I teach my brothers the code of this meadow.

In this meadow we spent time grazing horses and sheep.

We Longa are a tribe of moderate power.

As for the composition of the tribe,


[]/(n, vs) (yoji) head/

Great Warrior

Medium Warrior


Medium Fighter



be divided into

This is largely with other tribes.

Of course it's better up there.

Some tribes have great fighters, or big heads or middle heads above their heads.

First of all, warrior.

This becomes the status of this warrior when the children of a wife of more than a Longa warrior are adults.

He is allowed to have one wife and three slave wives, ridden and fought during the battle of other tribes.

Next fighter.

This is the status of an adult child of a slave wife of a Longa warrior or more, or a child of a fighter.

He is allowed to have one wife and one slave wife, and fights as an infantry during the battle of other tribes.

A fighter's wife can only be a child of a slave wife.

And I cannot possess the property of a horse or a sheep.

You serve your own brother, uncle, nephew.

The middlemen, middlemen, and great warriors are in a position to become those who have been tried and have been recognized for their strength.

There are two trials.

Bird crashes and wolf hunts

Attacking one of them is recognized as a medium fighter, a medium warrior.

A bird crash is a test of shooting down a bird flying in the sky with a bow in front of a large crowd of people.

I've already succeeded, by the way. Well, I'm not a medium warrior because I'm not an adult.

Wolf hunting is about hunting five wolves by yourself.

By the way, my father attacked this trial and is a medium warrior.

And when you attack both, the fighter is elevated as a medium warrior. But no matter how hard the fighter tries, he can only make it this far.

And warriors are recognized as great warriors.

Medium fighters are allowed to have two wives and four slave wives.

Medium Warriors are allowed to have as many slave wives as they can feed with their three wives.

Great warriors are allowed to have as many slave wives as they can feed with five wives.

The leader, also known as the Warrior Chief, is the leader of the Great Warrior who can be determined by discussion among the Great Warriors.

The number of wives and slave wives is the same as that of the Great Warrior.

The chief doesn't need an explanation.

My wife and slave wife can have as much as they want.

Next thing you know, we're going home.

Let's talk about the role of family.

Take care of the sheep and the horses first. This is our job as kids.

The care of the horse is the responsibility of the wife's children, and the care of the sheep is the responsibility of the slave wife's children, respectively.

Each of the oldest boys takes care of him responsibly.

I'm almost an adult, so I've been teaching my brother how to look after me since about last year. My brother is getting enough to take care of himself now.

Water pumping, cooking, washing and cleaning is a woman's job.

This has nothing to do with my wife, my slave wife, my wife's children, my slave wife's children.

What's the difference between the women's identities?

First there are a few things I should tell you that the difference between a wife and a slave wife is not until she is over 12 years old.

It will mainly be a couple nights, but the meadow code dictates that a girl's marriage starts at the age of 12.

I want you to listen to me then because I can teach you to go with it.

And one of the differences between my wife's children and my slave wife's children is marriage.

My wife's children can only marry more than warriors.

A child of a slave wife can marry anyone in a non-slave capacity.

But if a child of a slave wife marries a man more than a warrior, his identity becomes a slave wife, not a wife.

A fighter, in marriage to a middlefighter, means his wife.

There are other things we do when we have less pasture, we fold up Pao and make a big move.

My wife and my wife's children are allowed to ride during that big trip, but my slave wife, my slave wife's children, have to follow me on foot.

There's a lot more to it, but ask your sister for more information.

Well, that's it for today. I'll see you next time.

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