Meng Hao and Chen Chong ran all the way. Finally, they left the dark forest before dark. Looking at the dark forest behind them, Meng Hao breathed a sigh.

Before, he ran away because Zixuan Lingyan told him that the dark spirit mouse had grown up, which was equivalent to the existence of the king of the realm.

However, he suffered some injuries. Only those who devour human beings can recover from the injury. Moreover, even the wounded level-7 soul beast is not able to compete with Meng Hao at all.

So the only way is to escape, but fortunately, the dark spirit mouse was seriously injured and didn't care about Meng Hao at all, so Meng Hao and they were very lucky to escape.

"Let's go to Tianhai restaurant". Meng Hao greeted Chen Chong. They turned into a streamer and swept away into the dark city.

Yin'er and yin'er's grandfather are arranged by Meng Hao in Tianhai restaurant. Meng Hao plans to take them to Chiyue city and place them there.

"Big brother, you're back." Meng Hao came to Tianhai restaurant. Before, he wrapped up a quiet attic. Yin'er and yin'er's grandfather lived there. Just entering the attic, an ethereal and pleasant voice came into Meng Hao's ears.

Meng Hao heard this ethereal and pleasant voice, and his mouth also showed a smile. Yes, the owner of this ethereal and pleasant voice is yin'er.

"See you, young master". Yan also appeared at this time and saluted Meng Hao respectfully.

"You're welcome", Meng Hao waved his hand to Yan, and then stretched out his hand to hold the flying yin'er in his arms.

"Is Yiner still used to living here"? Meng Hao touched yin'er's small head and asked with a smile.

Yin'er nodded happily and said, "big brother, yin'er is very happy to live here. There are delicious food every day.".

Then Meng Hao took yin'er to the red moon city, but yin'er's grandfather was unwilling to leave the dark city. Meng Hao had no choice but to arrange for the elderly to live in the dark city.

Chiyue city is a relatively large city subordinate to Chiyue valley. It is also famous in beixuan continent, and the passenger flow is also very large.

"Brother Chen Chong, you know where there is a quiet place in Chiyue city. I want to buy a place," Meng Hao asked Chen Chong. Chen Chong must know more about Chiyue city than Meng Hao.

Chen Chong nodded at the speech and said, "brother Meng Hao, you've asked the right person. I know more about Chiyue city. I've heard of a house with elegant environment before, but the price is a little expensive".

"The price doesn't matter. Brother Chen, I'll leave it to you. I'll wait for your good news," Meng Hao whispered. Meng Hao doesn't care much about money. Now the most important thing is to find a quiet house and settle yin'er and Yan.

"Wait for my news", Chen Chong answered, and then left alone to find a suitable house, while Meng Hao took yin'er around.

In the evening, Chen Chong came back and said he had found a house with elegant environment, so he rushed over with Meng Hao.

Meng Hao was also satisfied with the house. He bought it for 50000 yuan and settled yin'er and Yan.

Meng Hao's idea is to find a teacher for yin'er, so that he can teach yin'er well. After all, he is not suitable for others.

After arranging yin'er and Yan, Meng Hao left the house, and Chen Chong also stayed in the house. Now Chen Chong has the two-star spirit jade given by Meng Hao, so he wants to break through the perfection of peeping spirit in a short time.

After leaving the red moon city, Meng Hao summoned Jinyu Xuanying. Now Jinyu Xuanying is a level 6 soul beast. Its flight speed is much faster than Meng Hao, so it will take the place of it.

Meng Hao sat cross legged on the back of Jinyu Xuanying and began to adjust his state, because there would be a big war waiting for him when he returned to the Red Moon Valley.

"Huo Ling Zhen Jue" works. Before taking Xingshen flower, the medicine effect was not completely absorbed, so it's just right to take advantage of this time to absorb it, which can also improve some strength.

In addition, Meng Hao also practiced the second form of Lei Yang divine punishment in Lei Yang Scripture. The power of the second form of Lei Yang divine punishment is much stronger than the first form of Lei Yang hell.

There is a transmission array in the red moon city to reach the Red Moon Valley, but Meng Hao didn't take the transmission array because he wanted to use this time to improve his strength.

Along the way, Meng Hao spent all his time in cultivation. Although his strength has not been substantially improved, it is better than that in the later stage of peeping into the spiritual realm, and he is gradually proficient in controlling the spiritual power in the later stage of peeping into the spiritual realm.

Five days later, Meng Hao returned to the Red Moon Valley, went directly to the task hall to hand in the task, and reported the news that the mysterious soul animal in Xuanling cave was a dark spirit mouse to zongmen.

Meng Hao completed a white task with a difficulty of one star, so the task reward is 100000 two-star spirit jade.

After handing over the task, Meng Hao calculated the time and found that he had three days to make a pact with Huang Yuanhua, so he went back to his residence to practice.

... "elder martial brother Huang, Meng Hao, the freshman you asked us to pay attention to, came back. He handed in the task in the task hall and went directly back to his own residence.".

In the quiet attic, a man listened quietly to another man's report.

When the man finished reporting, he slowly stood up and showed a ferocious face. It was Huang Yuanhua who had a contradiction with Meng Hao.

"He finally came back. Three days later, I will let him know the consequences of offending me," Huang Yuanhua clenched his palm and flashed an obliteration on his face.

Another man was flattering and said, "a freshman dares to contradict elder martial brother Huang. If you don't give him some color to see, I'm afraid he thinks our old students are afraid of him.".

Huang Yuanhua nodded approvingly and hummed, "freshmen don't understand the rules. I'll teach him the rules of Red Moon Valley.".

After a pause, he said: "the ratio of the five halls will be less than half a month. It is said that the valley Lord has revealed a treasure this time. I am also interested in that treasure, so I must enter the top ten in the ratio of the five halls at that time.".

... Meng Hao naturally doesn't know that Huang Yuanhua knows everything he does when he comes back. Even if Meng Hao knows, he won't care. People who underestimate Meng Hao will pay a painful price.

This is Meng haozheng's unique skill in learning the seven kill treasure record wholeheartedly, as well as his understanding of the profound meaning.

"Elder martial sister LAN, younger martial brother Meng is back". Not only Huang Yuanhua pays attention to Meng Hao, but also LAN Yuexin pays attention to Meng Hao.

When she heard her younger martial sister's report, she also showed a satisfied smile and immediately smiled and said: "she is worthy of being a genius concerned by both her father and father. In less than two months, she has been promoted from the middle of peeping into the spiritual realm to the later stage of peeping into the spiritual realm. Now I'm a little looking forward to the engagement between him and Huang Yuanhua".

"If he can defeat Huang Yuanhua during the war of the covenant, the Lingyue hall can be counted as a place for him when the ratio of the five halls is compared.".

"Elder martial sister LAN, younger martial brother Meng is a freshman after all. I'm afraid he won't be Huang Yuanhua's opponent. As far as I know, Huang Yuanhua has mastered three different low-level upanishadism martial arts, which is difficult to deal with." the younger martial sister next to LAN Yue's heart is not very optimistic about Meng Hao, because Huang Yuanhua's reputation is also very loud in Chiyue valley.

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