“They said that they can’t use the cafeteria today.”
“Are you serious!?”
I heard that rumor this morning. During the morning assembly, according to our teacher, the ingredients didn’t arrive because of transportation troubles. Too bad, I was thinking about getting Ten-don today.
But really, this is quite a problem. Since they can’t use the cafeteria, I won’t be able to have lunch today. I’m starting to get hungry as noon approaches. Getting hungry is proof that you’re healthy.
I wonder what people who usually get lunch too will do? As I was pondering this, a boy from another class came in to invite Tanaka-kun. They’re the people that I had lunch together with before.
“Satoshi, let’s go to the food stand.”
“Sure, I’ll go right now.”
The stand. I see, they’re going to buy lunch at the food stand. All right, maybe I’ll go buy mine at the stand. I’ve never gone to a stand a single time so I’m excited to see what they’re selling.
I followed Tanaka-kun and his friends to the stand. When I arrived, it was a battlefield.
“Katsu sandwich and tuna and salmon onigiri!”
“The yakisoba pan is sold out!”
“Seriously? Okay then I’ll get 4 croquette pan and onigiri! I don’t care what the type is!”
“Can I please have a melon pan and a fruit sandwich?”
“Ouch, don’t push me! Respect the order of the line!”
The people, people, people, pushing in towards the stand. It’s terrifying….. I have to get inside this? It looks like I would get squashed in there.
As a test I tried to get in once but I was instantly pushed out. The other girls around me were also desperately trying to wedge themselves into the crowd. S-Strong. I’m healthy now but I still don’t have enough strength. Should I try weight training?
Unable to progress further in the line, I heard more and more foods go out of stock. At this rate I’m not going to have lunch.
As I was feeling greatly perplexed by this, I saw a large person push their way through the crowd.
In one hand he held a huge plastic bag filled with onigiri. Is he going to eat all of them? Amazing.
“Nn? Oh it’s you Shinozuka. What are you doing here? If you want to buy from the stand you should hurry up. They’re going to be all sold out.”
“Uuu…… I tried to get in the crowd to buy food but I was just pushed out.”
Seeing me feeling down, Mikoshiba-kun offered out his hand of salvation.
“Yeah, you are pretty petite Shinozuka. What do you want? I’ll go get it for you.”
“What, I feel bad having you do that.”
I wouldn’t be able to enter this battlefield twice. If it would cause trouble for him I’d rather go without lunch.
“Don’t worry about it. If you go without food you’ll collapse. What do you want to eat?”
Mikoshiba-kun’s expression doesn’t seem to change very much. Even so, I feel like he was smiling just a little bit.
“All right then, I’ll take you up on your offer and rely on you for this. I don’t know what they’re selling so just get any 2 breads and 1 onigiri please. I don’t have any dislikes so just choose whatever you want!”
“I got it. Hold this.”
I held his plastic bag as Mikoshiba-kun entered the crowd. He pushed his way through the crowd as if it were easy. He’s like superman.
Then Mikoshiba-kun returned ordinarily and in his hand was a hot dog and two bomb-sized onigiri, they were so big that they couldn’t fit in my hand.
“I recommend this. It’s worth eating.”
“T-Thank you very much.”
I wonder if I’ll be able to finish it. The onigiri handed to me was profoundly heavy and I had no idea what was inside the one covered in seaweed. I’m a little excited to find out.
“You’re amazing, Mikoshiba-kun. You looked pretty cool, gallantly walking through the crowd like that.”
“Really? I guess I do have quite a lot of strength.”
“As I thought you must be working out right?”
I unintentionally kept looking at Mikoshiba-kun’s arm. Tight, muscular arms on guys are pretty attractive.
“I never slack off on weight training. Also, I do training for my club and running.”
“Club… I got it! You must be in the Karate Club, Mikoshiba-kun!”
“Nope. I’m in the Judo Club.”
Oh you were in that one. I bet your figure in the judo uniform suits you well. Judo is where you throw your opponent right? I’ve seen it being broadcasted online for the olympics once.
“Mikoshiba-kun, can you do the move where you’re like hyah and tohh?”
“You mean the seoi nage (shoulder throw)? I can do it but if I were to say so myself, I’m better at uchimata. Also newaza too.”
Uchimata? Newaza? I don’t know what they are but I assume they are judo techniques. A weaponless fight done on top of tatami mats. How nice, it’s hot and manly.
“Are you interested in judo?”
“I want to see it sometime.”
“I do judo after school so feel free to come watch.”
“Really? I thought I would start jogging to prepare for the athletic festival but maybe it’s better for me to build up my muscles?”
After I said that Mikoshiba-kun stood up and stared down at me.
“I think rather than building muscles you should gain some leaping power maybe? Since you’re participating in the bread eating contest.”
Once he opened his mouth he wouldn’t stop.
That’s right. No matter how fast I can run or how much physical strength I obtain, the only skill needed for the bread eating contest is jumping power.
“How is this jumping power?”
As I was holding the onigiri I jumped right from where I was standing. It didn’t feel like my view changed at all, I wonder if it will it be okay with only this much jumping power?
“Try it one more time. This time with all your might.”
He held my onigiri and bread for me, and this time I raised my arms as I jumped with all of my strength. How about that!
“That’s no good. Don’t lean forward when you jump. Here, look at this and aim towards it.”
He raised a hot dog over my head.
Oooh, could this be a full-blown practice for the bread eating contest? Since I have this chance I’ll try my best.
“Again. Move your arms more.”
“Yes, master!”
I jumped again and again, opening my mouth and aiming for the hot dog. This is pretty difficult. It could just be my imagination but Mikoshiba-kun looks like he’s enjoying this.
I could almost reach it but not quite, it seems like I need more practice. I think I’ll try asking Yuuya-kun for help at home.
But still, although I’ve been jumping over and over again I haven’t had any spasms, it’s pretty amazing to have a body that can exercise!
“What are the two of you doing?”
“Is this a new type of bullying? Mikoshiba seems to be enjoying dangling the bread over her.”
“No, it seems like this girl is just frantically trying to jump and doesn’t seem like she hates it. Rather than that…..”
「「「I want to be in Mikoshiba’s position—」」」
Since I kept jumping over and over I had less time to eat my lunch.
I decided to eat with Mikoshiba-kun in a classroom that was open and despite having so many onigiri they disappeared one by one. It was as though the rice was a drink and it went straight into Mikoshiba-kun’s stomach.
“Nn? Do you want some?”
“No no, please keep eating.”
Since I was staring so much he thought that I wanted some.
But it appears that Mikoshiba-kun has an average size for his onigiri, which includes the bomb onigiri that he recommended to me so I can’t take another one. To think that he could easily eat that size onigiri.
Since I was watching the whole time, my chest felt so full that I could only eat one bomb onigiri. I’ll eat the rest once I get home.
After I finished lunch, as I parted ways with Mikoshiba-kun and returned to the classroom I saw a person who looked like they were carrying heavy teaching materials. If I remember correctly, they were the day duty person for the same class. It seems difficult for a girl to carry this kind of heavy stuff.
“I’ll help you!”
“Eh? Shi-Shinozuka-san. That’s all right, it’s my job.”
What a great person. How far they go to take responsibility and carry heavy things. The reflection of a day duty person.
“Please keep at your day duty job. I’ll be cheering you on!”
“T-Thank you.”
But it really does look heavy. It’s teetering side to side. I want to help but that’s just for my ego right. She wants to carry out her own job. This isn’t where I come to play.
“……..Could you help me hold this for just a little?”
The girl walking by turned her head around apologetically. She’s depending on me right? I’m being relied on!
“Yes, with pleasure!”
“……..Ahaha, it’s like a bar.”
I took half of the teaching materials and as we were walking, we talked about silly things. Aah, talking with a female classmate. School life, I’m fully satisfied.
“Ever since you lost your memory, your mood has really changed.”
“Like somehow you’ve become more soft, like more friendly. Before, I didn’t want to get involved with you….. ah, sorry!”
“No, not at all.”
I’ve become more friendly. Those words remain in my ears like an echo. Since I’ve become more friendly that means I’ve adapted to the class right.
The athletic festival is on the Saturday of the week after next. At this rate, I might possibly be able to high five everyone in my class! The athletic festival and high fiving. This is youth!
“Oh, that looks heavy. I’ll carry it.”
From the top of the stairs a boy came down and took the teaching materials from both me and the day duty girl. Easily. Mu—, it must be nice to be a guy.
“Thank you for helping me, Shinozuka-san.”
“Feel free to ask me again any time.”
“Hey do I get no thanks.”
“You’re also in day duty aren’t you! Shinozuka-san helped us out so you should thank her too.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
I guess this boy was also in our class. I still haven’t memorized all the names and faces of my classmates.
“Thank you again Shinozuka. You look so young without makeup on. You’re cuter that way.”
Cute! Right? Aika-chan is so cute. I’m glad that there’s someone who understands Aika-chan’s cuteness.
“Thank you very much. I’m bad at putting on makeup. It just gets between the eyelids you see.”
“I know what you mean—. It hurts so much when you pluck your eyebrows right.”
“Ehh? you pluck your eyebrows? Won’t you run out?”
Why would you need to pluck your eyebrows?
“It’s just to arrange the shape of your eyebrows. When summer approaches you need to deal with all your unwanted hairs and it’s such a pain.”
“Deal with unwanted hairs?”
“That’s right. You use your razor like this.”
She stretched out her arm and pretended to shave, huh, wait a second. Isn’t a razor a blade? Furthermore, body hair is there for the sake of guarding the skin, so to cut it off is…….
“A girl covered in thick hair seems unsightly to others. It’s tough being a girl.”
So I guess it’s kind of a fashion thing. To use a blade seems dreadful…… I wonder if I can do it. When I was hospitalized, I didn’t pay attention to that kind of thing. Being a girl is more difficult than I imagined.
Anyways, I was glad that I got to talk to a classmate.
I’ve thoroughly gotten used to my after school student council work. It seems that it will continue until after the athletic festival.
Since it appears that Ichinose senpai is going to be late, I began to work on other things. The athletic festival isn’t the only job for the student council after all.
When I looked through the work we have over this year, it appeared that after the athletic festival is over we have midterms. It’s an exam, an exam. This is a day where they test your daily effort. I need to begin preparing by reviewing.
“Come to think of it, I heard that a rabbit appeared during lunch?”
“Dude, why are you asking me?”
“Because I heard a rumor that you were playing with a rabbit during at lunch.”
A rabbit he said!?
My ears unintentionally became like dumbo. Because, it’s a rabbit they’re talking about. Their ears are long, their fur soft, and their eyes big and round, such a cute animal. How lucky, Mikoshiba-kun. I wanted to play with them.
Huh? But during lunch he was eating with me. I wonder if he played with it before he saw me.
“No? I didn’t meet with a rabbit.”
“That’s weird. The eyewitness report I heard sounded pretty definite. Well, I can’t even imagine you doing something like playing with a rabbit though.”
If there really is a rabbit, I am definitely going to pet it
“I’m not really good with animals so if there really is a rabbit in our school I’ll be troubled.”
“But Akira is kind of like a rabbit.”
“…….I’m going to get angry.”
Sorry. I also just imaged that. Chiba-kun wearing rabbit ears. That would be cute for sure.
“Sorry for being late.”
“Ohh, it’s Sakurako. What’s the matter?”
Huh, what did he just say?
I felt like I had seen the person who came out walking gracefully from behind Ichinose senpai before. A beauty who had shoulder length hair with a little light brown mixed in. If you lined her up with Ichinose senpai they would match well.
Bit by bit my chest began to tighten.
“He had a few things to take care of. I really appreciate how you guys work until it gets late.”
“Hello Mamiya senpai.”
“Hello Chiba kun. How are you? Have you gotten used to student council work? I hear a lot about you from Kazuki. It’s really helpful to have a first year who can do work.”
To call Ichinose senpai by his first name, and talk about him so intimately. I have no doubt about it. This person is Sakurako-san. The person Ichinose senpai likes.
When I looked up at Sakurako-san from where I was sitting, our gazes met. From my nervousness and unease I wasn’t sure what to say so I just kept looking at her.
The light reflecting off of her hair was glistening brightly and her large eyes were tenderly smiling. She had the elegance and the warmly embracing atmosphere that Mayu-chan told me about. It was almost like she was Virgin Mary…… is what I thought at that time.
“No way, she’s super cute! The Aiko from before was all aloof and cute but the Aika now is like hohonn and is so adorable! I want to take her with me!”
“Don’t take her with you. Look, this is it. The data you wanted.”
“Ah, yeah that’s it that’s it. My throat feels dry so I’m going to get some tea.”
Sakurako-san took the data and made her own tea with the tea pack then drank it.
Huh, what happened to the elegant atmosphere she had before? I wonder if I am seeing a hallucination or something.
“I get how you feel, senpai. When I first saw her, I’m pretty sure I had the same expression as you have now.”
It appears that this wasn’t a hallucination.
“I’ll formally introduce her now. This unrefined girl here is Mamiya Sakurako.”
“Don’t say that I’m unrefined.”
It appears that she didn’t like Sakaki senpai’s introduction so she lightly kicked his chair. I wonder where Virgin Mary went.
“You have memory loss? I wanted to see you much earlier but are you okay? Do you have a headache or anything?”
“I-I’m alright.”
“But to think, your personality even changed with your memory loss. This Aika-chan hasn’t even said anything against me a single time. It seems like we don’t have any rivalry I guess.”
“I bet this is difficult for you, if you have any problems let me know. I can give you advice if you need it.”
It’s not the same tender smile as she had earlier but she has a glittery radiant sparkling smile. It’s the kind of smile that charms people.
Sakurako-san set down the cup that she finished, said “See you later,” and left the student council room.
“…….She’s like a storm.”
“That was the moment when I thought women are scary.”
“You used to yearn for her a bit right—”
“Hey, you’re wrong! It wasn’t like that!”
His face got red and he denied it but I’m sure that what Sakaki senpai said was true. Fufu, cute.
Nevertheless, her atmosphere was completely different.
“That is what is commonly referred to as gap moe I believe.”
“I wonder if that phrase suits Akira.”
“What, you’re talking about me! Generally, isn’t it strange to say that a guy like me has moe.”
As Sakaki senpai and Chiba-kun were quarreling, my gaze shifted towards Ichinose senpai.
Ichinose senpai never usually changes but since he’s with the person he likes he’s happy right. My chest feels a throbbing pain.
Not only does she have a tender, refined, demeanor and is pretty but she also has skin that is bright and like an elder sisters on the surface. That person is the person that Ichinose senpai likes.
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