It took Meng Hao less than a day to get to Tianshang city. Looking at the medium-sized city, Meng Hao showed a faint smile on his face.

In the future, Haotian branch will gradually develop from here. It's exciting to think about it. In the future, Haotian's reputation will ring through the whole Dongxuan continent and even the whole world.

"Young master, would you like to go to Haotian branch or visit Tianshang city now?" the news of Meng Hao's return has long been sent back, so Dong Qingyan sent Ma Hong to meet Meng Hao.

The main reason is that Haotian branch is in a remote area in TianShang City, so Dong Qingyan is afraid that Meng Hao can't find it, so he asks Mahong to pick Meng Hao up.

Meng Hao smiled and said: "in the future, we will live in Tianshang city. We have plenty of opportunities to visit Tianshang city. Now we'd better go to Haotian branch first.".

"Yes, young Lord, please follow me," Ma Hong replied respectfully. Then he took Meng Hao and others to the Haotian branch and walked for ten minutes to a quiet boundary.

"Yes, it seems that elder martial sister took great pains for this Haotian branch," Meng Hao sighed. Looking at this magnificent Haotian branch, he was also filled with emotion.

It must have cost a lot of money to build this Haotian branch, but considering Dong Qingyan's identity, Meng Hao was relieved. Besides, he and his elder martial sister didn't need to be so clear.

"See you, little Lord." Meng haogang just stepped into Haotian branch and guarded the gate of Haotian. Huang Yi and Huang ERGONG said. Meng Hao smiled at them and stepped into them.

When he came to a hall, Meng Hao saw Dong Qingyan, Jiuyi Tianlong and Meiwu Wang, "little younger martial brother, you Haotian Pavilion master have to sit on it".

Dong Qingyan pointed to the high position in the hall and smiled. This position was set by Dong Qingyan for Meng Hao. Meng Hao had no choice but to smile and had to take a seat in the highest seat.

Other people also sat in separate seats. Meng Hao looked at the people, pondered a little for a moment, and said softly, "next, I'll announce some positions and appointments. In the future, you will be members of my Haotian organization. I hope the name of Haotian can be heard throughout the East Xuanzhou continent and even the whole world".

After a pause, he said, "Dong Qingyan is my elder martial sister. She will be the deputy leader of Haotian Pavilion in the future. Her words are mine. Whoever dares to violate the regulations of the pavilion will be punished.".

"Ling'er is the Lord of the heavenly beast hall, in charge of the heavenly beast hall, and Xiao Tian and Xiao Long are the deputy hall masters of the heavenly beast hall".

"There is a new shenhuang hall in Haotian Pavilion. The main hall is Nangong tiger, and the deputy hall is Ma Hong. Huang Yi and the four of you are temporarily members of shenhuang hall, and Tianxuan hall will gradually expand in the future".

"Duanmu chaopeng is one of the six heavenly kings of Haotian Pavilion, Shuipeng heavenly king, Yang Gui is one of the six heavenly kings of Haotian Pavilion, and the other four heavenly kings are determined separately".

"Baizhan is the elder of Haotian Pavilion, the exterminating demon ape is the second elder of Haotian Pavilion, and the magic dance king is the third elder of Haotian Pavilion. We will inform you what we need to manage until we have worked out a plan.".

"Yes, please obey the order of the pavilion Lord", and everyone responded in unison. As for the purple wind king and the bully gun King Meng Hao, they didn't let them join the Haotian organization for the time being. After all, they are from the Red Moon Valley, so it's inappropriate to join the Haotian organization.

Two days later, Meng Hao and Dong Qingyan drew up some cabinet rules, the most important of which is not to bully others. This was written by Meng Hao himself.

After announcing the pavilion rules, the Haotian organization branch was also established. Dong Qingyan smiled and said, "younger martial brother, let me show you around Tianshang city.".

Meng Hao nodded and Dong Qingyan put on his veil. Otherwise, it would be easy to be recognized. Linger, Xiaotian and Bruce Lee, as well as Baizhan, accompanied him. The others stayed in Haotian Pavilion.

Although Tianshang city is only a medium-sized city, it is also relatively large. The city is very lively. Meng Hao and others stroll in Tianshang city and feel different human and local customs.

"Go away, boy, don't be my young master's road". Suddenly, a roar spread, and everyone around retreated. Only Meng Hao and Dong Qingyan stood in the middle of the road.

"That's the son of the vice mayor. Let's step back quickly, otherwise I'm afraid we'll be in trouble." many people around seem to see the God of plague and retreat one after another.

Meng Hao smiled lightly and remained unmoved. The middle-aged man who had just scolded Meng Hao angrily said, "boy, are you deaf and can't die.".

With this saying, a faint fluctuation of spiritual power appeared on the palm of his hand and patted directly at Meng Hao. Half a step, the king's strength was revealed, revealing the strong fluctuation of power.

"It's over, that boy is going to be over. The guard of the Deputy City Lord's son is a strong man". Many people recognized the middle-aged man who shot at Meng Hao. Each face showed a look of pity. It seemed that they had seen Meng Hao fall into the hands of the middle-aged man.

"Get out", Meng Hao snorted coldly and didn't raise his hand at all. Just a cold snort, the middle-aged man flew out like a heavy blow. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

It's just a small half step king, and it's still an ordinary half step king. How can it stop Meng Hao's terrible momentum? Naturally, he was badly hurt.

"Who dares to seriously injure my guard?" suddenly a roar spread, and a young man in royal clothes came over, with a luxurious smell all over his body.

"I hurt you, what do you want to do?" Meng Hao said faintly. He looked the same and didn't take each other in his eyes.

"Well, those who dare to provoke me Cui Jiangfan will not come to a good end in the war city this day," said the noble youth coldly, revealing an arrogant tone.

"Younger martial brother, this man is the son of Cui Gang, the vice mayor of Tianshang city. He bullies the good and fears the evil. Many young girls in the city have been ruined by him." Dong Qingyan's voice sounded in Meng Hao's ear and introduced Meng Hao's identity as a noble youth.

"Oh? The son of Cui Gang, the vice mayor of TianShang City, didn't expect to meet a big man when he came out. "Meng Hao showed a funny smile on his face.

At this time, Cui Jiangfan said coldly, "Cui Li, you abandoned this boy to me, and then catch the woman and two little girls around him.".

When the voice fell, Cui Jiangfan walked out of a strong man more than two meters high behind him. His whole body revealed strong power fluctuations. He was obviously a strong man.

"The king of the realm of creation at the beginning of the second turn", Meng Hao saw the strength of the strong man at a glance, and looked at each other's appearance. His strength should be relatively large, comparable to the king of the realm of creation at the end of the second turn.

"Yes, young master", Cui Ligong, a strong man, replied, then looked at Meng Hao and whispered, "you have offended me". After a fist salute, his body was like Mount Tai, pressing against Meng Hao town.

Meng Hao's eyes twinkled with an indifferent look. Baizhan was just ready to fight, but he was blocked back by Meng Hao. Then he took a step forward and showed a strong fluctuation of power.

The cold spirit power surged and covered Meng Hao's palm, and then directly raised his hand to pat Cui Li.


Cui Li's body was like a comet falling. Cold spiritual power appeared on Meng Hao's hands. They collided with each other and burst into an amazing roar.

Then they saw that Cui Li's figure like a hill flew back directly, and Meng Hao's soles fell into the soil.

"The strength is great, but the way of cultivation is a little wrong. It's a waste of this qualification," Meng Hao shook his head and sighed softly. The other party's strength is relatively large, although it surprised him.

But the other party's cultivation method is wrong. This powerful power is wasted in vain.

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