It has been ten days since the hunting war. However, Meng Hao's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and he has a tendency to surpass Chu Xiang. However, Meng Hao doesn't care about these and is still practicing hard.

A white shadow flashed past and rushed into Meng Hao's arms. Meng Hao smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth, and then said with a smile: "Xiaobai, where are you going to play again?" Xiaobai was Meng Hao who named the silver moon wolf cub because its fur was silver white.

Hearing Meng Hao's words, Xiaobai fondly rubbed Meng Hao twice. Meng Hao reluctantly took out two "Lingxin grass" and threw them to Xiaobai. Xiaobai happily swallowed the Lingxin grass, and then quickly swept away.

Meng Hao's face was a little helpless. This guy was too greedy. He ate all his spiritual grass in ten days. It seems that he has to go out, or Xiaobai will have no food.

Although he ate a lot of spirit heart grass, Xiaobai's strength has also increased a lot. Now it is the strength of the first-class later stage. According to Meng Hao's estimation, Xiaobai now has the ability to fight against the martial artists in the Xuanwu seven heavy heaven realm.

The next morning, Meng Hao and Xiaobai left Ziyang hall. This time, the destination is "soul beast deep forest", which is also a very dangerous forbidden area and the place with the most martial arts. There are all kinds of soul beasts and all kinds of miraculous drugs. As long as you have enough strength, you will have everything.

First of all, Meng Hao is going to "Tianlong city", which is a very large city, which can not be compared with a small city like Qingyuan City.

As Tianlong city is far from Ziyang palace, Meng Hao wants to go to "Baiyue city" first. At that time, he can take a task to escort the caravan and follow the caravan to Tianlong city. He can not only make a fortune, but also be on his way.

Another reason is that Meng Hao's eldest brother, Meng Lingtian, is in Baiyue city and is also the head of a famous Lingtian mercenary regiment. He hasn't seen his eldest brother for some days. When he was young, Ling Tian was very good to Meng Hao's younger brother. Meng Hao would get Meng Hao anything he wanted.

However, later, Meng Lingtian left the family to go out for training, and the two brothers rarely met again, but this blocked their brotherhood.

Baiyue city is not too far from Ziyang hall. It took half a day at Meng Hao's speed. Meng Hao was shocked when he first entered Baiyue city. Baiyue city is even more prosperous than Qingyuan City.

Meng Hao didn't hurry to find his eldest brother Meng Lingtian, but wandered around Baiyue city. Just after Meng Hao wandered around, he was about to find someone to ask about the residence of Lingtian mercenary regiment. A familiar figure glanced at the corner of his eye, "Zhao Yang, why is this guy here and who is the person with him?" Meng Hao flashed a look of doubt in his mind, Then quietly follow behind them.

When they came to an uninhabited place, Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Hu, my father asked me to inform you that we will start at the birthday banquet of Meng Yuhua, and ask Uncle Hu to bring someone to help us at that time.",.

The man called Uncle Hu by Zhao Yang smiled and said, "well, I've discussed with your father. This time, our black tiger gang will kill the family, no matter how strong the Meng family is."

Meng Hao hid in the distance and spread his mental strength. He heard all the words of the two people's conversation. A look of anger suddenly fell on his face. At the same time, he was also a little happy. It was not too late. Unexpectedly, he heard the conspiracy by mistake. It seems that his plan to go out to experience should be put aside first.

Then Meng Hao left here. Now the conversation between Zhao Yang and the guy named uncle Hu was eavesdropped by Meng Hao word by word. It's useless to stay here. I'd better tell my brother first and ask him to find a way to inform his father and grandpa.

I found someone and inquired about the residence of Lingtian mercenary regiment. Then I hurried over and came to the residence of Lingtian mercenary regiment. A guard guarding the gate stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "the front is the residence of our Lingtian mercenary regiment. Please stay."

Meng Hao smiled and said, "please inform your leader that his brother Meng Hao is coming." the guard was stunned first, and then nodded and said, "well, I'll go in and inform you." he immediately turned and walked towards the door. It was obvious that he was going to inform Meng Lingtian.

"Ha ha, little brother, you finally came to see my big brother." before long, a laugh came, and then a man who was somewhat similar to Meng haochang came quickly with a happy face.

"Brother, I have something important to tell you." Meng Hao smiled first and then said in a deep voice. Meng Lingtian was stunned first, and then his face became a little dignified. He nodded and said, "go, let's go in and talk." then the two brothers came to a hidden room.

Meng Lingtian looked at Meng Hao and asked, "little brother, is there anything important? Is something wrong with the family?"

Meng Hao shook his head and said, "no, listen to me." then Meng Hao told Meng Lingtian everything he had heard before. Meng Lingtian's face became a little gloomy and said in a deep voice: "little brother, thanks to you knowing this conspiracy in advance, otherwise grandpa and the family might suffer heavy losses."

Meng Hao said with a smile: "brother, we have learned about the plot in advance. If Grandpa and father have arranged it, they must be able to surprise the Zhao family." then Meng Hao told Meng Lingtian some of his ideas, and Meng Lingtian was amazed.

Then Meng Lingtian called a loyal brother and asked him to go to Meng's house to tell Meng Yuhua and others about the plot and let them take precautions.

Meng Hao then said, "brother, can you introduce me to the strength of the black tiger Gang?" Meng Lingtian nodded and smiled, "OK, I'll introduce you to the black tiger gang."

"The black tiger sect is a powerful force. According to our investigation, the leader of the black tiger sect is a leader of tianwu liuchongtian, second to Grandpa. He also has three powerful vice leaders, all of whom are in the territory of tianwu and tianwu. In addition, there are 16 experts in the territory of Diwu, Almost all of them are the strength above the territory of earth and Wu Wuzhong heaven. "

Meng Hao thought for a moment and said softly, "it is preliminarily estimated that there are five experts in tianwu realm in the Zhao family, but one was killed by the silver soul, and there should be four more. Zhao Dongqiang and grandpa are the strength of the same realm, plus the four experts in tianwu realm of the black tiger Gang, that is to say, they now have eight experts in tianwu realm, and there are two experts in tianwu six heavy tianwu realm, It's hard to do. "

Meng Lingtian thought and said, "I have three better brothers. I think there should be no problem borrowing some strength from their family to reach the realm of tianwu". Meng Hao nodded and said, "OK, I'll leave it to elder brother. Give me a reply the morning after tomorrow at the latest. I want to make further arrangements.

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