The next morning, Meng Hao woke up from his practice and found that this world has become more lively. The reason is that the champion of this Land Rover list will be born today.

Yesterday was the birth of the top eight, today is the top four, the top two and the birth of the champion of the Land Rover list. How can it not be lively.

As a result of the draw, the four groups are Dongfang Aoyun vs. Di Yan, Wudao vs. Meng Hao, situ mengxiao vs. Yang Ruoxi, and Xia Xiaoshan vs. Leng qingfan.

The first battle was between Dongfang Aoyun and di Yan. They came from the same sect, that is, Zixuan gate.

Facing the eldest martial brother of her sect, di Yan smiled and said, "eldest martial brother, please give me some advice". She also knew that she would stop here today. She knew the strength of her eldest martial brother best.

Dongfang Aoyun nodded and said softly, "younger martial sister, let me see what level your purple Xuan formula has reached."

Di Yan's face was dignified. Her delicate body trembled and appeared beside Dongfang Aoyun. The purple light on her palm was diffuse, forming a purple square seal in her palm.

"Zixuan Jue, Zixuan God seal!"

Di Yan knew the difference between herself and the eldest martial brother, so she showed her unique skill as soon as she came up. At the same time, she was also the soul formula of Zixuan gate.

Immediately, di Yan turned her palm and blew away at the Oriental proud cloud below. The purple square seal crossed a perfect arc and hit the Oriental proud cloud.

Dongfang Aoyun's face was flat and leisurely. A layer of pure white soul power surged out on his palm and turned into a white cloud to stop the purple square seal.

Fang Yin broke away, and the white clouds dissipated leisurely at the same time. Di Yan suddenly retreated two steps and smiled bitterly. He couldn't even stop the elder martial brother's move. Now the elder martial brother's strength is really unfathomable.

"Younger martial sister, your Zixuan formula has reached the seventh level. Even the Zixuan divine seal can be displayed. It's very good. However, it can be seen that you don't master the Zixuan divine seal so perfectly. If you practice this skill well, it's not so easy for me to break it."

Dongfang Aoyun smiled at di Yan. Di Yan's face was slightly red and said with a fist: "thank you for your advice, elder martial brother. Younger martial sister will go down first."

Dongfang Aoyun is easy-going, so he is also welcomed by many disciples in Zixuan gate. In addition, he is also very handsome, so many female disciples secretly like the eldest martial brother, and di Yan is one of them.

It is expected that Dongfang Aoyun won the first game, and the second game is the highlight. Many observers are very excited, because this is the second important figure in the black horse battle against the last land tiger list. Can the black horse go all the way.

"I said that Meng Hao, the dark horse, would surely lose in the hands of no Tao." someone whispered. A man next to him shook his head and said, "I don't think so. Meng Hao, the dark horse, is not simple. I think he can win. Let's bet."

"How about a bet?" many people asked. The man who said Meng Hao could win smiled and said, "we bet on five soul stones. Whoever loses has to give five to the winner. Who wants to bet."

"I bet, I bet too." a total of 16 people said that Meng Hao would lose and no way could win. The man who said Meng Hao could win said with a helpless wry smile: "elder martial brother, don't drop the chain. If you lose, I have to accompany 80 soul stones. This is all my savings."

The man raised his head and showed a familiar face. It was not who sun Yifei would be. The boy came here to gamble with others.

"Be careful, come on," Ouyang Ziyan, bixuan and Zhou xiner said at the same time. Ye Tianqing and Lu Guan said come on.

Although they have good strength, they have not really experienced life and death experience, so they lost to others and did not enter the top 15.

Meng Hao nodded and said with a smile, "don't worry, I'll go." Meng Hao gave everyone a reassuring look and turned to the Biwu platform.

There, Wudao has already played. After Meng Hao came out, there was a burst of cheers.

No way smiled and said, "I didn't expect your voice to be very high. I just don't know if those people will cheer for you like this when I beat you?"

In his eyes, although Meng Hao is strong, he is still far from him. In his eyes, only Dongfang Aoyun will be his opponent.

"Let's do it. It's useless to say so much," Meng Hao said faintly, also fearless.

Meng Hao's indifferent tone angered Wudao. He saw that Wudao's face became gloomy and said with a sneer: "well, I'll beat you and see what else you have to say."

As soon as the voice fell, Wudao turned into a red shadow and attacked Meng Hao. The soul power surged on his fists and hit Meng Hao hard.

Meng Hao held the star thunder sword, cut the fist and beat it back. He sneered and said, "it's better not to use such a tentative attack. Just show your cards."

Wu Tao looked gloomy and said with a sneer, "since you want to die so soon, I'll help you". He saw a blood red soul force suddenly appear on his hands, and a cold breath filled the air.

"Sha Tianjue, Sha devil's palm!"

I saw Wudao step out and slap Meng Hao in the air. The palm print was shrouded in a layer of gloomy soul power, which was obviously the unique blood soul power of the evil evil evil sect.

With the palm print taken, the towering blood soul force gradually converged into a blood Devil Dog. At this time, he was rushing towards Meng Hao with his mouth open, and a cold breath came from the Devil Dog's mouth.

Meng Hao's face also became a little dignified. There were indeed some means for this Tao. There was not only evil Qi, but also evil Qi.

Then Meng Hao took the star thunder sword and cut out a sword. When the sword was cut out, heaven and earth were tarnished. There were bursts of thunder and roaring flames.

This is the second sword move created by Meng Hao. The Thunder Dragon and fire dragon roared out and rushed at the magic dog as soon as they appeared.

Thunder is the most upright force in heaven and earth. It can restrain the evil Qi and evil Qi, and the fire dragon is not ordinary. It has the blessing of 50% fire mood, which can not be underestimated.

The magic dog was divided into two and rushed towards the Thunder Dragon and the fire dragon. It tore and bit together for a time.

Wudao's face was gloomy, a fierce light flashed on his face, and he shouted: "Sha Tianba body", followed by the blood red light on Wudao's body, and his skin became very red. Obviously, it is a good body soul refining skill.

Then Wudao came towards Meng Hao and was ready to fight with Meng Hao. Meng Hao also showed a cruel color on his face, and his hands were sealed and shouted coldly.

"Glazed holy body!"

"Dragon formula, dragon scale arm!"

As soon as Meng Hao's voice fell, a layer of light green light appeared on his body, giving people a feeling of invincibility. At the same time, his arm also became the arm of the dragon.

The next moment, the two figures finally hit each other, waving their fists and smashing at each other. Their desperate appearance shocked and stunned the viewers.

A moment later, the two figures finally separated. At this time, their whole bodies were covered with scars. Although they had the skill of refining body and soul, they couldn't resist each other's fierce attack.

"Happy", Meng Hao laughed, his body trembled, and then he continued to hit Wudao. Wudao also laughed and waved his fist at Meng Hao.

At this moment, they don't care about the injuries on their bodies. I'll give you another punch once I punch. It's just a change of injury. Whoever can't hold on first will fall down.

This battle was the most tragic one Meng Hao had ever experienced. He not only exhausted his soul power, but also suffered great trauma to his internal organs.

Even Dongfang Aoyun was frightened by their desperate appearance. He secretly sighed that if he fought with them, he must have lost.

This can be described as a tragic battle. I just don't know who can stick to it in the end.

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