
The incident occurred when Jumka was fighting in the kingdom.

It was around the time I finished my morning water pumping and other work.

Elena fell the moment she stood up.

Ellen, Shaolan and Karin carried him to the bunk in a big hurry.

I woke up three times, but I couldn't get up.

After awakening, Elena crawled to Karin without even hearing her surroundings stop, holding her hand and pleading.

"Daughters and granddaughters, please."

Only a woman inherits the brown skin of the Meinian tribe.

Unlike others. It's a tribe that gets kicked out and wandered.

Elena entrusted Karin with her daughter and granddaughters until the end to take her breath away.


Even after his son Juik became chief of the Meadow Longa tribe, he kept the Longa tribe together and was often relied upon to resolve the rubbing in the meadow.

I marry many slave wives in the resolution of Nawabari disputes and rubbings, but only the chief had a son, and I did not have more than five wives as a great warrior.

And he moved to repeal the practice of meadow, the spiritual mountain trip at the age of fifty.

He went around many tribes and persuaded the chief to go around.

Many warriors, fighters, and chiefs are those who grew up in the martial arts of Jumka.

Besides, the meadows weren't that distressed.

It was not possible to abolish the spiritual mountain destinations of sinners, women who could not bear children, fighters and slaves who could not expect the future, but it caused the spiritual mountain destinations of those who had passed fifty to be abolished from the code.

A woman who bare only a woman is a delicate place.

I feel cured of being as tolerant as possible.

By the time it was all over, Jumka was forty-five.

I thought Noel's diary would take two years, but it's recorded that he told me it was a good thing he did it in a year.

Future generations of historians predict this Jumka's behavior from the actions he took and Noel's diary because he doesn't like to break up with his older wife, Lucci.

But there is also the opinion that because of the depth of his love for his wives and slave wives, he doesn't want to break up with his slave wife Anne in Spiritual Mountain.

Only Jumka himself knew about this and he himself did not speak in silence.

Maybe there are other reasons, but it feels like those two things are in dispute among historians.


My son Juik fell ill and my grandson took over the chieftaincy position.


I declare that I will go to the Spiritual Mountain myself because there was a grandson's chieftaincy.

There were many who stopped, but convinced me that there was no more curtain for my old self to come out.

Most of the wives and slave wives, such as Lucci, Ann, Jesus, and Roche, also wished to reach Jumka, who admitted to accompanying his wives and slave wives over thirty years of age, and ordered the slave wives less than that to remain.

Many were dropped off, and on the road, many of the warriors and fighters of other tribes came to greet the Jumkas passing nearby.

We reached the foothills of Spiritual Mountain and climbed a little up the Spiritual Mountain to reach the villages of those who were sent to Spiritual Mountain.

Abandoned by the spiritual mountains, they live in the village where they were gathered and made, in livestock and salt mining.

The residents welcomed and welcomed Jumka.

Many historians are exploring why Jumka suddenly said he was headed to Spiritual Mountain.

The most powerful is said to have been caused by the death of Noel, a former favorite, slave wife.

Because Noel is thought to be dead about twenty days before Jumka says he's headed to Spiritual Mountain.

Just around that time, Noel's record for the meadow was handed over to her daughter (the handwriting and the way she calls Jumka has changed from her husband to her father), because that record says that Jumka seems to be depressed.

And the absence of Noel's name on the roster of slave wives who headed with Jumka to Spiritual Mountain is considered one of the evidence.

However, some historians have doubts as to whether the man in the meadow will be so distracted by the death of one culturally enslaved wife in the meadow in question.

Of course, some historians express the opinion that they were obsessed with Noel when he was young enough to be depressed.

Hundred and six.

There is little record of what kind of life I had with regard to Jumka after moving to Spiritual Mountain.

Rumors of the wind have spread to the Longa tribe, to the extent that the descendants of Noel keep it in the meadow records.

When I was seventy, I made a child with a woman who couldn't have children and was sent to Spiritual Mountain. Or when I was eighty years old, I was witnessed giving sheep leaves by greeting them cheerfully without turning my back to my great-grandson, who came to fetch sheep leaves.

The age at which Jumka died is theoretical. Ninety-eight, one hundred and sixty, one hundred and twenty, but the most powerful is the theory of one hundred and sixty.

It says in the record set by Noel's descendants that the great Great Warrior Jumka died six days ago due to rumors of the wind. And when the time and date thereof were reckoned, they lived till the age of one hundred and six.

It was also spoken of as a longevity historical figure.

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