"Mukai, come here for a second.

My father called Mukai, who was practicing bows.

"What is it, father?"

Mukai was urged by his father to sit before him.

"I hear you've been up and doing your workouts lately in the morning, when the women are going to get some water."


"What's that? Because the wolf attacked you and you couldn't do anything? There's no harm done to the horse this time, nothing to worry about.

"No, Father, I couldn't talk to you then..."

Mukai taught his father about when he was attacked by a wolf.

The moment the wolf attacked me, the dog was killed, and the horse was about to be attacked, the passing warrior helped me.

That's all I said.

I wasn't asked any more than that.

That it was a bunch of six wolves that were attacked, that it was the two arrows Jumka we're talking about who helped us.

If you want him to be strong, that's what he told you to do early in the morning.

To Mukai's words my father puts his hand on his chin and thinks.

"Well, okay, you can go back to your workouts."

Mukai and Mukai's father stood up.

Mukai returned to the training ground and Mukai's father headed to where the women were working.

Mukai's father was the daughter of a slave wife, who gathered together those between the ages of 12 and 18.

"You guys want to be a wife or a slave wife? Those who want to be wives are good now."

Even the daughter of a slave wife breaks up into two factions.

be the wife of a fighter, or the slave wife of a warrior, is.

The parents decide who to marry, but the daughters of the slave wives in the house who can afford them can respect the thoughts of such daughters.

A quarter of the daughters stayed on the spot.

"You guys... one more thing, it's the others who marry you, if that's still good, stay"

That leaves three daughters.

"You guys, I heard you just grew up in the snow in the meantime... you guys stand up and turn around"

The three daughters stand silently. I turned around and bent my back slightly.

I turned up the back part of the three of them to expose their asses and took a closer look at it.

"Um, yeah, Roche, I'll do it for you"

"Thank you. Father, who will be my husband?

"Listen, don't be surprised."

I punched Hisohiso and Roche in the ear.


Roche shouted and was surprised.

I was just sitting there.

Lucci, dressed in white next door, was also sitting.

Of course, he wears the neck ornament he gave away.

I don't know how many hours I've been sitting already.

The sun is shining brightly.

Today is a wedding.

Couples don't do anything at weddings. It's their job to sit down.

The blood relatives of both families act on those who come to cook and celebrate each other.

Only the parents and brothers can give the wedding party a word of celebration, the others take the method of telling the parents and brothers and communicating it to me or Lucci.

I haven't eaten anything since morning, neither have I.

But Lucci hasn't broken his smile at all.

I just want it to come back to the occasional celebratory words of our husband and wife brothers, and I honestly want it to be over soon.

"Congratulations, Lucci"

"Thank you, Temsy"

Now I'm giving Lucci a word of celebration, and Lucci's mother is the same brother, Temzie.

I'm 13 now, and it's rare that my sister-in-law just below is four years old.

"My brother-in-law, I need Lucci.

"Oh, of course."

The wedding took place until sundown.

I mean, I haven't eaten anything until that time.

When I went back to Pao, four women were preparing me a meal.

I pack it in thinking I shouldn't keep Lucci waiting.

"Hmm, hon, hon."

I got lightly stuck in my throat.

Jesus gives me a cup and pours water in.

"Master Jumka, you don't have to be in such a hurry"

Lucci told me to laugh.

I gave Rucci the right to eat fast.

The others don't need it because they've already eaten at the wedding.

Lucci was as elegant as usual, but ate a lot.

Returning his sisters to Pao, Jesus sent them to a place for his slave wife.

Me and Lucci were staring at each other.

Lucci changed her bridesmaid's clothes, her usual outfit.

Lucci looks around at all kinds of things.

"Um, Master Jumka, what happened to Jesus?

"Jesus has already given him a break.



I have no problem holding my wife and slave wife in order on the same night.

But today was the first night, I gave Jesus a break, thinking she would want to be held one-on-one, too.

"Jesus has not yet conceived Master Jumka's child. Master Jumka needs to have a lot of kids soon."

"That's, uh, yeah, but is Lucci good?

"What is it?

"Eh, I heard we're all good one-on-one the first night..."

"That's bullshit about kids who don't understand the role of wives.

Lucci ran out of words clearly.

"I'm going to wake up Jesus.

That's what Lucci said. He stood up and went to his slave wife's room.

From afar, Master Lucci! Huh! Are you sure? I can hear voices like that.

And Lucci brought Jesus.

"Master Jumka, let's get started.

Lucci smiled.

I'm a little surprised, but it doesn't change what I do. It just changed from holding Lucci to holding Lucci and Jesus.


I picked up Lucci by pounding my knee.

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