After Meng Hao left the fireworks peak, he returned according to the original road, and then returned to the Lingyue hall. He was just ready to go back to his room and meditate to restore the consumed spiritual power.

However, Meng Hao was called by the hall's advocate Yuwei, which was also quite helpless. However, since the hall owner called himself, he could not refuse, so he had to come to Zhang Yuwei's residence.

"Meng Hao, you have won honor for our Lingyue hall this time, so what reward do you want? I, the hall leader, will certainly meet you." Zhang Yuwei smiled happily. It seems that Meng Hao has won the first place in the ranking war of the spirit list. Naturally, she is very happy.

"Well... In fact, the temple Lord would just give me the soul fruit," Meng Hao said in a low voice.

Zhang Yuwei heard that she was a little speechless. She immediately smiled and said, "you guy, promise to give you soul fruit. Naturally, you won't be missing", and then threw Meng Hao a storage ring.

He continued: "the three soul fruits promised to you and the first prize in the ranking war of the spirit list are all here. In addition, there are also some rewards given to you by our spirit moon hall. Go and find out by yourself.".

Meng Hao was delighted at the speech, then hugged Zhang Yuwei and said with a smile: "thank you, hall Lord. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first.".

Zhang Yuwei nodded and said, "go back. You also paid a great price in this last war. You must recover well and never affect the foundation.".

After a little pause, he said, "there's another thing to tell you. The top ten disciples in your spiritual list will have a three-month holiday. After three months, they must enter the inner Valley for cultivation.".

"I see, then I'll leave first", Meng Hao nodded, then turned and left Zhang Yuwei's residence. Zhang Yuwei quietly looked at Meng Hao's leaving back and showed a look of appreciation in her eyes.

However, Zhang Yuwei didn't mention that she had asked Meng Hao to worship Supreme Master cangxuan as a teacher before, because she knew that even the blue jade ancestor, one of the two ancestors of the Red Moon Valley, appeared, which was attracted by Meng Hao's talent.

Therefore, in the future, Laozu Lanyu will naturally personally guide Meng Hao's cultivation. Naturally, he doesn't have to worship supreme elder cangxuan as a teacher.

... Meng Hao returned to his residence, took out the storage ring given by Dian Yuwei, and then took out all the things inside. After a little investigation, he also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The first is the reward for the first place in the ranking war of the spirit list. It is a low-quality advanced upanishadism martial arts, a broken Wang Dan and three jade clear pills. In addition, there is a token with a big word "Nei" written on it.

I think this is the token of the inner Valley disciple of the Red Moon Valley. I took the token, then bit my finger and dropped a drop of my own blood on it.

The token of Dun time burst into dazzling light, but it was only for a moment. Then it fell into Meng Hao's hand. At this time, there was a line of small characters under the token.

Meng Hao, the bronze medal disciple of neigu, has a contribution value of 5000.

Meng Hao slightly looked at the token, then put it away. At this time, he focused on the three black fruits, which are soul fruits.

This is a very useful soul fruit for the soul master, but Meng Hao didn't hurry to take the soul fruit, and put it away. Now it's not time to take the soul fruit.

Then he looked at the rewards given to him by the next Lingyue hall. Almost all of them were elixirs, and all of them were four elixirs, a total of 100.

Receive these things into the Xiaoyao ring, then sit cross legged, run the fire spirit formula, and start to recover the consumed spiritual power.

... Meng Hao is practicing here. His name is well known in WaiGu. Many disciples want to see Meng Hao's true face.

Not enough. After hearing Meng Hao's name, someone turned into pig's liver. This person is a president of the Red Star Association, because someone pressed Meng Hao 300000 three-star Lingyu to win the first place.

Now Meng Hao really won the first place in the ranking war of the spirit list, that is to say, their red star will lose 3 million three-star spirit jade. I think it's big.

If his eldest brother knows about it, even if he doesn't kill him, he must be abandoned. Besides, where can he get three million three-star Lingyu.

Now there is only one way, that is to die and refuse to admit it.

... Meng Hao spent three days to recover all the spiritual power he had consumed, and his spiritual power became much more solid.

"I won the first place by pressing my 300000 three-star Lingyu. Now I have time. It's time to collect money," Meng Hao said to himself with a smile.

Then he turned around and left his residence and swept towards the residence of the Red Star Club in the outer valley. It was not long before he came to this small attic.

"This is the residence of the Red Star Club. No admittance", two men stopped Meng Hao, one of whom said faintly.

Meng Hao took out a note and whispered, "this is my bet when you Red Star Club opened a gambling game. Now I'm here to exchange it.".

One of them looked at the handwriting in Meng Hao's hand, flashed an imperceptible light in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice, "wait a minute, I'll go in and report.".

Meng Hao nodded and a cold flash flashed in his eyes, because from the other party's look, he realized that it would not be so easy to collect money this time.

However, if the other party wants to default, he Meng Hao is not a soft persimmon. At that time, he will let them know the consequences of provoking him Meng Hao.

A moment later, a man in a blue robe came out with a kind smile on his face, smiled at Meng Hao and said, "it's brother Meng. I don't know why Meng Hao came to my Red Star Club station?"?

"Collection", Meng Hao said faintly, and then handed the receipt to the other party. The man in blue took the receipt, glanced slightly, smiled and said, "brother Meng, your receipt is not the receipt of our Red Star Club. Are you mistaken?".

"Oh? It seems that you are going to default, "Meng Hao said with a faint smile on his face.

The blue robed man flashed a cold light in his eyes, and the smile on his face gradually converged. He said in a cold voice: "Meng Hao, don't spit blood. It's clear that you came here with a fake receipt. My red star will make trouble. If you continue to make trouble here, don't blame me for being impolite.".

"Very good", Meng Hao's eyes also flashed cold awn, and then his body trembled. His body immediately disappeared in place. Unexpectedly, he shot directly.

The blue robed man sneered and said, "don't think you can act recklessly in my red star club if you win the first place in the spirit list. Today I'll let you know what respect for elders is.".

Immediately, his body sent out a strong and violent breath fluctuation. He was actually a second king of the transformed realm. However, his two kings of the transformed realm obviously had a lot of water and obviously accumulated by the elixir.

However, Rao was so, and it was quite not simple. The two fought in an instant, and the terrible collision spread. Meng Hao's figure was directly shaken back, and the man in blue also retreated a few steps.

At this time, the blue robed man's face flashed a sense of obliteration. Since he provoked the other party, he should cut off the roots, otherwise he will leave a disaster for himself.

"I Meng Hao wrote down what happened today. I will visit the red star club again. I hope you can bear my anger." Meng Hao's indifferent voice rang out, but his figure disappeared and obviously left.

"It seems that we have to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with those talented disciples in neigu with our current strength". In the corner not far away, Meng Hao showed his body and showed a dignified look on his face.

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