I don't know why the creature was born.

I don't even know the cycle of the organism's birth.

But the creature always gives birth in times of confusion.

The organism can follow many of its compatriots (from scratch).

The creature always afflicts the people of the meadows.

The creature moves and dominates its compatriots like hands and feet.

The creature fights the people of the meadows.

The creature is proud. If the people of the meadows fight in the flock, they are the flock, and if they challenge in a few, they fight individually. A minority is three people, three horses and two dogs or less.

The organism's body is blue. Body length exceeds three people.

Fangs and nails sharp. People tear it up gently.

The name of the creature is Blanc, the Great Wolf King.

Bran's birth, it shook the meadows.

The first tribe was wiped out without sound.

It was already after the second tribe was attacked when it realized its total annihilation.

One man who was accidentally going south to trade, one man who was taking a water bath, two women, and one man who was about to leave after taking care of the horse was never attacked by Bran.

The five fled immediately to the settlement of the Au tribe.

The chief of the Au tribe feared the birth of Blanc and trembled on the spot.

I immediately declared that I would hold a council of chiefs.

Blanc's birth just seems to be told four times, and there are others, but I know four times.

In the past three times, Blanc has defeated in a coalition of meadow people.

But on those three occasions the people of the meadows did great damage.

And once it has been defeated by three great great great warriors, Tosin, Navy, and Middle-Warrior Rochsche.

The chiefs of one tribe did not come at the Council of Chiefs.

The meeting proceeded without its chief, but only the remains, which were settlements, were there when warriors visited to hear the authenticity afterwards.

It turns out that the first five survivors at that time were the second tribe to be attacked.

A redo of the Council of Chiefs took place again.

At that time, during the Kro tribe, a middle-sized warrior who had successfully hunted wolves was named for the Bran crusade.

Among them, the warrior took two of his fighters to challenge Bran.

But he didn't come home.

One, another, and a warrior confident in his arms, didn't come home by name.

He went at the same time and was judged to be a herd, and some were attacked by a herd of wolves.

I began to steadily develop my sword, bow, and arrow for the battle against Bran.

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