction period.

Only then could the construction be completed.

Even if it went to the best starport workshop, it would take about the same amount of time.

But this T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser was destined not to be built in the starship workshop of the starport, because once it was built and sailed out of the starport, it could be basically determined by the appearance of the ship that it was a T3 starship, or a T3 starship model that had never been registered!

At that time, if the rental records of the starship workshop in the starport were checked again, Zhao Chen would be exposed.

Building a T2 starship might not have a big impact, but being able to build a T3 starship that had never appeared before would definitely attract some bad attention to Zhao Chen.

Although exposure may be a matter of time, the later the better, so that Zhao Chen can prepare more.

Construction cost, construction time.

These two are the problems facing Zhao Chen.

"This quarterly task is not easy." Zhao Chen muttered, but if he didn't complete it, he would feel a little distressed to waste the reward for a quarterly task.

Zhao Chen closed his eyes and began to plan and conceive in his mind.

After a few seconds, Zhao Chen opened his eyes.

He already had a series of construction plans.

First, use the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship No. 1 to spend a month to expand a T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship.

In the second month, the T2 Hammer No. 1 ship began to carry out the construction task of the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser, and completed it in two months.

At the same time in the second month, the T2 Hammer No. 2 ship started

The first T2 Eden-class starship was built. It was estimated that it would take less than a month to complete. Although the cost of this auxiliary starship was high, it did not take long to build.

In the third month, the T2 Hammer II ship was fully operational to build a large number of T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigates, or other T2 starships that could be completed within the time limit, to complete the standard of 30 starships in the quarterly mission.

"Time is not a big problem.

The problem lies in the gap in raw material resources. Counting the construction costs of all starships, it will cost a full 20 million star coins." Zhao Chen covered his face.

With this calculation, the funding gap is even bigger.

Where can he get the money?


Come on, the Xiaolong Galaxy is still a mess now.

Then he can only get money from outside.

Zhao Chen thought of Li Yaqi. Arms trade is the fastest way to make money!

In a hurry to get funds, he sold the technical drawings of a T1 wolf lice-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer at a low price. At that time, he adopted a one-size-fits-all buyout, which was also a forced choice.

If he chose to sell the technical authorization or agency rights.

The funds obtained in a short period of time would definitely not be so high, and there was no way to get it all in one go, so he could only buy it out directly and make a quick buck.

But this time, Zhao Chen had no such plan.

With the trust established in Li Yaqi by the starship technology of the T1 wolf lice-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer.

This time he wanted to make a big deal with Li Wei's sister!

He had already conceived all this in his mind.

Afterwards, Zhao Chen returned to the dinner scene and enjoyed the rare leisure time of this New Year's Eve dinner.


The first day of the 3031st year of the Galaxy Calendar

This Xiaolong fleet officially set sail, with a total of thirteen starships sailing out of the Arctic Fox Star Port and heading towards the distant star field.

Zhao Chen looked at the fleet sailing in the aircraft carrier battle formation and thought: This is the scale of a fleet with aircraft carrier starships.

Previously, a strange assembled starship, coupled with a T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, did not look like a fleet.

Now ten T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigates are guarding around, and Blizzard Zero is located next to the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

In this way, they can respond to any possible threats at any time!

"Report, we have sailed out of the range where warp speed navigation is prohibited in the Arctic Fox Star Port." Secretary Lilith reported.

Zhao Chen sat in the captain's chair and gave orders: "Order the entire fleet to prepare to enter the warp speed navigation state.

Target, Arctic Fox Galaxy Gate!"

Use the Arctic Fox Galaxy Gate to reach the North Star System and then return to the North Star Star Fleet Military Academy.

After six months, Zhao Chen is finally going back to school.

PS: 1/4 update

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