Time passed very quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it was the day of ethnic comparison. On this day, the Meng family was unprecedentedly lively. Not only the chiefs of the other three families brought people, but also the mysterious forces of the city Lord's house and cuiliuju. That's why the Meng family was so lively.

Meng Hao did not participate in the previous assessment, but he wanted to see the strength of the younger generation of the Meng family, so he also changed into a brand-new dress and went to Mengjia's martial arts arena.

As soon as he stepped into the martial arts arena, Meng Hao saw Meng Yuhua, the owner of the Meng family, who was sitting on the chair, Meng Hao's grandfather, then his father Meng Tianyu and mother Qin Wanru, as well as his uncle, second uncle, elder and second elder.

In another VIP position, there are the eldest elder of the city Lord's residence and two Dharma guardians. Ouyang Xiaotian, the master of cuiliuju, and a girl in purple. Meng Hao also knows this girl. She is Ouyang Ziyan who fought with Meng Hao that day, then there are the master of the Liu family, the master of the Wang family and the master of the Zhao family, as well as some young experts of the three families.

At this time, Meng Tianhua got up and said with a smile: "I'm here to thank you for coming to my Meng family to participate in the ethnic comparison of the younger generation of our Meng family. Next, we will officially start the ethnic comparison. The top three of the ethnic comparison have very rich rewards, so let's work hard."

As soon as the voice fell, the elder got up and said, "I will be the judge of the race competition this time. No disciple can be killed. Those who violate the family rules will be dealt with". After that, he swept over the huge martial arts arena and announced faintly: "the martial arts competition is the beginning. In the first game, Meng Fei vs. Meng Qian."

As soon as the voice fell, two family disciples stepped onto the martial arts competition platform. Meng Hao couldn't help shaking his head. Both of them are the strength of the Xuanwu sichongtian, which is nothing in Meng Hao's eyes. Meng Hao cares about Meng Hu, the master of the Xuanwu jiuchongtian realm and Meng Lingxiang.

Meng Lingxiang is the first master of the Meng family. At the age of 20, he is already the strength of Xuanwu jiuchongtian, and he is also the core disciple of the fire palace. The fire palace is one of the six major sects in the black and Xuanyu region, which is juxtaposed with the Ziyang hall, and its heritage is not weaker than that of the Ziyang hall.

Meng Hao stayed in a corner and quietly looked at the martial arts competition on the stage. At this time, he suddenly felt that a look fell on him. He looked up involuntarily in the direction he felt, and found that it was Ouyang Ziyan.

Ouyang Ziyan smiled at Meng Hao. Meng Hao was speechless and had to nod to him. At this time, the man beside Ouyang Ziyan whispered, "Miss, that's the young master of the Meng family you said yesterday". Ouyang Ziyan nodded and didn't say much.

At this time, Ouyang Ziyan was full of questions. The second young master of the Meng family had extraordinary skills, but why did he hide in the corner and didn't participate in the clan competition of the Meng family? He didn't understand, so he stopped thinking and began to watch the competition quietly.

Meng Hu and Meng Lingxiang on the martial arts competition platform are all the way through the customs. Any disciple who meets them will be solved quickly.

And after a fierce competition, finally came to the final duel. Meng Hu and Meng Lingxiang stood opposite each other on the martial arts competition platform. Meng Hu smiled and said, "I'm finally against you, but I don't know which of us is better." Meng Lingxiang smiled and said, "you won't be my opponent."

"You have to fight before you know," Meng Hu said. He started without mercy. The long gun in his hand stabbed out and went straight to Meng Lingxiang's key place. However, Meng Lingxiang had been on guard for a long time, and the long knife in his hand gently blocked Meng Hu's blow.

"The second section of top-grade soul skill, sweeping the eight wastelands!"

Meng Hu's gun style changed slightly, and then swept towards Meng Lingxiang with a force to break Mount Tai. Even the martial artists in the Xuanwu Jiuchong heaven must be careful to defend, otherwise they will be hurt.

"Even the small skills of carving insects and insects dare to show off their ugliness". Meng Lingxiang, with a mocking smile on his mouth, quickly cut out dozens of knives in a moment. In a short time, countless knives broke through the air and cut into Meng Hu's long gun.

"Three sections of inferior soul skills, machete chop!"

Dozens of swords cut through the void and went straight to Meng Hu's long gun. A low voice sounded. Meng Hu was shot out directly and spewed a mouthful of blood in the air. However, he forcibly stabilized his body and showed a dignified color in his eyes.

"You'd better use your martial spirit, or you won't have a chance." Meng Lingxiang stood up with his knife, and the irony in the corners of his mouth was more intense. Meng Hu knew that the other party was telling the truth, so he whispered, "OK, let you see my control over the martial spirit."

"Red flame martial spirit, come out!"

Meng Hu's hands were slightly sealed, and a hot flame appeared behind Meng Hu. This flame was Meng Hu's martial spirit. At this time, Meng Hu's whole body became extremely hot within a few meters, as if it had turned into a sea of fire.

"Red flame Wu soul, red flame refers to!"

Meng Hu suddenly raised his right hand and pointed in the air. A flame burst out from the flame behind him. It shot in the direction Meng Hu pointed, as if it had become a flame finger.

Meng Lingxiang's face also became a little dignified. Obviously, he also knew that Meng Hu after calling out the "red flame martial soul" became much stronger than before, so he also made a quick seal with both hands.

"Golden ape Wu soul, come out!"

With Meng Lingxiang's voice, a golden giant ape appeared behind Meng Lingxiang out of thin air. This is Meng Lingxiang's martial spirit, but a "great King Kong ape", with infinite power.

"Golden ape, martial soul, diamond fist!"

Then Meng Lingxiang waved his hand and blew out a fist. The light golden light shrouded over his fist was very dazzling. The golden light had already met the flame giant finger, and the two collided with each other.

One hit and one hit, and the two attacks exploded. Meng Lingxiang floated back, but Meng Hu, who was already injured, directly flew backwards and sprayed a mouthful of blood. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't get up at all. The reason was that he had been seriously injured.

At this time, the elder said, "Meng Lingxiang wins. The first place in the race is Meng Lingxiang. I hope everyone can practice as hard as Lingxiang."

However, at this time, a figure rose to the sky and fell on the Biwu platform. The visitor smiled and said, "the first person of the Meng family, I don't know if I can compete with Zhao Jinming". As soon as this was said, everyone except the Zhao family was surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that the first person of the Zhao family's younger generation should challenge the first person of the Meng family's younger generation.

Meng Lingxiang's face also changed slightly, but under the gaze of so many people, he said in a deep voice: "if you want to fight, I'll fight with you". After that, he quietly looked at Zhao Jinming.

Zhao Jinming smiled and said, "let's fight. I don't have to fight with you. If you can promise me, even if you win", this is a naked provocation. It seems to look down on Meng Lingxiang, the first person of the young generation of the Meng family. Not only does Meng Lingxiang's face become ugly, but even the disciples of the Meng family are full of anger.

At this time, Meng Yuhua whispered, "Zhao Dongqiang, what do you mean?" the Zhao family smiled and said: "the younger generation should compete with each other. It's better to let them compete with each other." Meng Yuhua took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Xiang'er, you can rest assured to fight with the Zhao boy."

Meng Lingxiang said in a deep voice, "yes, Grandpa", and immediately turned to Zhao Jinming.

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