Because Meng Hao doesn't often show the soul of rosefinch, Tuoba Shikai still doesn't guess Meng Hao's identity, but from Meng haogang's martial arts, he feels that Meng Hao's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

Meng Hao seemed to have a perfect arc across the corner of his mouth. He immediately smiled at Tuoba Shikai and said, "brother Tuoba, do you really want to know my identity? But I'm absolutely fine. As for my name and my identity, you will naturally know it in the future. ".

He didn't intend to tell Tuoba Shikai his identity and name now, because he knew he would know it in the future. Then he flashed forward and said with a smile: "you two are still there. I'll take all the treasures later.".

Xiaoyue Shuixi turned directly into a human and became a middle-aged man. He chased Meng Hao directly. Tuoba Shikai had no choice but to smile and had to follow up.

As for Xiao ER and Xiao Wu, they stayed where they were to prevent others from breaking in. As for Meng Hao, Tuoba Shikai and Xiao yueshui rhinoceros, they had already entered the stone house.

The protective cover shrouded outside the stone house has disappeared, so Meng Hao and them easily came in. The eye is a spacious stone room, and it's just such a stone room.

Although there is only such a stone chamber, there are many treasures in the stone chamber. They are suspended in the air of the stone chamber and radiate powerful fluctuations.

Looking closely, there are ten light groups, all of which are wrapped with energy. It seems that the people who left the stone house in those years arranged a layer of energy outside these treasures to prevent them from losing their spirituality in order to prevent them from dissipating gradually with the passage of time.

This is a means used by many powerful people when they fall or leave a place of inheritance, because in this way, the treasure will not lose its spirit.

Xiaoyue Shuixi and Tuoba Shikai were excited for a moment and looked at Meng Hao at the same time. The former smiled and said, "brother Bing, there are ten light groups here. You defeated Zhu Hai, so I want two of them, and I will pay some price. Brother Bing, do you think you can?"?

Tuoba Shikai also said, "like brother Shuixi, I only take two of them and will pay some price.".

Meng Hao had a look of appreciation at the bottom of his eyes, but it flashed away. It seemed that both Tuoba Shikai and Xiaoyue Shuixi were people worth making friends. They were not affected by the treasure.

Then Meng Hao shook his head. Tuoba Shikai and Xiaoyue Shuixi showed a helpless look and said, "we only need one, brother Bing, can you say it?"?

However, Meng Hao shook his head again. Both of them showed a look of doubt. Based on their just understanding of Meng Hao, if they don't want to share the treasure with them, why should they come in.

At this time, Meng Hao smiled and said, "you're wrong. Although I beat Zhu Hai away, everyone found the stone house together, so I think we can open all the ten treasures. If anyone can use them, it belongs to who. Similarly, we have to take out some corresponding things to compensate the other two"?

Meng Hao's voice fell, and both of them showed a touched look. They immediately nodded heavily at Meng Hao and said, "brother Bing, we will never forget our great kindness. If we can get our place in the future, we will never delay it.".

"Well, look at the treasure first", Meng Hao waved his hand, and then waved his palm gently. The energy outside the light mass suspended in mid air gradually dissipated, so the treasure inside also showed its true face.

Then Meng Hao waved his palm lightly, and the long gun suspended in the first position came flying. Meng Hao grabbed it in his hand, and a heavy feeling surged over.

If Meng Hao hadn't inspired the spirit in time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to grasp the long gun, because the long gun is too heavy. The gun body is engraved with "nine star black iron gun", which is the name of the gun.

"This is a quasi artifact. What do you think of it?" Meng Hao smiled. He is not good at shooting, so he is not very interested in this NINE-STAR black iron gun, but if they don't want it, Meng Hao will naturally buy it.

Tuoba Shikai shook his head. He was not good at shooting, so naturally he wouldn't ask for a weapon he couldn't use, even though it was a semi artifact.

"Brother Bing, brother Tuoba, I want this nine star black iron gun, but I don't know much about the price of semi artifact. I don't know if you can tell me," Xiao yueshui Xi said with a smile. He prefers this quasi artifact long gun, that is, the nine star black iron gun.

Meng Hao smiled and said, "the market price of semi artifact is 10 million five-star spirit jade. According to our previous agreement, brother Shuixi needs to take out 5 million five-star spirit jade".

"No problem", Xiaoyue Shuixi said happily. He had killed some human warriors before. Naturally, he got the storage rings of those human warriors. There are a lot of spirit jade in them.

"Then look at the next item first," Meng Hao said with a smile, then waved his palm, and the second item fell into his hand.

This is a folding fan at the eye. Streamer and terrible energy fluctuations are diffused on the fan. From its fluctuations, we can see that this is another semi artifact.

"Carefree fan"!!!

Meng Hao smiled and said, "I like this semi artifact better. Do you have any comments?"?

Tuoba Shikai and Xiaoyue Shuixi naturally have no opinion, so the second item "Xiaoyao fan" is in Meng Hao's bag.

This semi artifact is not simple. It depicts an eighth order top-grade array. If you don't know it, its power can be terrible. With the carefree fan, you will get unexpected results.

After putting away the carefree fan, Meng Hao waved his palm again, but this time, Meng Hao caught two streamers in his hand. The two streamers dispersed and the treasures inside were exposed.

The holy level middle grade spiritual formula "tyrannical magic skill" is suitable for power fighters to cultivate. The tyrannical spiritual power cultivated is also extremely overbearing, which is 100 times stronger than the general spiritual power.

"Vientiane traceless fruit", a saint level top-grade natural material and earth treasure, can control the power of Vientiane after taking it. This power of Vientiane can be controlled to the extreme, which is very terrible.

Meng Hao set his eyes on Tuoba Shikai. Whether it's tyrannical wasteland magic or Vientiane traceless fruit, they are very suitable for Tuoba Shikai.

Tuoba Shikai also knew that the two items were suitable for him, and immediately said, "I don't have so many spirit jade on me, so I'm afraid I can only choose one of them.".

Meng Hao smiled and said, "it's all right. If you feel it's all right for you, it's all yours. As long as brother Shuixi is all right, I'll be all right.".

After a pause, he said, "besides, if you don't have the items you want, I'm afraid you don't have to take the Lingyu at that time", because Meng Hao has to take out the corresponding Lingyu when there are many items to choose. It's possible that Tuoba Shikai doesn't have to take out the Lingyu at all, but will earn some Lingyu.

Xiaoyue Shuixi smiled and said, "brother Bing is right. I have no problem, so these two items belong to brother Tuoba.".

Tuoba Shikai showed an excited look on his face, hugged Meng Hao and Xiaoyue Shuixi and said, "thank you very much, then I'll take these two treasures first.".

Then, Tuoba Shikai collected the "tyranny divine skill" and "Vientiane traceless fruit". At this time, Tuoba Shikai was very happy. Even if the later six treasures were not suitable for him, just the two just obtained were enough.

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