There are six people in the Qin family's medicine collection team, ten people in the escort team, plus Meng Hao, their four external employees and Qin Yue, a total of 21 people.

After a little rectification, Qin Yue took the people to the ghost valley. Just entering the ghost Valley, there was a bloody smell in the air, which was left by those human warriors or ghost beasts after their death.

Everyone looked solemn. If they were not vigilant, they might lose their lives at any time.

Fortunately, along the way, I didn't encounter too strong souls, but there were several secondary souls. Meng Hao and others were too lazy to fight.

The ten guards of the Qin family also have good skills. They all have the strength of earth martial arts and more than eight days. They don't bother Meng Hao.


But the good times didn't last long. Ghost Valley is worthy of being a place where ghosts and beasts run rampant. A guard of the territory of earth martial arts Bazhong heaven was accidentally attacked by ghosts and beasts.

But fortunately, his skill is good. He saved his life, but he was poisoned. For the time being, his life is not in danger. If he doesn't take the antidote pill in time, his life will not be protected.

The one who stealthily attacks the guard is the level 3 medium-term soul beast blood spirit snake. It is good at hiding and giving sudden attacks. If it bites, it will be poisoned, but it is only limited to those who are in the tianwu realm.

Zhou Ruoling's eyes and hands were quick. Her weapon was a pair of double rings. The double rings burst out like a huge stone falling and directly hit the head of the blood spirit snake, killing her.

Take back the double ring road. Meng Hao and Zhou Ruoling come to the rear of the team, while Wei Wei and Fang Xiucheng open the way in the front, so that the whole team can be protected in the middle.

The people continued to move forward. During this period, they met a lot of miraculous drugs. Qin Yue ordered the people who collected the miraculous drugs to pick them. It was a great harvest.

"Roll", suddenly Fang Xiucheng shouted, his momentum increased sharply, and directly shook the incoming soul beast away, but the soul beast disappeared into the grass at the moment of falling.


At the next moment, many green snakes tightly surrounded Meng Hao and others. The green snake breathed and breathed the snake letter and stared at the people.

Frost demon snake is the soul beast in the later stage of level 3. It is good at living in groups. When it appears, it is in groups. Even the soul beast in the peak of level 3 dare not easily provoke them.

"Do it", Wei dada shouted, holding a huge hammer, rushed to the frost demon snake, the hammer roared past, and the terrible spirit swept away, shaking the frost demon snake around him back more than ten meters.

At the same time, Meng Hao and zhouruoling also did not hesitate to take the hand. The two men kept a position and protected the escort team and others in the middle.

Although the strength of the four people is strong, there are too many frost demon snakes. The four people can't care too much for a time.

Fortunately, Qin Yue is also an expert in the seven heaven realm of tianwu. She helped block the attack of many frost demon snakes, but it's only a matter of time. Over time, I'm afraid everyone except Meng Hao will die under the attack of frost demon snakes.

"Double day glory!"

Zhou Ruoling finally used her soul skills. She saw a dazzling golden awn shining on her double rings. Then she threw it out and smashed it at the ice demon snake.

The double rings are like two golden suns, whistling past. As long as they are hit by the double rings, the frost demon snakes are all blown apart and filled with blood.

"Long you the world!"

"No intention to cut!"

Wei Wei and Fang Xiucheng didn't dare to be careless, and they showed their cards one after another. The soul power of Dun time surged violently and broke out an amazing momentum.

Fang Xiucheng's weapon was a knife. His body shook slightly and his clothes trembled. Then he cut a knife.

The blade was broken into the air, like an ice demon snake that turned into a fire tiger and rushed straight ahead. The fire tiger swallowed the sky and emitted amazing power. Everything it passed was like being swallowed up by magma and turned into ashes.

Wei Wei waved a huge hammer. This heavy weapon was played with tiger power in his hands. With the hammer, the earth cracked.

The Earth Dragon emerged and swept in all directions along the crack in the ground. All the frost demon snakes were shocked into meat mud.

"Burning the sky!"

Meng Hao also showed his assassin's mace. He had to use the group soul killing technique for this social soul beast. Meng Hao suddenly stood in the air, and the terrible soul power diffused out.

With Meng Hao's sword falling, the front suddenly turned into a sea of fire. All the frost demon snakes shrouded in the sea of fire turned into nothingness, and even the body was not left.

Under the fierce moves of the four people, those ice demon snakes that haven't died retreat one after another. If they continue to siege, they may be destroyed. Although their intelligence is not high, they are not stupid.

The ice demon snake retreated, and a crisis was resolved by Meng Hao and others. Qin Yue was the happiest. Although two members of the escort fell under the fierce attack of the ice demon snake, it was good.

Qin Yue hugged her fist and said in a deep voice, "thank you for your help". Then she turned and rushed to the members of the guard behind her and said, "everyone stays in good shape. I don't want anyone to sacrifice. I will pay double for the dead, and I will never let them die in vain."

I have to say that Qin Yue did a very good job, which solved the worries of those members of the escort team.

Zhou Ruoling and Wei Wei took a look at Meng Hao. They just saw the frost demon snakes hunted by each other. It seems that this guy also has some cards, so the contempt in their eyes gradually dissipated.

Even the arrogant Fang Xiucheng looked at Meng Hao without the previous contempt. It was obvious that he regarded Meng Hao as a figure of the same level as them.

They straightened up a little, and then rested for half an hour. Then they continued on the road, still maintaining the previous formation.

The more you go deep into the ghost Valley, the more miraculous drugs you will encounter. However, there are generally spirits and animals around the miraculous drugs, but it is a piece of cake for Meng Hao and others.

Qin Yue and others also gradually came out of the shadow of someone's sacrifice before. Looking at the pieces of magic medicine in front of them, an excited expression also appeared on their face.

"Everyone picked the elixirs separately, but they should not be more than 20 meters away from each other." Qin Yue shouted, and the members of the guard and the people of the medicine collection team began to spread out to pick these elixirs.

"Please spread out to protect those medicine collectors". Then Qin Yue hugged Meng Hao and other four people, because there might be hidden souls in these miraculous medicine places, so we must be careful.

Meng Hao and his four people have no opinion on this. Since they have received benefits from others, they naturally have to help. Therefore, the four people are also scattered to protect the personnel of the medicine collection team and the escort team.

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