"What do you want to ask, sir? Just ask. I know everything and say everything." the young man approached Meng Hao like a pug.

Meng Hao glanced at each other and asked softly, "tell me which city here is first and how far away it is from Tianlong city.".

He didn't ask where Qingyuan City was. After all, Qingyuan City is a small city. Presumably, the boy in gorgeous clothes won't know this small city.

The Tianlong city is the city where Bi Jinqiang, the leader of the black Xuan region, lives. Therefore, it is relatively famous. Many people must have heard of the Tianlong city.

And bixuan needs to go back to see her father first. Besides, Meng Hao should also visit his father-in-law. Meng Hao will not fall behind these etiquette.

"If you return to your excellency, this is the boundary of chaos magic city. Tianlong city is in that direction, not far from here," replied the gorgeous young man, and then pointed out a direction to Meng Hao.

"Chaos demon city? This is the boundary of chaos magic city. "Meng Hao showed a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, he came directly to chaos magic city after coming back. The last place he experienced was chaos magic city. He also built a force called Xingyue Pavilion in Chaos Magic City, which should be developing well now.

"I'm sure you don't dare lie to me." Meng Hao's face showed a cold color and directly stunned the man in gorgeous clothes. Since he had said not to kill him, Meng Hao would not kill him, but he couldn't just let him go. From then on, he was a useless man.

"Let's go, first go to Tianlong city", Meng Hao chuckled, and then took the lead in plundering in the direction of the well-dressed man, followed by bixuan and others.

Sure enough, before long, Meng Hao and them saw the outline of a huge city. It was the Tianlong city that had been away for a long time. When they went to tiancanxing for training, they left from Tianlong city.

She was about to go home. Bixuan also showed an excited expression on her face. Meng Hao smiled and patted bixuan's small hand, holding the weak and boneless hand in her hand. Bixuan struggled twice and let Meng Hao grasp it.

Whew, whew!!!!

Meng Hao and his team had just entered the Tianlong city. In the distance, there was a team of dozens of people. It was obvious that they were the soldiers guarding the city. The man who led them had the four heaven strength of heaven and martial arts. He was also good in the black and Xuan region.

"Who are you and why do you want to break into the city master's house?" the chief General looked at Meng Hao and others, with a dignified look on his face, and then asked softly.

Before Meng Hao spoke, bixuan said, "commander Zorro, don't you know me?"?

Commander Zorro of tianwu's four heaven realm looked up at bixuan, and his face showed a surprised expression. Immediately, his face changed dramatically. He hummed coldly, "I don't know you. Please leave here quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.".

The voice dropped and gave bixuan a look, which meant to let them go. Meng Hao also knew that something might have happened to the city Lord's residence, but with their current strength, they didn't have to be afraid of anything at all.

"Where to go", suddenly a cold cry came from a distance. The next moment, a young man fell in mid air. That was what he said just now.

Commander Zorro's face changed greatly when he heard the speech. He turned and looked at the young man with a frightened expression on his face. At this time, the young man said, "it's a capital crime to be good at the main house of the Great Wall, and I think their strange deeds have something to do with Bi Jinqiang".

At this time, he even called Bi Jinqiang's name. It seems that he didn't pay any attention to bi Jinqiang, the leader of the black Xuan domain. However, seeing that the other party is the triple heaven strength of the holy martial arts, he should not be Bi Jinqiang's opponent. There must be a conspiracy behind it.

"Meng Hao, there may be something wrong with my father. I need to go back and have a look quickly," bixuan said anxiously to Meng Hao. Now she was worried that his father had been poisoned.

"It's okay, my father-in-law won't have an accident", Meng Hao gave bixuan a reassuring look, and then looked at the young man.

Light way: "the purple wind king takes him. I want to know what the situation of my father-in-law is now and what is behind the conspiracy".

"Yes, xuanwang", the purple wind king answered, flew out directly and swept away at the young man. The young man showed an arrogant expression on his face, laughed and said: "are you all fools in the black Xuanyu? Even your strongest domain master Bi Jinqiang fell into my master's hands. You mole ants dare to fight against your opponents ".

But the next moment, the purple wind king appeared beside him and grabbed him with his palm directly. The young man's face also changed greatly at this time, because he felt a stronger breath fluctuation than his master from the purple wind king.

But without any reaction, he was directly caught by the purple wind king and sealed all his strength. How could a small holy martial triple heavenly warrior be the purple wind king's opponent of the king of the realm of creation.

Whew, whew!!!

The next moment, the purple wind king snatched back to Meng Hao and handed over the young man in his hand to Meng Hao. Except Meng Hao, others didn't react at all.

Because all this happened between the lightning and flint, especially commander Zorro, showed an incredible look at this time, and then showed a happy look in his eyes.

Meng Hao looked at the young man who was blocked by the purple wind king. At this time, he was struggling in the spiritual power aperture, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape.

At the same time, even his voice couldn't be heard. He could only see from his expression that he was afraid at this time. However, Meng Hao's face was still indifferent and didn't want to ask him about his plan. He directly performed soul searching.

A moment later, Meng Hao threw the young man who had become an idiot aside, with a helpless look on his face, and sighed: "according to this guy's memory, they came from Youjin domain. Now Bi Jinqiang, the leader of heixuan domain, has fallen into the hands of his master Youxuan, and is now seriously injured.".

Youxuan's purpose is to occupy heixuan domain. At the same time, he is also the domain master of Youjin domain. His strength is much stronger than Bijin. It seems that he is a strong person who peeps into the spirit realm, but he doesn't know what level of the spirit realm, he may also be a strong person who turns into the spirit realm.

However, Meng Hao didn't care about such strength at all. Let alone the strong in the spirit realm, even if the king of the realm of creation came, they were not afraid at all.

"Commander Zorro, you should know the place where my father-in-law is imprisoned. Now take us there," Meng Hao looked at commander Zorro and said faintly.

"No, the young master fell into each other's hands. Let's go back and report to the domain master quickly." those who came with the young man showed a frightened expression and then plundered towards the city master's house.

Meng Hao had a sneer on his face and waved his hand towards the void. He saw dozens of ice swords emerge leisurely, directly penetrating the void and plundering forward.


The next moment, those who escaped were all fixed in place, and then fell to the ground. Dozens of people didn't have a living mouth, and all died under those ice swords.

Zorro's face was shocked again. What kind of strength does it take to kill dozens of local martial arts fighters, and it was killed instantly. I'm afraid it's at least a strong peeping mirror.

At this time, Zorro looked at Meng Hao with a look of fear, and then happily said, "young master Meng, you and the eldest lady are back. It seems that the city Lord has been saved. I'll take you to the place where the city Lord is imprisoned.".

Meng Hao nodded, and a helpless expression appeared on his face. He said faintly, "I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to go home. Since the leader of the Youjin domain is so rampant, do you really think that there is no strong man in the heixuan domain?"?

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