The rumbling and the sound of sharpening the bones with a knife echoes in Pao.

Spring is almost over and summer begins.

Yurin conceived, Noel gave birth to a girl, and Shree and Zu gave birth to a boy.

In the meantime, a man named Lorens came as a stationed martial officer for friendship with the Kingdom.

He's already cracked with Longa.

Sometimes I ask a lot of people about the culture and history of the meadow and I see it happening to the letters.

Well, I guess that's a job, too.

I am now preparing for the ritual to be performed on the first crescent day of the summer season.

"Your husband is ready."

He showed me the face Jesus made of sheep's skull.

Yeah, I'm scared and well done.

Now the fourth, the ritual is ready.


Ah! My face is too scary for my child to cry out. No, well, that's how powerful it has to be.

You took Anne to the back crying kid. I also thought last year, does Jesus also have this kind of talent?

That's what I thought when I looked at your face.

Lou's flowers blossomed and the summer season began.

I hear children crying from other Pao every day.

Maybe other places make this dough.

The fourth night after summer began. The sky is not cloudless, but the moon is not out. It's a new moon.

In the square of the settlement there is a great burning fire and the people of the settlement are gathered together.

Today is ritual day, most children are already asleep but some two to six year olds have been brought here.

All the children are wearing their faces and slowly circling around the fire.

The child, who is only two years old, is accompanied by his mother and a funny woman.

The children brought to this ritual, those who were fascinated by the devil two years ago.

This is a ritual to prevent a child who was taken away by the devil on the night of the first crescent of summer and used by the devil from coming back here and trying to take a child who was equally fascinated by the devil.

The devil doesn't have to attend this ritual after the age of seven to take a child under six. I mean, we have to continue this ritual for another four years.

The face of a sheep can be worn on children to surprise the use of the devil.

Around the fire, wearing a scary face. Drive back the child you tried to take away.

It is the usual thing in this ritual for the children to see each other's faces made by other houses and cry out to each other, shitting or screwing up.

The cries of the children tree spirits, and the women who give it up.

Men who drink when they see it.

The first crescent night of the summer season went deeper.

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