It's a tribe right around the corner, so if you switch caemas and deep, you'll be back the next day.

Hold the Lucchis for the meadows for a day.

That's what I thought.

When I arrived at the tribal settlement, I heard the revelations.

Both sword arms and bow arms claim a chief on the grounds that his brother is strong, and his brother claims seniority.

Surely you can rub it.

I discussed it with the two of them and asked them how they were going to lead the tribe.

My brother, like Longa, told me that he was about to make adults and strive to maintain the tribe.

One or his older brother said he would run the tribe as before.

When asked about the specifics of each, my brother answers clearly, and my brother stands out for his remarks on the spot.

I decided to support my brother.

I will explain on the grounds that I support my brother in front of that tribe.

My brother's supporters looked uncomfortable, but they didn't have the opposition, so my opinion was that the chief became my brother.

There will be a feast when the chief is determined.

The new chief is supposed to celebrate, but this is the year of moderation.

When I lightly joined the feast and tried to spare myself, the new chief approached me.

"Lord Jumka, I would like to thank you for this mediation. I want you to take as many slave wives as you like out of your sisters.

Well, I thought you were coming.

"No, even though Longa took a breather, we still have a lot to do, we need to hurry home from now on.

Hurry home. That's using the horse to go home, and the slave wife is not allowed to ride the horse. It is a refusal to take into account the other person.

Of course, I know what's going on in the meadows over there, so I can't even tell them to force me to take them home if they tell me I have something to do in a hurry.

"Okay. So, shall I send it to you later?

Um, I don't know what to do... but my slave wife will need a ton from now on, like she did at my place. You should say no to this.

"No, you'll be busy there from now on. I don't even bother my hands at this convenience at that time.

But I'd like to thank you for something.

"Well, I suppose we'll be discussing the location of the big move at the Chiefs' Conference, so I hope you'll support Longa then."

"Is that okay with you?


"Okay. I'm sorry I stopped you.

"No, I'm sorry I couldn't take it slow this way.

I exchanged a hard handshake with the new chief.

All right, let's just hold the look back.

When I hurried home, a large number of other tribal envoys were visiting Longa.

He came while I was going to another tribe.

"We'll be ready till we leave, so we'll start tomorrow."

So the messengers nodded in unison.

Lucci approached me with a smile.

"Master Jumka, please, I've packed the journey's specifications and food for one way so that I can get there as soon as I get back.

Nico handed me the package with a nice face and I was confused.

Not from other tribal envoys around.

"That's right, good wives are different"

"Lord Jumka's wife is a good one."

"You deserve Lord Jumka's wife."

There is a good impressive opinion.

I came back in a hurry because I wanted to hold my luggage, but I had my luggage ready for that luggage, so I was supposed to go to work. I want to cry.

Damn it, Lucci picked up the package and went to the messenger.

They've decided where Au is, but Ag and Siu don't seem to have decided.

Do you want to go to the Ag tribe first?

I crossed deep in tears.

We will mediate between one and another and the chieftaincy decision. When I think it's over, my conductor, Uchiran, comes to me and tells me the next tribe to go.

When he finishes mediating the chief, he is interviewed every time for his slave wife.

I ask you to thank me for the roots I take every time I say no to the Chiefs' Council.

From what I still don't care, I decided to get just one famous horse.

Now he's taking turns riding four heads to speed up.

It was a very decided au, but something seems to have started to get rattled inside.

They refused to come if I tried to arbitrate.

When chiefs are decided in all tribes, I make them declare that I will hold a council of chiefs in the name of Temsy.

It's only Temsy's name.

Me, Temsy and Wolge, we got a couple of fighters and warriors to the rendezvous point first.

Draw a pattern with the magic of a Wolge plant on a plate of a large tree I brought.

Soon it will be complete and await the arrival of the other tribes.

Continuously the other tribes arrive.

When the last tribe arrived, everyone sat in circles.

"Begin the Council of Chiefs with this.

Temsy declared the event.

"Longa's chief, why did you do it, but it's partitioned?

It was the chiefs of the Au tribe who had bitten about it.

"Isn't it supposed to be inappropriate for Longa to hold a council of Chiefs? Whatever we Au, Ag, Siu open."

"Well, that's what Au used to say about the chief decision."

Ag's chief bit back at Au's chief.

"That would be with you guys, though."

"Oh, so first of all, I think I have the right to hold a meeting in Longa, where I ended the Chieftainship decision in full circle."

Siu's chief continued.

"Shit, sure, just this once, so, what's the content of the meeting?

Did Au's chief convince you, too? I didn't say anything more.

"About this year's big move."

When Temsy spoke, the air deliberately changed.

"To be honest, this year's inaction is still a terrible one, so there was that invasion, but, well, put that aside, we all already have food reserves up until next year. So this time I'm going to decide on the territory without dispute and discussion.

The intent becomes even greater.

"Okay, Jumka, please"

"Oh, hey, come on"

A dozen people brought large wooden planks with my signal.

Several of the chiefs were placed somewhere in the center of the circle of the chiefs.

"The Longa chief is Jumka, let me explain.

I got on the board and started explaining.

The fertility status of the pasture heard from each tribe, the number of sheep and horses. Together they showed the territory of each tribe.

If we redistribute the food for stockpiles and the food for retreat fights, we should be able to keep sheep, horses and people down.

"Surely you don't have to reduce sheep and horses with this."

The first chief to mediate spoke.

In the period in which that statement is made, the other chiefs also speak in favour.

If this had been a distribution in favour of Longa, there would have been opposite opinions, but Longa has also divided it equally.

I almost decided on this opinion. It was then.

"Don't be ridiculous."

Suddenly the angry pregnant voice sounded.

The chief of the Au clan raised his voice.

"Wouldn't this increase sheep and horses just to maintain the status quo"

What is this guy... to make up for the lack of pasture and the shortage of men in the earlier invasion this year in the first place?

Now there is no way to fight among the people of the meadows to reduce men even further.

Don't you even know that?

"Let me disagree with this opinion.

The meeting that was due to be decided is ruined.

After I meditated on my eyes, I saw Temsy.

Temsy nodded and spoke.

"So what do we do? Fighting for territory again this year?

"Yes, the code of the meadow is right for the strong. How can you decide on a territory with such a discussion?"

"Well, then let's fight. Longa challenges Au to fight to allow her territory.

"Is Longa here? Right," then Ag will stick to Longa. "" Then Siu will fight with Longa. "La Tata..."

Before the chief of the Au clan speaks out, Ag, declare that Siu will fight Au with Longa.

Speak so that the chiefs, who are good at reading the tribal chiefs and the air of the field I mediated, will take Longa's side as if to go with it.

Most of them are on Longa's side and no tribe is on Au's side.

The chief turned away when he saw the chief of Au who had not yet spoken.

That's the deciding factor. Everything in the tribe but Au decided whether to be hostile to Au or neutral.

No matter how much Au is the best tribe in the meadows, this can't be helped.

What awaits is defeat and the enslavement of almost all unmarried women, deprivation of almost all sheep and horses, and the demise of Au.

"Come on, okay, this territory is fine.

Au's chief broke.

Temsy declares the end of the council of chiefs, and the council of chiefs ends.

Thanks to my rooting, the success of the meeting and the victory over Au's chief raised some stocks as Temsy's chief.

The big move ended in disconnection.

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