"Congratulations to you three for passing the test and officially becoming the disciples of the imperial palace. Next, I will give you the reward for customs clearance, three unique spirit tools".

The ethereal voice sounded in Meng Hao's ears. The three looked at each other and saw the shock from each other's eyes.

Yes, it's a shock, because the reward for customs clearance is actually three unique spirit tools. This unique spirit tool is the strongest of the spirit tools and completely explodes the four superior spirit tools.

"Then, three unique spirit tools emitting colorful glow were suspended in front of Meng Hao," which was the reward for customs clearance.

"Prince, Miss Dong, you two choose first", Lu Hanxiang whispered. Although the treasure is in front of her, she can let others choose first, which is enough to prove her quality.

Meng Hao smiled and saw Lu Hanxiang's performance. He immediately looked at the three unique spiritual tools in front of him.

A moment later, Meng Hao said with a smile: "elder martial sister uses a sword, so the sword is owned by elder martial sister. Miss Lu's ice formula, which controls the ice strength, belongs to Miss Lu.".

"Thank you, Prince. Han Xiang is very welcome." Lu Han Xiang said happily. He immediately took a step forward and grabbed the pair of fists in his hand. The ice spirit power surged on his palm. He directly suppressed the riot's unique spirit tools and received the storage ring.

Lu Hanxiang had a crush on the boxers for a long time. Now she has got the boxers, and her pretty face is full of smiles.

"Younger martial brother, if I remember correctly, you also use the sword. With this unique spirit weapon long sword, your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved", Dong Qingyan frowned and smiled.

Meng Hao held his hand in silence and said with a smile, "I prefer the short knife. Recently, I have been studying the knife technique, so I chose the short knife.".

Immediately, without hesitation, he raised his palm directly and grabbed the top-quality spirit weapon short knife in front. He put it away before the short knife resisted.

Dong Qingyan gave Meng Hao a white look and didn't say much. He is too mysterious. He must have his reason for doing so.

Then he easily took the unique spirit weapon long sword and put it into the storage ring.

At this time, a light gate appeared in the sky. The three looked at each other. Meng Hao took the lead in plundering into the light gate. Dong Qingyan and Lu Hanxiang followed suit and disappeared in this space.

The next moment, the three returned to the previous hall. Everyone's eyes fell on the three, and many people showed fierce light and greedy color.

Seeing this, bixuan took the people of Haotian pavilion to Meng Hao's side. The forces of Lu Hanxiang and the people of Hanxiang Pavilion also gathered quickly and were on alert.

"Let's go," Meng Hao whispered, and then took the people away. Although some other forces were jealous of what Meng Hao got, they didn't dare to do it easily.

"Big brother, Meng Hao, they all came out. Why didn't big brother come out?" the fire will ask some questions.

"Your wind will be killed by Meng Hao, which I saw with my own eyes," Kong Baiyun whispered. Immediately, his body jumped lightly and disappeared into the sight of the people in Vientiane valley.

The reason why he guessed that Feng will be killed by Meng Hao is that he and Feng will deal with Meng Hao before. He was blown out of Biwu platform by Meng Hao. Now Meng Hao came out, but Feng will disappear. It is not difficult to guess that Feng will have died in Meng Hao's hands.

"Second brother, what should we do?" the mountain general said with a gloomy face. At this time, he wanted to catch up with Meng Hao and others and fight with them.

Lin Jiang smelled the speech, pondered for a moment, and whispered, "let's go back to Vientiane Valley first. Brother can't die in vain, but we can't compete with Haotian pavilion with our current strength, so we must rely on the strength of others.".

"Second brother, you mean looking for people in the capital of Mo Yue, but if you want them to sell, the price is not low"? The fire will sink its voice.

"No matter what price you pay, as long as you can help eldest brother take revenge," Shanjiang said in a deep voice. He has the best relationship with fengjiang. If fengjiang is going to die, he wants to peel Meng Hao and cramp.

Meng Hao left the tomb with the people and returned to the Haotian Pavilion. Lu Hanxiang also joined Meng Hao's Haotian pavilion with the Hanxiang Pavilion, which strengthened the power of Haotian Pavilion.

Lu Hanxiang became the leader of the ice dragon Hall of Haotian Pavilion, and all the people of the original cold fragrance Pavilion also became the people of the ice dragon hall. Now the five hall leaders of Haotian Pavilion, except Cao Qing, are all peeping at the initial strength of the spiritual realm.

Meng Hao gave Cao Qing a broken elixir. I believe Cao Qing will break through the peeping spirit realm soon. Of course, Meng Hao will not forget bixuan.

He gave a copy of Longyou Jiutian rubbings to bixuan, and then went to seclusion. He directly handed everything in Haotian pavilion to Dong Qingyan.

In this regard, Dong Qingyan just smiled helplessly, but she also knew that the younger martial brother had a great opportunity in this trip, and it was normal to digest in isolation.

Time passed slowly and inadvertently, and the Haotian Pavilion regained its former tranquility. The disciples in the pavilion also worked hard and prospered.

Three months later, Meng Hao walked out of the closed room. Although Meng Hao's strength did not improve, the momentum became more profound. It can be seen that Meng Hao has made great achievements in these three months.

Indeed, in three months, Meng Hao not only trained Longyou Jiutian, but also the immortal body of the stars. If the war emperor was still alive, he would be shocked by Meng Hao's terrible understanding.

In the past three months, Meng Hao trained two medium-sized Upanishads to a state of small success. With the three primary uphads of swordsmanship, Meng Hao now has five uphads. Even those who are strong in the spiritual realm may not have so many uphads.

"Meng Hao, you have finally passed the customs. During this time, senior sister Qingyan is very tired. Go and see her quickly." bixuan was the first person to see Meng Hao pass the customs. She was very happy at first, and then a little sad.

"Xuaner, what's the matter? Let's go and find the elder martial sister." Meng Hao stepped forward, took bixuan's hand and swept forward, and disappeared in place.

Then Meng Hao appeared in the hall, looked at the slightly tired Dong Qingyan and asked softly, "elder martial sister, what's the matter?".

Dong Qingyan smiled bitterly at the speech and told Meng Hao everything that had happened in the past three months. After hearing this, Meng Hao's face also became a little gloomy.

In these three months, Vientiane Valley sent experts to assassinate the people of Haotian Pavilion. Many people of Haotian Pavilion were assassinated by the experts of Vientiane Valley, resulting in panic in Haotian Pavilion, and many people left Haotian Pavilion.

Now there are only 70 people left in Haotian Pavilion. These people are unwilling to leave Haotian Pavilion. They will defend Haotian pavilion to the death.

Meng Hao pondered for a moment and whispered, "this is a good thing for our Haotian Pavilion. The rest of these people are willing to live and die with me. This is the Haotian Pavilion I want.".

After a pause, he said, "since the Vientiane Valley sent experts to assassinate our people, we will use the other way to Huan the other body.".

"The Lord of the five halls obeyed the order. Each of you took a puppet around the Vientiane valley. If you met the disciples of the Vientiane Valley, you would kill them. It would be better if you could kill the high-level of the Vientiane valley. Anyway, it would disturb the Vientiane Valley to me." Meng Hao waved his palm gently and the five puppets appeared on the hall.

Originally, in the first test, Meng Hao accepted four war puppets. In addition, Meng Hao had one puppet before, so it was five puppets.

After returning from the tomb of the war emperor, Meng Hao practiced the four war puppets from the new sacrifice, and the previous puppet was refined and upgraded to a new level by him.

Now these five puppets all have the strength of the martial arts in the early stage of peeping into the spirit realm. They are not afraid of the martial arts in the middle stage of peeping into the spirit realm.

All the people in the hall looked at the five puppets with some amazement. They also saw the strength of the puppets, which was equivalent to five experts at the beginning of peeping into the spirit realm.

"Don't worry, Lord. We promise to complete the task," the five hall leaders said in a deep voice, and then left the hall with five puppets.

Meng Hao smiled at Dong Qingyan and said, "elder martial sister, go and have a rest. Just leave the next thing to me. You and xuan'er have a good rest.".

Dong Qingyan nodded and left here with bixuan. Meng Hao's eyes flashed cold.

Vientiane Valley, it's time to disappear.

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