Evil Girl Chapter 21


I who decided to eat lunch with Kana and Mayu-chan, hurried over to the location that we agreed upon. To be able to eat lunch with a friend, it is a dream of a school life.


“Aika” (?)


I who was restless was stopped, it was a group of 4 girls. Who? The same grade was written on their gym clothes, they were also wearing the uniform of the school.


“Etto…” (Aika)

“Ah, Sokka (EN: I see). It’s memory loss. We were in the same class and in good terms when we were 1st years.” (Girl Group)


Ooh, they were the ones that Tanaka-kun was talking about, they are children whom Aika was friends with when they were kids.


“If it’s good, shall we eat lunch together at noon? We are alone anyways.” (Girl Group)

“Sorry. I promised to eat with a friend.” (Aika)


Even if you try to invite me, I want to eat with Mayu-chan and the others. Even if they were close with Aika before, Mayu-chan and the others are my present friends. I will learn on how to make friends with them soon.


“Friends? I think that would be impossible for you to do.” (Girl Group)


“Think of a better excuse if you are going to lie. I will eat with the people from the student council anyway. But because we are friends, we will accompany you together.”


My arm was grasped hard and it got pulled, I hurriedly deny it.


“I really want to eat with my friend. Everyone in the student council would like to eat with their friends as well, is no one by the officer’s tent?” (Aika)


That is true. When the student council eats by the officer’s tent then the other kids would come as well, this would prevent the tent from becoming messy.


“……to be not available.” (Girl Group)


“In that case, tell me about the student council. Don’t you guys get along?” (Girl Group)

“I am truly sorry. I made a promised, I want to eat with Mayu-chan.” (Aika)

“What’s that? You hate eating with us?”


Why is it so? I did not say anything about hating it.


I still do not understand even if I say it many times,I was suddenly held out a helping hand while still being completely lost. 


“Shinozuka. What happened?” (?)


It was Mikoshiba with 4 bento (EN: Lunch box). Eh, are you going to eat them all?


“Mikoshiba here. It’s been a while!” (Mikoshiba)


The voice tone was raised, the hand which was holding me was released and thus I ran behind Mikoshiba-kun. There were traces of red on my wrist… it is slightly painful.


“……who are you?” (Mikoshiba)

“Wha, is this a joke? We were in the same class when we were first years.” (Girl Group)


That means, he was in the same class with Aika.


“It is too bad that I do not remember it. Shinozuka, Seta was looking for you so hurry up and go.” (Mikoshiba)

“U,un (EN: Ye,yes). Arigatou Mikoshiba-kun (EN: Thanks Mikoshiba-kun).” (Aika)


I was able to get away because of Mikoshiba-kun. While thanking Mikoshiba-kun, I head down to Mayu-chan. I must hurry since I kept them waiting for too long.


“Osoi! (EN: Slow!) Over here. ”


When I arrived to the appointed courtyard, Mayu-chan was waving her hand.


“Sorry, I kept you waiting.” (Aika)

“There is still time so I do not mind. Le,Let’s eat our lunch box.” (Mayu)


When I tried to line up on the bench and open my lunch box, Mayu-chan saw the slight traces of red that was still on my wrist.


“What’s this!? Who did this to you?” (Mayu)

“The fact is…” (Aika)


Without lying, I told her about the events that happened awhile ago to which Mayu-chan’s face turned scary.


“Those guys. They were old friends of Aika, it is slightly unpleasant.” (Mayu)

“It was good that Mikoshiba-kun happened to pass by, Aika-chan. If your wrist hurts, shouldn’t it be cooled?” (Kana)

“I am alright. Leaving that aside, I want to eat my bento (EN: lunchbox).” (Aika)


Kyu (TLN: Stomach noise), With that I heard the sound that came from my stomach. My stomach was already at its limit.


“Haha, I got hungry because I ran. Let’s have our meal first. Let’s talk after that.” (Aika)


I placed my bento on my knees and opened the cover, I could not help but raise my voice and scream.



“What’s wrong? Uwah…it became sloppy. Did you drop it?” (Mayu)


I vigorously moved my neck left and right.

The lunchbox, the bento which my mother made for me! Why is it this mess……


“You have a face which looks like it is the end of the world……” (Kana)

“Want to eat my rice ball?” (Mayu)


I stopped myself from crying. The rice ball, however Mayu’s mother made it for Mayu.

I was thinking of a reason why my bento is in such a state. I do not remember dropping it. I should have held it properly. Then why…


“A…ahhh!” (Aika)


I remember! It was that time during the train this morning! When I was knocked down, there was only the bag acting as a cushion that time. The contents of the bento became soggy then.

Aa… even though my mother made it with so much effort.


“Aika, why don’t you tell me what happened?” (Mayu)


My tears were falling while my head is being stroked, i peeped and saw a worried face. Tears were trickling down while I tell the events that happened this morning, I sighed greatly.


“What do I say, I am very worried about Aika-chan’s future.” (Kana)

“Eh?” (Aika)

“Isn’t the Aika-chan before hard to approach a little?” (Mayu)

“It was to the extent that there was a rumor before about her taking revenge 3 times.”


Ofu. Aika-chan is strong. I should follow her strength. “However I am anxious about the future”, what do you mean by this?


“Aika-chan who was hard to approach, nowadays is pretty easy to approach, a girl who is thinking about doing something strange might try and get close.” (Kana)

“Something strange?” (Aika)

“These people wants to be friends with the people from the student council.” (Mayu)

“Aa, that might be it. It must be because of popularity.” (Kana)


That reminds me, I feel like the girls a while ago wanted to eat rice with the people from the student council too. If it isn’t for me, you should say it directly to the person.


“Afterwards, it was harassment from the child who was holding a grudge against the former Aika.” (Mayu)

“I am already used to it.” (Aika)


Nishijima-san remembered the thing that happened this morning. Though I am not very interested in them bad mouthing, Aika-chan’s body is being damaged already. I have to be careful.


“But your mother’s bento protected it.”(Kana)

“Eh.” (Aika)

“So Aika-chan did not get hurt, to think that your mother’s bento protected you.” (Kana)


By Kana-chan’s words, my heart burst with deep emotion.

I see, I was protected by mother. Thanks, mother.


“Itadakimasu! (EN: Let’s eat!)” (Aika)


It became sloppy, the bento that mother made me. I will eat it all.


“Delicious! I really love sweet omelet. And Mayu-chan, do you think about wanting to make friends with the people from the student council?” (Aika)


Some of the children in class, came to hear the student council talk, I did not hear it from the 2 people.


“It would certainly be cool, because for me senpai is earnest” (Mayu)

“A manly face, that’s not it, a muscle head.” (Kana)


Macho loving Mayu-chan. Is this person like Mikoshiba?

Then we talked about the competition, I got excited when I heard about the love story of Kana-chan. In a normal lunch break, eating it should be like this.


“However, I cannot really throw this. Tell Tanaka later.” (Mayu)

“Tanaka?” (Aika)

“That guy is deeply in love with Aika.” (Mayu)

“I did not hear about this. Details!” (Kana)


Kana-chan’s eyes brightened, while Mayu-chan made a difficult looking face, I was so shocked that the panda rice ball was destroyed.


I finished eating my lunch, I went to the officer’s tent


The afternoon competition is beginning and the third graders began cheering. Let’s say it clearly. I think it is slightly abnormal.


There are 3 sets of cheering squads in the middle of the ground. While scrambling to take a photo, each class were busy setting up the their cameras in their smartphone.


Midway a cheer of support began due to the result of the order positions. I was not able to see it. The reason is, it was shut out by the enthusiastic and excited wall of girls.


There is no helping it, I will take the break until it’s Ichinose-senpai’s turn, I stood on the chair and saw it from the back when it was his turn.


“So cool…”(Aika)


Shutter sounds came from all directions. Ichinose-senpai is wearing a black stand-up collar school uniform, everyone then shouted when a karate like movement was made. After it ended, the appearance and voice of Ichinose-senpai remain in my ears and in my mind, for a while the sound lingered.


Sorry, Sakaki-senpai. I still cannot see it even though I supported you. Sakaki-senpai and Mamiya-senpai of the class are both beautiful, the boys in the class are making noise, I regretted that I failed to notice.


A cheering squad was later at the first grader’s obstacle course, after that it was the second year’s tug of war. It is the competition that I am going for.


“Be careful not getting injured.”


Sudo-sensei is in charge with the class that has the yellow flag, I was guided to the location of the rope. The other class is the red group where Kana is.

I bent down and grasp the rope, I pulled it at the sound of the pistol.


“Fugiiii” (TLN: SFK of someone pulling the rope?)


I gradually pulled it gradually backwards with all my power, once again the pistol sounded off which marked the end.


“Yatta! (EN: Yay!) We won!” (Aika)

“Ou, we won. But the problem is…” (Student)

“The blue group is up next.” (Student 2)

“They have a person named the king of beasts who is the same level as an elephant.”

“King of Beasts?” (Student 3)


What kind of people are those I wonder, I look at everyone in the eyes, there were Mikoshiba-kun and  Gatai’s good boys in the blue team. I wonder if Mayu-chan would be happy when she sees it, Mayu-chan is in the blue group.


“…I see.” (Aika)


I smiled wryly remembering that Mikoshiba is running the 50 meter race. That was great.

The blue team changed places with the red team, Mikoshiba is also known as the King of Beasts, the beast have eyes as if he is hunting game. Hii, I will be eaten! I thought so by intuition.


“Ready…… ”


The teacher places his arm highly, pulls away the foot that was stepping on the rope and then strike the pistol.


“Seno, e,eh!?” (Aika)


I tried to pull it with the sound of the pistol. So, I did. But before we were able to pull it our bodies are already being pulled,


“Eh,eh, eeeeeh!?” (AIka)


《What terrible power! Blue team, vice president Mikoshiba at the head, one of the super-weight division of the athletic club shows terrible power off the bat. Highlighting his strength!》


In a form that is sandwiched between 2 girls that is in front and behind me, I was dragged forward. Because it was pulled to forcefully, I released my hold of the rope, I was crushed. It was not only me, some other girls were dragged and sandwiched, a cloud of dust rose.


“Yooooosssh!!!” (Blue Team)


A pistol sounds, including a courageous shout of Mikoshiba, the blue team raised a cry of joy. The yellow team was stunned while hearing that voice. It ended so suddenly.


“Monster…… ” (Stundet 1)

“There are too many who are sports oriented and heavyweight in the class, the blue team this year.” (Student 2)


There are some people who are hurt, the rescue group rushes.


“Are you alright?! Shinozuka-san?” (?)


Tanaka-kun whose clothes were polluted by the cloud of dust, rushed up to me anxiously. Yokatta (EN: Thank goodness). That was the feeling when I saw that Tanaka-kun does not seem to have a single injury.


“There is blood on both the knees and elbows! The number of people in the emergency group is not enough. Hold on I will carry you to the medical tent.” (Tanaka)


Without waiting for an answer, Tanaka-kun carries me and then runs. This is that right? A “Princess Carry”. I looked at Tanaka-kun’s impatient face from below.




“Does it hurt? Endure it a little.”


I strongly hold onto the clothes and nodded. The heartbeat of Tanaka-kun beat faster, the ears of Tanaka-kun turned red.


While I am treated, the tug of war between the blue team and the red team began. The result was the same. The red team got dragged like the yellow team, the tug of war ended with the victory of the blue team.


“Are you alright Aika?” (Tanaka)


To me who came back to the officer’s tent, Tanaka-kun frowned when he saw my injury. It’s a scratch on both knees and both elbows. The left arm is particularly bad, there was a scratch that traced from the elbow down to the wrist. I have damaged Aika-chan’s body. How can such a thing happen?


“Does it hurt?” (Tanaka)

“There is a place that tingles and aches, I am ok.” (Aika)


I held it at the wrist and  try not to touch the wound, it’s embarrassing. I sat down on the chair, I was told to rest.


“That incredible strength. He should control it a little.” (Aika)

“The control is useless. Because this is an earnest fight.” (Tanaka)


Is that so, this is an earnest fight. I have been defeated completely by the Herculean strength of Mikoshiba and the others, with this I have a good memory.


With an embarrassing face I laughed, Ichinose-senpai strokes my head and sees the program. I remembered the figure of Ichinose-senpai with a stand-up collared uniform of the cheering squad.


“The school uniform with the stand-up collar was cool.” (Aika)

“Thanks. The uniform with the stand-up collar of Keisuke was the center of attention.” (Ichinose)


The stand-up collar school uniform that Sakaki-senpai was white. I do not know because I have not seen it.


“……I was surprised.” (Ichinose)

“Eh?” (Aika)


I sat across the desk facing each other, I stared intently.


“Is school fun?” (Ichinose)

“? It’s fun. You can take lessons and have friends there too, everyday is really fun.” (Aika)

“You seem to be getting along well with Yuuya-kun. I was surprised at the borrowing competition.” (Ichinose)

“Is that so! There are a lot that are angry, Yuuya-kun is very gentle. He even helped me today.” (Aika)


My eyes narrow because I was listening happily, it wasn’t only Yuuya-kun, Mayu-chan and Kana-chan also spoke about mother. Every time I was laughing or amazed, it was very fun.


“Tanaka-kun is on the other seat, he is also very gentle. You also carried me when I was injured a while ago. Because Tanaka-kun was there, I feel like I have talked with everyone present in class.” (Aika)

“……is that so.” (Ichinose)


I smiled gently and touch one of my twin tails. I wonder what it is …… it’s ticklish.


“What are you doing?”(Ichinose)

“Keisuke” (?)

“Are you not going to prepare for the mock cavalry battle? Hurry and go.” (?)

“Aa, its that time already. Aika, don’t act so rashly.” (Ichinose)


My head popped, in exchange of Ichinose-senpai who left the tent, Sakaki-senpai sat down on the same chair. He seemed to be somewhat in a bad mood.


“It’s like this if I take my eyes off for just a second. Even if the memory disappears, the bitch did not seem to be cured.” (Sakaki)

“Bitch?” (Aika)

“At any expense, Sakurako likes Kazuki.” (Sakaki)


What is this now. I have known of it from the very beginning, I understand that Ichinose-senpai likes Mamiya-senpai.

Zukiri (TLN: SFX Heart beat?) my heart aches. Even if I understand it, the feeling of liking Ichinose-senpai would not fade away, I endured nearly crying desperately with a laugh.


“Those 2 should be able to marry early.” (Aika)

“………haaa” (Sakaki)


Sakaki-senpai puts his face down on the desk and sighs. Is something wrong?


“It is difficult to do. I hold feelings of guilt. By the way, is your injury alright?” (Sakaki)

“It isn’t so painful, I became damaged goods.” (Aika) (TLN: Can also be translated as It isn’t so painful, I just lost my virginity lol) 

“I do not think that way of speaking is a good idea.” (Sakaki)


The important body that Aika-chan have acquired from her mother and father.


《Saa (EN: Now), next is the mock cavalry battle of the 2nd year students. The hot fight between men begins now!》


Tanaka-kun should go for a mock cavalry battle. I will support you. I moved to the previous seat to have a good look, I watched it while being excited.


Violent music plays, I found Tanaka-kun together with 3 other people on horses.


“Un, I do not know who is who.”

“Kent knows it but.”


Mikoshiba-kun got onto a horse for big boys, it is very big and easy to find. Because a blue tag was attached to the contestants, Mikoshiba-kun looks like a general.


“Ma, it will be Kent’s solo win.”

“Not at all. Even everybody has practiced hard.”


I practiced physical education a lot with the class. Everyone do your best!

I cross my hands and pray, the match started at the sound of the conch. It isn’t a real conch shell, I was disappointed when I found out that it was recorded. I wanted to blow a conch.

Probably because my mind was on the blue team, the yellow team cooperates with the red team, the blue team took a headband.


《Kitaaaa (EN: It came)! The black beast moves at last! The headband of the yellow team which was near the red team was snatched, he is indeed the king of beast!! The nickname isn’t just for show!》


Everyone thought that it was a Mikoshiba who would be the sole winner. Mikoshiba-kun who was busy concentrating on the prey in front of him, from behind him a shadow creep up quietly. A foot was placed on the back of the friend who was the horse, from behind the headband of Mikoshiba was snatched.

Mikoshiba noticed it late, he looked back and tried to brush off the hand, the boy fell down from the horse while taking the headband.


《Wha, what the! The headband of the King of Beast has been taken away from the back, such a reckless guy! The headband has been stolen, the blue team loses!!》


A cheer of joy came from the tent. It is great that they took the headband from Mikoshiba-kun!


《Who on earth took it!? 》


Because the boy fell off the horse, he came back into position. The one who took away Mikoshiba-kun’s headband is……


“Tanaka!” (Aika)


Tanaka-kun who has been dirtied by the clouds of dust, came back into position laughing.

Tanaka-kun won against Mikoshiba-kun. Sugoi sugoi (EN: Wow wow) (ALT: Amazing)! I made a standing ovation in my excitement.


“Hee, there was a guy who won again Kent. Not bad.” (Someone)

“Hai (EN: Yes)! Tanaka-kun is great!” (Aika)


Tanaka noticed me who was still clapping my hands, I waved my hand lightly. I wave my hand as much as I can.


“Hmm, Tanaka……ne(EN:right).” (Someone)

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