Running outside Bran's territory with the two of them in a carriage.

We're both losing our minds and neither Pickle moves.

Yaritsu is covered in scratches, but Kyle has no more scratches.

I guess I was watching you a lot behind me.

As we progress, the wind will inform us of the enemy's approach.

When I stop, the carriage with the fighters and supplies continues, and the warriors stop on the spot.

"What's up?

"Coming. Get ready, the fighters stay put because the numbers are low."

I'm not saying what. Because you don't have to tell me.

I teach other people how to detect the magic of my wind, but it's hard to be anything but Jumel.

Jumel stood beside me.

Wasn't Jumel supposed to have only been in the carriage?

"Master Jumka, apparently about four heads have arrived."

Apparently Jumel noticed signs of wolves too and jumped off the carriage and stood beside me.

"No, five heads."

I used the magic of the wind again.

Five wolves were indeed approaching, and everyone else began preparing bows and arrows and swords.

I see Jumel once.

Jumel's arm was so exhilarating that she worked out with me.

Jumel is also nineteen and her body is approaching completion.

The height is also quite large among the meadows at 6 podons (about 180 cm) when measured the other day.

Not just my fighter. It is in the capacity of a middleman.

He is my next hottie man in the best promising stock of fighters. (Exclusive to daughters of slave wives...)

I'm thinking of sending this guy a daughter-in-law, but something called a slave wife to me comes with me.

I shunned it and did something bad to Jumel.

Besides, this guy seems to have one mistress.

I hadn't noticed at all, but the women found out.

But she's my wife's daughter's identity, and the only way to be tied to Jumel is for Jumel to be born a medium warrior.

"Jumel, how many shots can you shoot by the time you count three with a quick shot?

"I think seven is the limit"

"Well, then, by the time you count to three, take down all five heads."

When I said that, Jumel turned to me and nodded small.

"Look, the wolves are approaching. Can I give you a signal this time?

When I said that out loud, the people around me nodded cocoons.

This kind of thing is a source of confusion if you don't claim proper command.

In the previous wolf raid, Godle claimed command, and the simultaneous shooting fired at precise signals was able to repel the wolves in one blow.

"We're going to reduce the numbers from three. My man Jumel shoots first, but don't shoot until my signal, he's coming!

The wolves are getting closer and closer as I speak.


When I raise my right hand and say the numbers, everyone sets an arrow.

Jumel passes the magic of the wind through an arrow, releasing an arrow. The arrow, inferior to me but faster and closer to the wolf than the other fighters, beat the forehead of the wolf that was in the lead beautifully.

Set up an arrow immediately and release the next arrow.

This also flies at high speeds but comes off slightly.

Jumel doesn't have to panic to set the next arrow.


It was almost simultaneous that my words and Jumel's arrows were released.

The arrow struck the wolf's body, and the wolf fell.

Set up the next arrow without being pleased with it and release it.

Next I hit the wolf's forehead.

Jumel sets up an arrow without resting and releases.


Strike out the wolf's forehead and the wolf falls.

By that time already, everyone around me is cheering the moment they hit me.

The wolf is also the last one.

Jumel sets up an arrow and releases.

But it cut off the sky unceasingly.

"" "Ohhhhhh" "

I can hear everyone's dismay around me, but Jumel sets up the next arrow to see if he's not hearing it.

And let go.

Everyone breathed in on it.

The arrow hit the wolf's foot. The wolf fell on the spot.

"" "Oooh!!!" "

The cheer of joy echoed.

I was up. Hands down.

The others are settling down.

"Jumel, come on, stab Todome, so you're a medium warrior"

In one of my words, Jumel solves it. Returns the focus.

Jumel approaches the wolf and pierces his sword and stabs Todome.

Jumel returns to us with five wolves.

"Well done, Jumel"

Those around me praise Jumel when I praise him.

But I can't do that forever.

Build a wolf on the deep.


When I put my hand forward, Jumel takes it.

Lift Jumel up and put him on the horse.

Jumel made a successful werewolf hunt. I haven't baptized yet, but I have no problem riding a horse.

I run horses.

I caught up with the carriage and loaded the wolf onto the carriage, and Jumel also put him on the carriage.

Most fighters understood the situation when they saw me riding Jumel on a horse.

Jumel and the fighters, who were close, were giving word after word.

Away from Bran's nest and make camp.

I called Jumel.

I'm bringing three horses this time.

Deep, Kama, Sky

"Say goodbye, Jemmel. I'll sky to you. This guy is quiet, but his legs are fast. Maybe you can get on with it."

"Are you sure?


He was a deep kid and he was going to turn it into two heads and make it my ride, but, well, this is about as good as it gets.

I still have Rudolph and Brian.

I taught Jumel how to handle horses.

Comb horse hair with Jumel after I finish teaching him how to handle horses.

"Jumel, by the way"


"Can I take it to the vice with me?

Jumel is turning a bright red face on one of my words.


And he turned down his body, and said only one word:

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