With bows, arrows, swords, and food I cross the cake.

At the foot of the caema, Gal, a hunting dog, sits and waits.

The mouth of departure went Rucci first to his wife, to all his slave wives.

I don't mean to say goodbye.

Jumel on the sky approached as she stood at the entrance to the settlement.

He rides a horse with dignity, too.

It's a brilliant thing to say that you've just been able to ride in the meantime.

"How's your body?


Are you nervous? The air is strangely harsh.

"Well, by the way, how are those two doing?

I tried to soothe the air and sweep the lower story.

"No, ah, I'm not a beautiful slave wife like my brother, so maybe that's normal"

No, don't you have to say it that way?

Drop-offs are gathering around us.

Mukai slowly rode his horse to this point.

We're on our way to the Blanc Crusade.

It seems that the Great Warrior Tosin and the Great Warrior Nave, who defeated Bran in the past, were masters of bows and the Medium Warrior Loche was masters of swords.

So the members of this crusade learned from it, and the talented face of the sword is Mukai, me, and Jumel.


I heard voices from behind.

We looked back and there was Kyle in charge of the yaritz.



The two of us were talking about something when we thought about what to say.

I don't know what you're talking about.

"Apparently, that man, he wants to join the Bran Crusade"

That's what Jumel said to me.

"Hmm? Jumel, do you understand the southern language?

"Yeah, I thought I'd negotiate with the South as my brother's deputy for once, so I could talk.

Right, what the hell? Tell me quickly. Totally.


When Jumel said something, Kyle sat Yaritsu quietly on the floor and looked at this one without being strong.

"erfkckdfzve; igo; sldvnfjawerofkdsl; zmvgerhajfe; sjfgoiajrkle"

"I see, you want me to join your fellow Blanc Crusaders roihjlkadffvdklskjoi"

Jumel screamed at Kyle after telling me so she could tell.

The discussions between the two continued for a while.

"Well, you heard from your men about the loyalty of the prairie fighters and warriors, then you have the right to avenge Bran. But we don't need to keep our feet together."

Shout like that to explain to me. Maybe I'll tell you the same thing in southern terms, Jumel.

I heard that. I slowly pulled out the sword Kyle put on his hips.

That's close to a sword called the Blue Dragon Knife in previous life. It is also huge and quite heavy in size.

I checked it once, but it's quite a business. I can see the brilliance, the thickness and the sharpness of that sword even from here a little further away.

"hueagfds, .mvszjfros"

"I'm asking you to try and see if I can get my foot together."

A man near me interpreted to me.

I got off the cake and put my hand on the sword.

"Wait. Lord Jumka."

It was Mukai who stopped it.

I'll take care of his identification.

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be Lord Roche's role in this crusade, and if you look at the structure, you'll see he's quite skilled."

Mukai stepped down from the horse and stepped forward and pulled out his sword.

With his first breath, he entered Kyle's time and waved his sword down.

Kyle flicks it gently and waves the Blue Dragon knife down to match it.

I'm surprised by Kyle's arm, which gently waves that heavy blue dragon knife.

Maybe I just have to say for sure.

But the blow now is the one Mukai did to measure his opponent's power. That's how much I know because I work out with you.

Mukai lightly blew Kyle's blow and let go of the intermission.

Few people can take that blow from Mukai even with their wooden swords.

In the moment now, the men of the meadow understood Kyle's arm.


Mukai's eyes open wide and he shouts out. The oddity Mukai raises when he takes it seriously. The air around me becomes crisp and paralyzed. Yet meadow demons, four-handed monkey intimidating voices.

After hearing the cry, a cold sweat overflows Kyle's face and the tip of the Blue Dragon Knife rises slightly.

Mukai didn't miss that moment.

Approach the target and strike the sword as you jump in. Now Kyle takes Mukai's sword with the Blue Dragon Knife.

From there, intense meetings ensue.

Kyle is on the defensive side, but he takes it well.

I don't know how many dozens of meetings we had, but all of a sudden Mukai left Kyle.

"That's it, Jumel... whoa, Lord Jumel, translate, you can go for the Blanc Crusade instead of me"

I looked at Mukai surprised.

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, I loved talking about loyal fighters and warriors, too, and I'll give you as many seats as I can if you can help me with that. It's okay. He shouldn't be stuck in his legs."

"Okay, okay."

"Besides, if I'd done that, I'd be the one to lose."

That's what Mukai said with a bitter laugh.

"Hmm? I thought you were pushing all the time?


Mukai showed his sword that had fallen into his sheath.

The blade spilled and needed to be taken care of now.

"That way, too. You didn't spill one blade. If I kept going like that, my sword broke and I lost."

That's what Mukai said with a bitter laugh.

Jumel's interpreter decided Kyle would follow.

Jumel, this crusade from the two Yaritsu convinced Kyle that I would obey my instructions in the general.

Two fighters looking after him bring Kyle's horse and Kyle jumps on it.

Kyle receives food stuffs from two different (...) caregivers.

I was rather late to leave, but I left for the Bran crusade.

But you've been so popular talking about loyal fighters and warriors, I didn't think we'd all be so cooperative on Kyle's enemies.

That's what I thought. I ran the cake.

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