Meng Hao and the evil ape were on their way at full speed, so it didn't take long to return to the red moon city, but the red moon city was still a long way from the Red Moon Valley.

The two of them had a short rest in the red moon city, that is, they plundered towards the Red Moon Valley. Although it was said that the evil ape could not enter the Red Moon Valley, Meng Hao could take it into the small world of Tianyue first and release it after he had reached his own residence.

However, when they were on their way at full speed, suddenly there was a sound breaking the air, and the black gas filled the air. It directly turned into a middle-aged man and fell not far in front of Meng Hao.

A dignified color appeared on the face of the exterminating demon ape. He took a step to block Meng Hao behind him. He felt a strong breath fluctuation from the other side. Even he may not be his opponent.

Then the visitor is likely to be the second king of Huajing, so he doesn't dare to be careless at this time. At the same time, he sends a message to Meng Hao: "young master, if you don't fight each other for a while, you'll hide in the small world of Tianyue. Then he can't help you.".

Meng Hao also nodded when he heard the speech, but hiding in the small world of heaven and moon is not his character. If he can't fight, he will hide in it, but not now.

"Who are you, sir? Why do you want to stop us?" Meng Hao asked softly. He was disgusted by the fluctuation of the other party's breath, so his tone was also quite cold.

"Hei hei, I have been waiting for you here for a long time", the man with strong breath smiled and looked at Meng Hao with killing intention.

He paused a little and then said, "I'd like to introduce myself. I'm called the king of autumn wind. Today, even if you cut your wings, you can't escape my palm.".

"Moxibustion ghost autumn wind king"? Meng Hao also showed a surprised look on his face. Unexpectedly, the old guy came from moxibustion tissue and was one of the kings.

"Hey, hey, I can give you a good time if I catch you obediently," said the ghost King Qiufeng with a smile, and his eyes were full of banter.

He is the second king of the realm of transformation. Can't he catch Meng Hao, a kid of the perfect level of the realm of transformation? Even if there was an iron tower man suddenly, he felt that the iron tower man was just the king who had just stepped into the realm of creation, and he didn't pay any attention to him.

"Do it", Meng Hao flashed a cold color on his face, and the cold voice suddenly spread. When the voice spread, he had flashed and appeared on the side of the ghost King Qiufeng.

There was a white feather fan in his hand. The fan sent out strong and powerful breath waves. It was the quasi holy instrument holy light fan that had not been used for a long time.

Starting with the holy light fan, Meng Hao suddenly waved the feather fan. At that time, a terrible white light emerged and rolled away directly at the ghost autumn wind king's seat.

At the same time, the exterminating demon ape also lived on it. Although it did not use its own body, it was no weaker than the general king who had just entered the spiritual realm.

The fist power swept out and directly covered the ghost King Qiufeng in it. Even if he was strong, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get a punch from the evil ape at this time.

The ghost King Qiufeng didn't expect Meng Hao to take the lead. In his eyes, Meng Hao is like a mole ant. He can kill with a wave, but now this scene is completely different from what he imagined.

However, he was also a king of the second transformation of the realm. In an instant, he reacted. The terrible spiritual power swept away and directly divided into two, just like turning into two black Python and blowing away at Meng Hao and the exterminating demon ape.


The terrible crash spread. Meng Hao and the evil ape were shocked back and stopped after a few steps. On the contrary, the ghost King Qiufeng was unharmed.

"Indeed, he is worthy of being the king of the second transformation of the world. Such strength is really strong." Meng Hao also flashed a dignified color on his face. It seems that there will be a big war today.

But do you really think you are a soft persimmon? If you want to kill Meng Hao today, even if the ghost King Qiufeng is strong, you have to pay a painful price.

However, when Meng Hao was ready to use the four elements in one to improve his strength, he suddenly thought of one thing, and a happy smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Immediately he whispered to the evil Ape: "master evil ape, help me block him for a while. I want to prepare something.".

The evil ape smiled and said, "don't worry, childe. Although my strength has retreated a lot now, there's no big problem if I want to stop a small second transformed king of the realm".

Then he waved his fist and roared at the ghost King Qiufeng. Meng Hao also smiled. He was more relieved about the exterminating demon ape. As he said, although his strength has retreated a lot, the means he mastered is not comparable to that of the second transformation king.

So the mind sank into the reincarnation temple. The reincarnation temple is divided into eight parts. In each part, there are strong people. These strong people are the cards left by the reincarnation emperor for his heirs.

Meng Hao's strength was too weak before, so he couldn't mobilize the people in the eight parts of the reincarnation temple. Now his strength has greatly increased, so he can naturally mobilize the strong ones in the eight parts of the reincarnation to fight the enemy.

The eight parts of reincarnation are medicine department, assassination department, soul department, military department, blood department, spirit department, charm department and War Department.

There are six people in the medicine department. They are all alchemists. In ancient times, each of them was a famous generation.

There are 18 people in the assassination department. They are all proficient in assassination skills. Even if the enemy is one level stronger than themselves, they can easily assassinate.

There are three people in the soul department. These three people are strong soul masters. They control many soul animals. They are extremely strong in spirit and destroy the sky and earth with a wave.

There are two people in the Ministry of martial arts. They are brothers. They are naturally knowledgeable in martial arts research and have created many powerful martial arts.

There are nine people in the blood department. Their murderous spirit is so strong that everyone comes out of the sea of blood.

Spirit department is a special existence. They are all alternative existence between heaven and earth. They are all magical things between heaven and earth. They gave birth to wisdom and become a powerful existence.

There are four people in the charm department. All of them are beautiful women. In ancient times, they were all famous beautiful women. However, after being accepted by the reincarnation emperor, they were frozen by themselves. Up to now, they are still as beautiful as before.

There are six people in the war department. These six people are all warmongers. They will never stop fighting against each other, and they are all powerful people.

The last time Meng Hao entered the War Department, he fought with one of them for a day and night. Although he said that the other party suppressed his own strength at that time, he still said that he was subject to Meng Hao, so Meng Hao can mobilize him.

"Brother Baizhan, I met a second transformed king of the realm, so I need your help to capture him," Meng Hao said in a deep voice directly to a young man in the war department.

This man is called Baizhan. He has the highest strength and excellent cultivation talent. He was regarded as several disciples by the reincarnation emperor in those years, so he stayed in the war department all the time.

"The little Lord spoke, I will naturally help," Baizhan said with a smile. Meng Hao was relieved when he heard the speech. Meng Hao's mind dispersed and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, there was a green man in front of him. Looking at Meng Hao, he smiled and said, "don't worry, young Lord. I'll kill him now.".

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