Meng Hao and his companions walked into the valley and came to the end of the valley. They found that there was a small pool here. Looking closely, they found that the pool was not water, but full of rich aura.

"What a rich aura," said Sikong Yehua in shock. Rao was an extraordinary person and had never seen such a place with such a strong aura. He was full of praise at that time.

Wu Xinying, Bi Xuan and others also looked shocked. They looked at Meng Hao and obviously asked Meng Hao what to do next.

"There are two more over there", Meng Hao glanced to the left and found that there are two such small pools hundreds of meters away, all emitting strong aura.

"No, the thunder light emitted before will never be three pools full of aura", but Meng Hao frowned, and then urged his mental strength to investigate the surrounding situation.

"Found it". Sure enough, before long, Meng Hao opened his eyes, showed a happy look in his eyes, and directly swept to the left. Seeing this, they also urged him to follow up.

A moment later, Meng Hao saw a lightning lotus ten feet in size, emitting a lightning arc and energy waves that destroy the sky and the earth.

"Thunder spirit Lotus"? Meng Hao's eyes showed ecstasy. He didn't expect to meet the legendary thunder spirit lotus here. This kind of Heaven material and earth treasure has exceeded the Holy Level and stepped into the God level.

If a thunder warrior can practice on the thunder spirit lotus for one day, he can practice normally for one month. This is simply the thunder warrior's cultivation cheating device.

"Why haven't I heard of the thunder spirit lotus?" Sikong Yehua looked puzzled, looked at Wu Xinying, bixuan and others, and found that they all looked puzzled.

Immediately everyone looked at Meng Hao. Meng Hao explained with a smile: "if Lei Ling divine lotus is divided according to the level, it can be divided into God level Heaven material and earth treasure, but Lei Ling divine lotus is only useful to Lei martial artists, and even if others get it, it is useless.".

Then Meng Hao explained the use of Lei Ling divine lotus to the people. After listening, the people nodded slowly and finally knew what Lei Ling divine lotus was and what it was used for.

"Doesn't that mean the boss Lei Lingshen lotus is very useful to you?" Bruce Lee's face showed a happy look. He naturally hopes that the treasure will be useful to Meng Hao. His boss is powerful, so he will follow his prestige.

"You can say so," Meng Hao said with a happy look on his face and a smile, "this trip really didn't come in vain." he paused and then said, "next, you'll practice in the three pools with plenty of energy, so your cultivation speed will be greatly improved.".

Meng Hao continued: "Ying'er, xuan'er and feng'er, you practice in the innermost pool, sun yuan, Bruce Lee and Ye Hua, you practice in the outermost pool, Bai Xin and Xiao Tian practice in the middle pool, and remove all your clothes during practice, so the effect of practice will be much better.".

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Xinying, bixuan and Zifeng all looked embarrassed and turned red.

"You don't have to worry. I'll arrange the moonlight array in the narrow place ahead, and I'll arrange the array to isolate everything in each pool, so you don't have to worry," Meng Hao said with a smile.

Wu Xinying, Bi Xuan and others nodded when they heard the speech. Then Meng Hao began to arrange the array. In case, Meng Hao arranged Lei Yan sword array outside the moonlight array. Even in the later stage of the holy state, it was difficult to break in in in a short time.

However, when Meng Hao finished arranging all this, a gray butterfly flew and landed in Meng Hao's palm. The gray butterfly was condensed by Meng Hao's spiritual strength, and the main purpose was to inquire for information.

Meng Hao's spiritual power has also broken through the soul respect realm. Although it is only a ring of soul respect, at the same time, Meng Hao also has a means to display the soul respect realm, which is the butterfly of intelligence.

"What's the matter with your husband?" bixuan asked with a little worry when she saw Meng Hao's look gradually becoming cold. "Chen Chao hasn't given up his heart. This time, he also brought two early warriors from the holy land. Now he is hiding in the jungle outside the valley and plans to reap the benefits of the fisherman", Meng Hao smiled.

Then she looked at Wu Xinying and bixuan whispered, "since Chen Chao plans to take advantage of the fisherman, I'll let him know that the fisherman will be eaten by fish sometimes.".

"Solve the immediate problems first, and then we can practice at ease", Meng Hao whispered, and then took the lead to sweep away. If they don't solve the problems first, I'm afraid they will be disturbed when they practice.

A moment later, Meng Hao took people back to the entrance of the valley. Ling'er and the earth scorpion magic dragon were still entangled. It was difficult to tell the outcome for a while and a half.

"Ling'er, I'll help you later," Meng Hao said with a smile. Ling'er nodded at the speech and said in a charming voice: "OK, let's fight together to solve this big man at that time.".

"Young master, Meng Hao, they have come out. Have they robbed all the treasures inside?"? The short haired man beside Chen Chao wondered. He was also one of the two early warriors in the holy land.

His name is Pan Yue. His title is silver knife emperor. He is good at two handed short knives. He is a powerful general around Chen Chao, but he has just stepped into the holy state.

Another warrior in the early days of the holy Zun territory had blond hair and looked very flirtatious. Others called him monkey. His title was golden monkey king. His body was golden wire monkey. He was good at stick technique and his strength was higher than that of silver knife emperor Pan Yue.

When it comes to the title, I have to say that the realm of life and death will be called the emperor, that is, life and death will be the emperor. Similarly, the realm of holy respect will also be called the emperor. The realm of holy emperor is the same, just like the fire emperor, who has already stepped into the realm of holy emperor, and others still call him the fire emperor.

Chen Chao frowned, but a moment later he found something wrong. Meng Hao and they were coming this way, that is, where they were.

"No, Meng Hao found us. Be careful," Chen Chao shouted at once, then waved his hand and said he was ready to do it at any time.

"There are poisonous snakes and insects in the grass. I'm afraid it's not good to stay for a long time," Meng Hao said with a smile. Then he waved his palm directly, and the flame spirit swept away, turned into energy and blasted towards the place where Chen Chao was.

"Meng Hao, you deceive people too much. Don't blame me for being rude," Chen Chao flashed out and scattered Meng Hao's spiritual power training. At the same time, he said coldly.

Behind him, Pan Yue, the silver knife emperor, and the golden monkey emperor, are ready to take action at any time. Now they just wait for Chen Chao to give an order.

"What do you want to do here? Do you need me to say it? Today, I'm going to tell you one thing, that is, sometimes fishermen may be eaten by fish. "The voice fell. Meng Hao waved his hand and smiled and said," give Chen Chao to me and others you can solve. ".

Immediately, he swept directly towards Chen Chao, and Chixiao sword fell into his palm. The terrible blade cut through the sky and fell down with a terrible momentum.


Chen Chao raised his fist and smashed it at the sword. At the same time, he shouted at the people behind him: "whoever killed Meng Hao today, I will reward a million five-star spirit jade when I go back.".

This guy is also generous. His voice has just dropped. Everyone behind him is excited. A million five-star spirit jade is not a small amount. No one is not excited.

Chen Chao put his hands together and his body radiated black light. The black light wrapped his body. At the next moment, Chen Chao's reminders were much bigger, and his face flashed a strange look.

"Meng Hao, I'll kill you today, and then take your head to receive the reward. Then I can get the intermediate holy skill." Chen Chao looked ferocious. At this time, he seemed to turn into a demon emperor, exuding terrible magic power.

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