Sougen no Okite ~Shii Yatsu ga Moteru, Ii Buzoku ni Umarekawatta zo~
I don't know the enemy.
- Commander Fort Kicker.
I couldn't believe the sight in front of me.
Two nights after we left the convoy, we received reports that something was approaching east.
I climbed up to the tallest watchtower in Castle Fort and looked east.
There's something approaching with the earthen smoke. If you stare, tons of horses and carriages. Characteristic bow shape. Men in leather armor.
Definitely. The people of the meadows.
Funny, they should be in the Kingdom and Fort II... The second fort fell? No, that's still too soon.
I've thought about the last thing I want to think about right now.
The emperor's direct battlefield observer betrayed him to report a lie...
No, it can't be. Those are the people there who boast the trust and loyalty of the emperor in a group made up of princes, lords, lieutenants, and descendants more than pastoral identities, I don't know. No, I betrayed you. I'm not convinced if I don't think about it that way. Yes, now I have to do what I do.
I summed up the thoughts in my head right away and I gave instructions.
"Give him the jump bridge now! All three gates."
The people who were flabbergasted when they saw the people of the meadows in my words also moved.
Make sure the jump bridge is up.
Now this Kicker Castle Fort becomes an iron-walled Castle Fort.
This castle fort is neither a siege weapon nor a vice of the kingdom. Unparalleled by the three fortifications on the kingdom's side.
The people of the meadows can also see the moat and walls of this Kicker Castle fort flashing.
Hooray for you to return soon with this, but you won't go either.
Two days after the people of the meadows came, they are laying formation in the southeast of Fort Kicker Castle.
It's not like I'm attacking Kicker Castle Fort. It's just like I'm still watching this one.
There is one problem right now.
Those who fled after losing battles in forts gathered around Kicker Castle Fort.
Asking those familiar with the culture of the meadows, they hate attacking those who flee from behind with those who are also proud of the battle.
If you're going to attack, it looks like the enemy you declared your enemy to be, or the one who escapes while defending something.
From them, he seems to recognize that those who flee while protecting something are those who defend it and are fighting.
Those who are around have nothing. They are the ones who have fled wearing them. In other words, attacking them would be a disgrace to them.
Occasionally a young woman runs away together and comes out to catch it.
The men immediately held the woman down when they saw they were being targeted and gave it to the people of the meadows.
I am not sure what to do with the imperial people who come together day by day.
We have to lower the bounce bridge to get them inside.
But what would happen if the people of the meadows attacked me at that time, even though Fort Kicker Castle would still not be vicious, in case? Maybe there's a siege weapon that dropped two forts in no time.
Every day more and more people gather to mourn that they have not eaten anything for a few days and let me in thin and thin.
Morale in the kicker is declining significantly as a result of this.
"Commander, how about we keep them inside here? That will help them fight, and it will prevent this morale from dropping."
"No, but, um"
If we abandon them like this, the morale of the soldiers will be significantly reduced even if it does not go as far as collapse.
Some of the soldiers gathered outside harvest water birds and fish, but how long will that last too... All right.
The waterfowl has already gone to the meadow side.
"Call those who can use the magic of loudness."
I decided to let them inside.
I stood on the wall and let him use the magic of loudness.
"Down the western bounce bridge from the first bell from tomorrow's sunrise and open the gate. The deadline is until the people of the meadow move, as soon as they see the people of the meadow move, they close the gate and raise the bounce bridge. Of course, when I get inside, I'll let you see if it's the people of the meadows."
Cheers come from those who were around Fort Kicker Castle in one of my words.
I hadn't had a quiet night that night in a long time.
The next morning.
There is no movement in the people of the meadows.
He lowered the bounce bridge and opened the gate in alarm of an ambush from the South Forest.
All those who were gathered at Fort Kicker Castle gather around the West Gate and come in one after the other.
It's the start of the task of gathering them in the square inside Fort Kicker and gently examining them to see if there are any meadow folks.
I may not have the knowledge to do that to the people of the meadows, but I have to be mindful.
When they finished looking into it, they asked for food first.
The water is abundant. But they kept fleeing without food.
There are now a number of starving dead bodies placed outside Kicker Castle Fort.
I released food from the warehouse and shared it with them.
And from among them, he called the relatively high-ranking to explain the situation.
One was from Fort III.
Why have the three fortifications fallen and why are there no Royal Army?
"I don't know the details of the battle between the Imperial invaders and the Royal Army, but in the words of those who had withdrawn from the invaders who were in Fort III, it appears that in the middle of the battle with the Fourth Corps of the Kingdom, the barbarians rushed to reinforce the Royal Army and the barbarians' big men shot the general, the invaders collapsed and withdrew to Fort III. From there, the barbarians invaded Fort III, and there was no Royal Army at that time. In my opinion, they went to reinforcements to the Imperial Army of the South."
I couldn't hide my surprise in that word.
You still betrayed that battlefield observer, damn it! The people of the meadows took away food because they had been deceived by the mistletoe. Maybe he turned it into a souvenir and fell back on the people of the meadows.
I slapped my fist down on my desk.
Whoever was reporting to the act was astonished and atrophied.
"Sorry, so, what's the cont?
"Yes. So the barbarians arrived at Fort III, and we formed a formation. There was a man holding a shield and approaching us with the box. We responded with arrows, we tailed the man, but the next time the same man came out, he used his shield to stick it up the gate."
"Suddenly a great fire rose from those two men and the gates of the fort blew away"
Did you blow up every gate in the fort?
"Um, uh, no, I'm sorry"
"It's true, isn't it?
"Yes, when those who could use the magic of the water that then tried to extinguish it went around that fire, they started falling flabby and the fire spread even further. And the commander fled first, and so did the others, including me."
"Thank you. Next"
It's an incredible story, but no, wait, I did hear about a big fire coming up from a wagon abandoned about Shaomin three years ago when the people of the meadow broke in... When I heard it, it was conveyed in the wind of Shaomin's excuse for missing the people of the meadows, but could it be that?
The other two stared at me like I was frightened to be a figment face, but there was still talk of the second fort, the first.
I thought so and I listened to them.
Both stories were similar, and the gates were blown with boxes of examples of the people of the meadows, not believing that the previous fort had fallen.
Back off whoever made the report and I came up with something about the future.
Turns out the people of the meadows have terrible siege weapons.
But I can see that you can't use it here to hear its power.
Because if you use such a powerful siege weapon, you'll even break the bounce bridge.
You can rest assured there first.
Next problem.
When will the people of the meadows return?
You know they can't drop this castle fort either.
What are you waiting for? I don't know.
Next day
There is still no movement in the people of the meadows.
Proceed with today's business with that quiet in a creepy way.
Then one man jumped into my office.
"Oh, my God."
"What's up?
"Yesterday the people who let us in are gathering to protest."
"What happened?
Hmm? What?
"Well, there's not a lot of rations. That's why."
I hold my head.
There are not that many soldiers in this fort.
However, the number of invading army defectors, the first, second, and third castle defectors entered this castle fort and doubled the number of soldiers originally in this castle fort.
There are three times as many soldiers as there have been so far, but there is no problem when it comes to the capacity of Fort Castle. But there's not much food left. Food replenishment will be here in about two days.
When that happens, we're going to use almost all of our troops to get out of the south and west, consolidate our defenses and welcome our supply troops.
Therefore, from today onwards, the soldiers decided to cut their rations by up to one third for those who are highly stateless and receive more.
Those who were in this castle fort from the beginning accepted, but those who fled from the outside seem uncomfortable.
To be honest, nearly three times the usual amount of food was consumed in yesterday's distribution.
If the supply is delayed for any convenience, the customer cannot even see.
Explaining the food situation made me curse for being deceived into releasing food. Well, this is within our assumptions.
It was at this castle fort that the determination between the soldiers and the defeated began.
Next day
There is still no movement of the people of the meadows.
It's like you're enjoying the food you took from us.
I haven't eaten much either. Seeing the people of the meadows with strength in their lightly rinsed bellies.
When I go back to the office, I get a report that I have another minor problem.
Next day
There is no movement of the people of the meadows.
Looking west, I don't see a supply unit.
Today, something happened that developed from a minor fight to a blade wound shaft.
Both names were executed for the crime of private struggle, which at first subsided but the disturbing air did not disappear.
That day, in the evening, the supply troops did not show up.
There's not much food left. Tomorrow, come tomorrow.
That's how I finish my business today.
Then one man asked for permission to enter the room.
"Get in."
"Excuse me."
The man is one of the commanders of this castle fort and one I trust.
"What can I do for you?
"I have asked the commander to authorize my departure."
Permission to leave? You can't admit that. Their strength this man will also know.
"Of course we're not going out normally. You wait for the night, you approach quietly and fold up all at once. Night raids are my best fight. Permission, please."
I put my hand on my chin and thought. Night raid...... That would be the only way to beat that meadow folk opponent indeed.
"Can you go?
"I've been watching the movement of the people of the meadows over the past few days wondering if the odds are high, but don't burn too many bonfires and very few soldiers around, if you ambush them with my Bat Squad and succeed in the ambush, let's get out and take back the food that was taken"
"All right, fine. Get ready."
The man left the room.
Bat troops are gathering in the square at night.
They are troops trained to have a good night's eye.
Weapons have swords, but they don't even use metal or even skin on their armor.
Because even the rubbing sound of the skin is a factor in their discovery.
They also pluck the weapon right before the ambush, covered in a black cloth so that there is no sound.
He descends from the walls without a sound and crosses with a ladder on the moat.
I myself started gathering reliable soldiers at Castle Fort to prepare for my departure.
They did not know the people of the meadows.
~ Jumka ~
I also wiped Shaolan's body with satisfaction today and laid Shaolan to sleep beside him.
Shaolan also started sleeping with a calm face, getting used to it.
I discussed it with Shaolan today and told him I would take him to the meadows when the battle was over again.
He also acknowledged that Shaolan could not be happy as a woman in the Empire.
Of course, until I made him a proper slave wife in the meadows, the virgin looked somewhat unhappy if she promised to protect him.
I'm in fur trying to get some sleep.
"Vubaugh, Vubaugh, Vaughn"
I wake up in an instant to the sound of a dog.
He immediately wore armor and held a bow and sword.
Many meadow wolves are nocturnal.
Therefore, we teach some dogs to teach us to scream during late night raids.
Whether the men and women of the people of the meadows are asleep with the sound of this dog or holding a woman, they are trained to take it immediately to a state of combat posture.
When you're ready to go outside, one man after another comes out of Simple Pao.
Bololks on the center of the formation. Fire brightened by those who can use the magic of fire.
Those dressed in black were desperately struggling to get things out of something as they headed to the place where the dog was roaring.
Maybe the ones who tried to attack us at night. But these dogs teach us to assume the wolves who are many times better at erasing signs than you are.
"Shoot him."
When I release the arrow with the signal, it pierces the throat of the man who was at the forefront and hits the tree behind me.
One arrow after another releases it to the border, and the arrows pierce the men in black.
Eventually, no one moved and the slaves stabbed Todome at each and every one of them.
I thought maybe there was some movement at Castle Fort, but after a while nothing moved, so the scene was dissolved.
One battle ended and I went back to my simplified pao.
The room was also slightly brighter in the light of the bright flames outside.
"Um, what happened?
I thought I was already asleep. I was surprised to hear from Shaolan.
Take it easy. Okay.
"There was their night raid. But this one-sided counterattack wiped them out."
I nodded with a face like Shaolan was convinced by one of my words.
But one of those behaviors is strangely kitty.
The dokundokun and heart rattle.
Shaolan fragrance that smells faint if you take a deep breath.
Shit. I'm excited about this fight.
Speaking of which, before, when I was holding Lucci, Ann, and Roche, there was a wolf raid and I held Roche as a redo after it was over, but you didn't seem to be yourself then.
The excitement grew even more when I checked my current situation.
I put my bow down, I put my sword down, I took off my armor.
Take another deep breath to calm down.
No, I can't. Shaolan smells good in my nose.
Relax, relax yourself.
I was called out by Shaolan when I thought so.
But even one voice is poisonous to me now.
The fur on the thigh and the shaolan is moving.
"Please, if you're ready, I'm ready."
You embarrassed yourself by saying that with strong eyes. Shaoran immediately turns his gaze and meditates on his eyes.
Ready, ready...
Even though I didn't think I could, I couldn't stop my arm and removed the fur hanging on Shaolan.
The arm was tied in the upper part and Shaolan was there with his legs wide open.
Between my legs I hide with clothes but my legs are wide open so if I roll this......
My stuff hurts when I strain it on my gingin.
"I'm really ready. Please."
That one word was todome.
I rolled up the front part of Shaolan's clothes.
There was an unprotectedly exposed Shaolan nudity there.
I always hang and watch, but this is how I fall asleep and see it. Shaolan's nudity was also beautiful.
Shaolan's crack is also in full view because he has wide legs.
Shaolan's crack is tightly wet and can be inserted at any time if it gets a little wet.
I found my throat gobbling.
Take off the pants you were wearing and put your body between Shaolan's legs.
Grasp the thighs touched for only a small amount of time in order to open the legs when wiping the cracks.
Comfortable touch and elasticity to bounce your fingers back.
I want to rub my thighs forever.
The feel of my thighs makes my stuff harder and hotter.
Shaolan looked at my stuff once and opened his eyes and bit his lips just a little bit.
"(It's okay, I'm not afraid)"
I closed my eyes again as I said something bumpy.
I looked at meditating on my eyes as a signal and hit my thing on Shaolan's crack.
Nasty water sounds from a sufficiently wet crack with me watching and caressing my thighs.
Slowly advancing hips opens the crack of Shaolan without much resistance and accepts my stuff.
Its Shaolan's slight groaning and warped face makes it lose power from all over his body.
No. You shouldn't be running around like this and taking away her virgin.
That's how I was able to pull myself back.
But the excitement doesn't subside.
I don't know what to do. Slip my stuff over the crack of Shaolan.
The movement shivers Shaolan.
It conveys the feel of Shaolan's crack on the back of his stuff.
The softness of the surface of the crack feels really good.
He unconsciously grabbed the outside of Shaolan's thigh and forced it to close.
Muyuri and Shaolan's thighs wrapped my stuff around me.
Slippery, fluffy, mochi thighs stimulate my stuff, and the bottom part has the chaolan crack stimulating.
I moved my hips unexpectedly for the first time I felt it.
Shaolan's thigh moves and moves to my thing.
This feels good.
This should be good.
Every time you move back and forth, your spine will tremble on your thighs.
I pierced Shaolan's thigh deep and ejaculated.
Finish ejaculating and release Shaolan's leg.
Shaolan's leg, removed from my hand, opened naturally.
My sperm, white from Shaolan's stomach to his chest, is polluting his body.
It's not enough yet, but I'll be fine once I get it out. I put on my pants and let the slaves outside bring water and cloth.
Receive water and cloth from slaves and go inside.
As he approached Shaolan, Shaolan was breaking his face and overflowing tears from the edge of his eyes and crying.
Oh, my God, what have you done? This isn't going to be the same as rape, then, but the agreement is, no, it's not. Same. Don't make excuses. Me.
I'm sorry, Shaolan.
"Why, anyway, I knew it, me"
I waited to calm down as I stroked Shaolan's head.
"I'm not that attractive, I don't like it anymore, I don't like it anymore, I don't like it anymore"
Shaolan is restless this way.
"I don't like this body anymore. No more."
After a moment of crying, Shaolan began meditating and sleeping in his eyes.
I wiped Shaolan's body, covered her clothes and fur, and went away to sleep.
The next day, Shaolan's cries continued to sound in his head.
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