Yaritsu has returned to this settlement.

"It's my uncle with a beard."

"Uncle Mustache is back."

The children who taught Yaritsu the southern language rushed over to Yaritsu.

"Out of the way, I think we have something important to talk about right now."

Temzie led Yaritsu to Pao, the chief, when he shouted and lowered the children.

Of course, I accompanied him to Pao, the chief.

Lorens, Obdie also later went into Pao in Temsy.

"So what brings you back here?

Yaritsu spoke quietly as Thamzy asked Yaritsu.

Summarizing Yaritsu's story briefly, the Empire attacked with 120,000 large armies from south of the Great River.

Only then can the kingdom deal with it if it joins its own legions and territorial militias.

But there was a simultaneous invasion from north of the Great River between the Patriarchate and the Empire when the front was glued.

The kingdom also immediately went into action in the Great Army of 60,000 Church Nation Army and 40,000 North Great River Army.

Because Augusto had conscripted the army south of the Imperial Grand River, he took Richmond, the commander of the Second Regiment of the Royal Army, as general general.

And north of the Great River, Kyle, the leader of the Fourth Legion Corps, was to be the general general.

We know from the march path that the army north of the Great River is aiming for is the town of Barry.

The kingdom is spared losing its base of dealing with the meadows, and the meadows will want to avoid the town of Burleigh becoming the territory of the Empire.

Then I want you to help me contain the Imperial Army together.

They're sending messengers to Au, Ag, Siu, Longa and Prato.

Everyone worries about Mmm when they hear about Yaritsu.

Indeed, if the town of Burleigh is occupied, the kingdom and meadow exchanges will be cut off.

If that were to become an empire, the skirmish with the empire would also be fierce.

Then you may indeed turn to the Kingdom's reinforcements.

But that doesn't give us much flavor.

"Yeah, well, I have something I'm keeping from the king. Once outside."

When Yaritsu says so, he unbags one of Yaritsu's carriage squadrons on board.

"There are cereals and vegetables here that cannot be taken in the meadows. Of course, the magic of plants allows for long-term preservation."

Could all the carriages in the back be like that?

"There are also other irons, sea salts in countries further south than the kingdom, and alcohol in the kingdom. If you can get rid of the Empire, I'll give you the equivalent of this."

The meadow men say Yaritsu is describing the inside of the bag. Ooh! and raised his voice.

"It says in a parent book from the King that all the food, weapons, materials, gold, and men left behind by the defeated Imperial Army will be transferred to the meadows. Well, you won't be spending any money, so go shopping as you please in Barry's town after you defeat it."

When Yaritsu smiled, the warriors in the meadow drew our attention to something.

Temsy comes forward and talks.

"It seems the town of Barry in the Kingdom is being attacked by the haters of the Empire. The kingdom wants our help. If you could help me, they'd give me the same amount of everything here later. Plus, they say we can have all of the Empire's stuff. What do you say, guys?

The men of the settlement as well as the women were greatly exhilarated by Temsy's words.

I wanted to think a little more carefully, but, well, it'll be fine.

The banquet lasted until late at night with ingredients brought by Yaritsu that day.

A council of Chiefs was held and me and Temsy gathered at the rendezvous point.

This time Ag, close to the kingdom, declared the holding.

I was in a bit of a bad mood for Godle about that.

The meeting began with an explanation of why we held the Chiefs' Meeting. The messenger of the kingdom informed the medium-sized and small tribes that the kingdom had prepared its contribution, and immediately all agreed that the kingdom's reinforcements would be decided.

The general thought that Godle would disagree, but he didn't say anything, so it was up to me.

"Then the deputy director asks Au and Ag's"

When I say that, Godle and Sibal nod without saying anything.

"Ask Sioux's General of Operations for Longa's."

Brozn and Temsy nod without saying anything either.


I look up into the sky and I discover a dungeon, and I set up an arrow, and I release it.

Tonbi dropped in one shot. I lifted a bottle of Tonbi feathers.

"Come on, whoever endorses me as general, take the feathers, let's go!

They were chieftains who took wings one after the other and rose up their ambitions.

"Lord Temsey, Lord Godle, Lord Sibal, Lord Brozn, I need to talk to you for a second."

I called the four while the council of chiefs was over and the other chiefs were starting to get ready to go home.

All four of them immediately gathered under me and looked at me.

"Next battle. I'll take command of the battle, but I'm not going to speak in a meeting between battles."

The four of them looked at my face as if they were surprised.

"I'm the first of the Longa clan. There's no sign of a warrior yet, but I don't think my system of serving as general will be good for the meadows."

When I said that, the four of them turned out to be some kind of devised face.

"The four of us are going to be supporting the meadow from now on. With that in mind, I want you to fight this time."

"Okay. Lord Jumka."

First, Goddard raised his voice first.

"Okay. I accept Lord Jumka's thoughts."

Brozn also accepted.

"Let me do the best I can"

Sibal nodded quickly as well.

"Yes, I understand"

Temsy's face is still the same.

Come on, I've talked to the four of you. You're leaving for the kingdom.

At the end of the meeting, each chief immediately returned to his tribal settlement and gathered at the assembly point with warriors, fighters, slaves and carriages carrying looted goods.

The speed was surprising to the messengers of the kingdom.

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