The devil saint is the title of the devil family to their strongest, that is, the strong saint of the imperial realm comparable to the human warrior.

Now there are many remaining demons in this world. They can't bear it all the time, so even the strong in the holy emperor's realm can't find them. However, they have been active frequently recently, and it seems that something big is going to happen.

Because one of the demon saints who was badly hurt in those years has now recovered. They have been active frequently because they received the order of the demon saint.

Meng Hao learned from Chen Chao's memory that the demon clan has made an idea on the next leader of Lingxin Island, that is, this time, the demon clan will sneak into Lingxin secret territory and compete for the next leader.

After knowing the news, Meng Hao's face gradually became dignified. It seemed that the demon family was secretly planning. Now he was worried that the demon family would rescue the suppressed Xuantian Bone Demon.

The reincarnation emperor burning reincarnation only sealed the two channels, and the Xuantian Bone Demon was only sealed and not completely killed.

However, the Xuantian Bone Demon was also badly hurt, and it was even more difficult to recover. Meng Hao didn't think much about it. Since the demon family wanted to make an idea to the next leader of Lingxin Island, he grabbed the position of the next leader of Lingxin Island, so that they couldn't make this idea.

Meng Hao got some information, then looked at Chen Chao, waved his palm gently, and swept away at Chen Chao with streamer. It's better to destroy the people eroded by the magic seed as soon as possible.


The streamer is a flame, a purple flame. The purple Xuanling flame directly incinerates Chen Chao. Chen Chao's soul is suspended in the air,

Whew, whew!!!

However, just when Meng Hao planned to burn Chen Chao's soul, a big hand suddenly appeared in the void, grabbed Chen Chao's soul directly in his hand, and then prepared to retreat.

"Who rat dares to hide in the dark?" suddenly a cold cry came into everyone's ears. There was another big hand in the air. Listening to his voice, you can know that this person is Kong Yi, the elder of Lingxin island.


The big hand suddenly exposed in the void grabbed Chen Chao's soul and resisted the attack of the elder of Lingxin island. It seemed that a stuffy hum spread, and the man hidden in the dark seemed to have been hurt.

But in a flash, the big hand dissipated, and even the breath disappeared without a trace. The elder of Lingxin Island didn't continue to pursue and kill. He said to Meng Hao, "Meng Shao, what should you do? Next, I will closely monitor the trend of the demon family. If they dare to come, they will die without a place to bury".

"Thank you, elder", Meng Hao also hugged the elder and said slightly dignified: "I learned from Chen Chao's memory that the demon clan has completely controlled the Heaven Earth Society. Next, they want to snatch the next island Master.".

The elder of Lingxin island looked surprised at the speech and immediately said in a deep voice, "I'll go back and discuss with several other elders about how to deal with this matter.".

Then, the elder's breath dissipated. Meng Hao looked at the people who were taken by sun yuan and Lu Baixin. They were all Chen Chao's subordinates, but they didn't have magic seeds in their bodies. It seems that the cultivation of Magic Seeds in the human body also depends on the cultivation talent.

"Chen Chao's intelligence has been eroded by the devil species. Now all the Chen family are possessed by the devil. You'd better leave the Chen family and don't help the tyranny any more, otherwise I will take your life," Meng Hao said faintly.

The golden monkey emperor and the silver knife emperor looked stunned when they heard the speech, and then their faces turned happy. They thanked Meng Hao and said, "thank you for your kindness of not killing young master Meng. We'll leave the secret land of Lingxin and won't go back to Chen's house.".

Meng Hao nodded, then turned and swept towards the interior of the valley. Now ling'er is still fighting with the earth scorpion magic dragon, and slightly has the upper hand.

"Scorpion demon dragon, if you are willing to submit to me, I can help you step into the level of divine beast in the future," Meng Hao said faintly to the scorpion demon dragon. At the same time, a golden streamer appeared on his body, as if a golden dragon hovered over Meng Hao's head, and the terrible sound of dragon singing spread.

"Well? What a pure dragon power ", the earth scorpion demon dragon showed a shocked look, turned and looked at Meng Hao with a puzzled face. Not only did he look like this, but even Zifeng was shocked.

Meng Hao has the original power of the Golden Dragon in his body, which is the most pure blood of the dragon family. Therefore, when he urged, the scorpion demon dragon trembled slightly, as if he wanted to kneel down and surrender.

"Magic dragon, are you willing to stay in this small valley and dominate all your life? Don't you want to go out and see the beautiful world, "Meng Hao continued with a smile, as if the bad uncle was kidding children.

Sure enough, Meng Hao's voice just fell, and the earth scorpion magic dragon showed a happy look, but it was still struggling. Meng Hao continued: "although you are a mutated earth scorpion magic dragon, the dragon blood in your body is not pure. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can help you change your blood and make your blood more pure".

"Are you telling the truth? If you lie to me, even if you explode, you will have to be buried with you, "said the scorpion devil dragon urn, but he was still worried that Meng Hao lied to him.

Meng Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "I swear in the name of heaven". Then, after taking the oath, the earth scorpion demon dragon also swore to submit to Meng Hao. In this way, Meng Hao accepted another general.

"Magic dragon, next we're going to practice in the deep valley. We must have stayed here for so long. We should know what's inside the valley," Meng Hao whispered.

The scorpion demon Dragon nodded and said, "I know it's really suitable for cultivation, but it's not very useful for me. Since the master wants to go there to practice, I'll protect the Dharma for the master at the entrance.".

Meng Hao showed a satisfied smile in his eyes. The scorpion magic dragon is good and can be taught, so he smiled and said, "I'm glad you have this heart, so I'll bother you to stay at the entrance in the next period of time.".

After a pause, he said: "just call me childe in the future. I have Qingli God pill here. I'll give it to you first. After I leave the customs, I'll gradually help you improve your blood level.".

Qingli Shendan is very useful for the holy realm and level 10 soul beasts. After taking it, the earth scorpion magic dragon showed a happy look and saluted and thanked Meng Hao.

Ling'er also smiled and said, "I'm not going to practice inside. Since there's no great use for big people, it's even more useless for me. I'll protect the Dharma for the childe at the entrance.".

Meng Hao nodded. What ling'er said was right, so he left three green glass pills for ling'er, and then took the people to the depths of the valley.

The array has already been arranged here. Meng Hao smiled and said: "you can rest assured this time. Linger and the earth scorpion magic dragon are outside. Even if the perfect strong ones in the holy state come in person, it is difficult to defeat them in a short time".

They all nodded, so Meng Hao went straight inside. He had already assigned others, so they all fell into the pool and began to practice.

Meng Hao came to the place where Lei Lingshen lotus was born alone and fell on Lei Lingshen lotus. Lei Lingshen lotus has many effects and can also quickly improve the thunder mystery of Lei's martial soul.

Now Meng Hao's profound meaning of thunder has reached 80% of the top level, and then 90% of the level. If he can reach 90% of the level, his profound meaning of thunder will take the lead in evolving into the law of thunder, and his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved at that time.

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