The old man was very angry.

"Where did this stinky loser come from? How dare he scold me!" The big wave woman glared at Zhao Chen. This guy actually dared to call her a bitch!

At this moment, the pursuer of the big wave woman next to him was enlightened. This was a rare opportunity to show off.

He walked towards Zhao Chen: "You dare to be rude to Miss Zhou Min, let me see how I tear your mouth!"

As he said that, he waved his fist and hit the opponent's face.

Xue Xiaoxiao and others next to him were all scared. They didn't expect that the students of Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy were so arrogant. Not only did they dare to break the rules in the starship battle, but they also dared to hit people.

Zhao Chen faced the incoming fist, and his hand was the first to arrive. He directly grasped the opponent's fist and then twisted it.

"Ahhhhh..." The man knelt on the ground with a scream of pain on his face.

Zhao Chen then kicked him in the face, causing him to fly backwards. In the end, he accidentally slipped under the skirt of the big-wavy woman. Unfortunately, he was unconscious now.

He couldn't appreciate the scenery under the skirt of his dream lover.

"This seems to be Zhao Wan'er's brother, Zhao Chen!"

"It's the Zhao Chen who defeated the opponent in the starship duel with the same grade at the end of last semester when everyone was not optimistic about him?"

"Oh my god, how can this Zhao Chen be so good!"

"Have you noticed that this Zhao Chen is quite handsome."

Some of the students of the North Star Starship Military Academy around knew Zhao Chen, while others had heard about him.

But now, Zhao Chen punched the students from other schools right away.

It's really...

It's so satisfying!

In the past few days, the students of their North Star Starship Military Academy have long been unhappy with the students of the Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy.

Good fight!

"Good fight, it's better to beat that damn woman too!" Twin-tailed loli Xue Xiaoxiao jumped to Zhao Chen's side, looking like she was not afraid of trouble.

The noble lady named Zhou Min was also frightened by Zhao Chen's "rude" behavior at this time, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Zhao Chen ignored the woman, but looked at Zhao Wan'er again: "Your own affairs, take care of yourself.

People of our Zhao family, where you are humiliated, you will get it back there!"

Zhao Wan'er pointed to the T2 Fire Crow class heavy interstellar battle cruiser that was still being towed away from the starship duel field in the distance, and said aggrievedly: "But my starship was severely damaged, and some crew members were also injured..."

"Just tell me if you want to return the humiliation she gave you." Zhao Chen asked.

Zhao Wan'er nodded heavily, with unwillingness and anger in her eyes.

She admitted that she lost the starship duel.

But after she admitted defeat, the other party bombarded her starship, causing her crew members to be injured.

She couldn't stand this.

"I want to!" Zhao Wan'er gritted her teeth and shouted.

"Go challenge her, I'll arrange the starship." Zhao Chen said.

After hearing Zhao Chen's words, although Zhao Wan'er didn't know what Zhao Chen had arranged, she still felt confident.

She took a deep breath, walked straight to Zhou Min, and pointed at the other party: "Zhou Min, I want to challenge you again.

You decide the time!

Do you dare to accept it!"

Zhou Min was so angry that she laughed, and she said: "Okay, let's not postpone it. Anyway, my starship has not been affected.

Wait until my starship is resupplied, and then fight again in half an hour!"

"Okay! It's a deal!" Zhao Wan'er said.

Tap tap tap tap

At this time, the students who were watching made way, and several people who looked like instructors walked in.

"What's going on? I heard someone is beating someone up here?" A woman with a sharp voice walked in quickly and saw her own student lying on the ground.

She immediately pointed at the male instructor of the North Star Starship Military Academy next to her angrily: "Vice President Jiang, what's wrong with you North Star!

My student was beaten up by your student here for no reason. You have to give me an explanation!

We are from the Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy this time to have an academic exchange with you. Is this how you treat guests?"

Vice President Jiang looked a little surprised. He first calmed the other party's emotions: "Vice President Jia, calm down first. Let's understand what happened first."

At this time, the students on both sides started to curse.

"The students of their North Star Starship Military Academy can't afford to lose, and they beat people up!"

"Nonsense, it's obviously their Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy.

The people from the Yaozhi Starship Military Academy committed a foul in the starship duel. They fired even though the other party had already admitted defeat! They caused injuries to the other crew members and insulted them as civilians! "

"What's wrong with saying you are civilians? Civilians should stay on the planet honestly. Why come out to drive a starship? You are not worthy of it!"

Soon, the two vice presidents understood the whole story.

Vice President Jiang's expression began to become a little unfriendly. He looked at Vice President Jia next to him: "Vice President Jia, it seems that this matter has its reasons. Both parties are responsible. Let's leave it as it is."

"Is Vice President Jiang trying to protect his shortcomings? "Vice Dean Jia was used to being arrogant and domineering, and he said bluntly.

You gossip, you have been so arrogant these days that people who don't know you would think you are the dean.

Since you are a guest, I treat you respectfully, but you are taking advantage of me!

Vice Dean Jiang cursed in his heart, but there was still a faint smile on his face: "If you have to investigate it, this matter is very obvious. The cause is that your students did not abide by the rules and fired after one side surrendered and stopped fighting.

These rules in starship duels should have been taught in the first grade. Didn't your academy teach them?"

There was a sting in his words.

Vice Dean Jia looked unfriendly.

"Vice Dean Jia, just now their North Star students said they wanted to fight again.

Since everyone has conflicts, and we are all starship military academies, if there are any conflicts, let's fight directly on the starship." Zhou Min came over and looked at Zhao Wan'er with a sneer.

If she can beat this woman once, she can beat her a second time.

"I'll accompany you to the end! "Zhao Wan'er glared at the other party. At this moment, she was confident for some reason.

"Well, Vice Dean Jia. How about dealing with it like this? As for what happened just now, let's not ask about it." Vice Dean Jia looked at Vice Dean Jiang with a somewhat cold smile.

Isn't it very arrogant just now?

Well, I will let my students defeat your talented students again in front of you.

See if you can save the face of Beizhixing.

Vice Dean Jiang hesitated a little. He looked at Zhao Wan'er. He knew that this student was a very hardworking and talented student.

If two consecutive defeats caused any psychological trauma, it would be more trouble than gain.

"I think it's better..." Vice Dean Jiang wanted to evade the question.

Zhao Wan'er interrupted the vice dean and said firmly: "Vice Dean Jiang, I want to fight!

Please respect my decision!"

Vice Dean Jiang frowned and walked to Zhao Wan'er: "Student Zhao Wan'er, your starship is damaged and the crew members are injured. How can we fight?

Let's forget it this time."

"I have a starship! I want to fight!" Zhao Wan'er said stubbornly.

At this time, Zhao Chen came over and said, "Vice President Jiang, let women solve the problems between women themselves."

As he said that, Zhao Chen winked at Lilith behind him and whispered, "Take Wan'er to Black Rhino."

"Yes." Lilith walked to Zhao Wan'er, and then the two left.

Seeing this, Zhou Min sneered, "Since you still want to humiliate yourself, then I will fulfill your wish.

I hope your starship can withstand the beating this time." After saying that, he turned around and went to his starship where he was docked for supplies again, preparing for the next second battle!

PS: 4/4

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