Wicked Girl ch 18 (Part 2)

“Ha? There a key in the staff room, you can borrow it by writing down your name on the board and say a word to a teacher.” (Committee Member)

I went to the staffroom and returned the keys, the staff told me how to borrow the key. You can help you anytime with this. (TLN: Lol not sure about this:  職員室まで行って鍵を戻し、鍵の借り方まで教えてくれました。これでいつでもお手伝いが出来ます。)

“That reminds me, Shinozuka do you not have any club activities? I am part of the department culture, we the committee have no morning training to do though we have work, in any case club activities are taken as a priority ok? (TLN: And another one appears >.< そういえば、篠塚さんは部活入ってないの? 俺は文化部だから、朝練とかないし委員の仕事出来るけど、部活あるならそっちを優先でいいよ?) (Committee Member)

“Oh, club activities?” (Aika)

That reminds me, which club activities will Aika-chan be included in? In the case that I am included in some club activities, the person of the club should say what kind of club activities should I begin with.

“I do not understand.” (Aika)

“Oh, was it because of the memory loss? Umm, didn’t you say anything to anyone?” (Committee Member)

“No, nothing at all.” (Aika)

“However why don’t you go listen to your teacher and examine you? Just, I typical assist Kureta-sama who saved me. Thank you and have a good day, see you later.” (Committee Member)  (TLN: Why o why do you appear so correct but sound so wrong! Anyways: まぁ、俺的には手伝ってくれた方が助かるけどね。今日はありがとう、またね)

This made my head go ponpon, then I went and face the 3rd year student Aru-sama in class. In fact, he was the senpai (TLN: Kindy Check this line 先輩だったんだ。). Club activities huh. I did not notice till I was called, the sports department is good anyway. (TLN: Check this line as well. 言われるまで気付かなかったけど、どうせなら運動部がいいな)  The fight with a rival, the sweat of youth during student days. Its good, its good, the problem is that it makes my blood boil! (TLN: Better translation? いいよね、いいよね、血がたぎるってもんだい!)

A busy classroom. Tanaka-kung next to me came when I arrived at my seat (TLN: Not sure of this line but yeah it seems correct. 自分の席に着けば、隣の田中くんが声を掛けてきた。).

“Good morning Sinozuka-san. Well… I have a favor to ask of you.” (Tanaka)

“Ohayou. What is it?” (Aika)

A request is rare from Tanaka. He seems to be having a hard time saying it, is something troubling you? I am always taken care of by Tanaka-kung, If I can do something about it then I would like to do it.

“Go ahead, please say anything you want.” (Aika) (TLN: @[email protected] anything? Oh my, Aika. >///<)

“Ah, un. This week Saturday, do you want to practice together?” (Tanaka) (TLN: OH NO!!!! Flag alert! Flag alert! Man your battle stations! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!)

“Practice?” (Aika)

“To practice the three-legged race. There is a certain part where I am not able to unite my breath, because I think that a person who practice will not get hurt on that day… ah, but I hope Shinozuka-san does not dislike it.” (Tanaka) (TLN: Tanaka teme!!! Get away from Aika!)

How sweet it is to be careful not to get injured, aren’t you a hard worker. Rather I should have requested that unless it is no good. (TLN: I am not sure of this line here 寧ろ私からお願いしなきゃダメじゃない。If I am correct then that means she would have asked him for it. Noo!!)

“Yes, please!  (TLN: No! No! No! Why did you accept you baka!) Lets practice and get better.” (Aika) (TLN: *sigh* I am not gonna ship these 2)

“Thank goodness. Because of that if you like, would like to eat a lunch with me later? Look, I get hungry when I exercise.” (Tanaka) (TLN: Oi! You are pressing your luck buddy!)

O oh. To not only exercise but also to eat together. I have not eaten out ever since that side trip with Mayu and the other on the way back to school. In addition to that, it is a day off! I am fully enjoying it, I am fully enjoying my life.

“I would be happy to! We will practice a lot and eat a lot.” (Aika) (TLN: Welp GG WP Tanaka)

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