The blood robed youth used the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, and Meng Hao also used the bottom card of pressing the bottom of the box. Who is better.

The blood colored giant sword stood in the air with a terrible momentum. Around the blood colored giant sword, the fist shadow was shrouded in the sky, and the waves were choppy, as if the waves were flying.

The bloody giant sword and the shadow of the fist finally hit each other. The breath of destruction swept away. Fortunately, Meng haoxiu refined into a "broken jade and gold body", otherwise he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Rao is so. Meng Hao is also uncomfortable. He is full of essence and blood, and his soul power is exhausted. His face is very pale.

However, compared with the blood robed youth, Meng Hao's injury is light, because the blood robed youth uses the blood essence to show his last move, which consumes a lot.

Then he was hit by the terrible Qi. He was hurt and hurt. He was not far from death.

The place where they are located has turned into nothingness within a hundred miles, which shows how terrible their unique skills are.

Meng Hao slowly stood up and walked to the young man in blood robe. At this time, the young man in blood robe only had one breath. His eyes opened wide and stared at Meng Hao tightly. There was a touch of fear in his eyes, which was obviously afraid.

"Don't mess with me in the next life". Meng Hao is not a good man. He directly killed the blood robed youth with a sword and let the tiger go back to the mountain. Meng Hao naturally understands the truth that there will be endless future trouble.

Reach out and take the middle-grade heaven and earth bag from the young man in the blood robe, then summon Xiaobai, sit on Xiaobai's back and sweep away in the distance.

The war between the two is earth shaking. I believe someone will come to investigate in a short time. Now Meng Hao is also injured. It's better to leave early.

Xiaobai carries Meng Hao to a quiet canyon. Meng Hao jumps down from Xiaobai's back and whispers, "Xiaobai, scorpion, you two go to the mouth of the valley and watch. You can't let anyone come in and interfere with me."

The two soul beasts nodded when they heard the speech, and then swept towards the mouth of the valley to protect Meng Hao's Dharma.

Meng Hao hesitated, and then his palm was sealed. Three soul beasts appeared in front of him. These three soul beasts are the essence refined by Meng Hao and have the strength of level 3 early soul beasts.

He was just able to protect the Dharma for Meng Hao. After sending out the three spirits, Meng Hao was relieved and went to a clean place to sit down.

A healing pill appeared in his hand, then he ate it without hesitation, and then began to close his eyes to recover from the injury.

With the passage of time, Meng Hao's injury has recovered nearly 50% in the past three days.

Although the injury was very serious, the harvest was not small, because Meng Hao felt that his bottleneck was loose. According to his own estimation, he believed that he could break through the territory of Diwu Jiuchong heaven in ten days.

Meng Hao's palm, two Heaven and earth bags appeared in his palm. One of the two Heaven and earth bags was the blood robed youth, and the other was the unlucky young master blackmailed by Meng Hao.

It's all right now. Let's see if there are any good things in it. After all, these two people are not simple. One is the young master of what family, and the other is the core disciple of the Blood Sword sect. Their wealth must be not simple.

First, open the inferior heaven and earth bag and pour out all the things inside. After some classification, there are three superior soul skills, four inferior soul skills, one inferior soul skill, and six other two soul skills.

There are 16 weapons, one lower level third-class spiritual weapon, and the rest are lower level second-class spiritual weapons. There are four kinds of pills, five earth spiritual pills, 30 healing pills, 10 soul reviving pills and two bone washing pills.

The rest are some alchemy herbs, ten soul stones, and a white crystal card with one million crystal coins, which makes Meng Hao very happy.

Transfer one million crystal coins to your own blue crystal card, then classify those things into the reincarnation temple, and then check the middle-grade heaven and earth bag of the blood robed youth. I believe that as a blood robed youth, his wealth will be much better than that young master.

Sure enough, after some investigation, Meng Hao showed a satisfied smile around his mouth. He was really rich.

There are ten soul skills, one lower level soul skill in four sections, two upper level soul skills in three sections, and seven lower level soul skills in three sections. Meng Hao is most interested in the sword technique of the Blood Sword sect, "blood shadow sword technique", which is a lower level soul skill in four sections. Although you can't practice it, you can learn from it. Maybe the third form of Haotian sword formula will be created at that time.

There are seven weapons, one lower level Four spirit weapon, that is, the blood sword used by the young man in the blood robe, three lower level three spirit weapons, and three lower level two spirit weapons.

There are six kinds of elixirs. There are eight heavenly elixirs, which are suitable for people in tianwu territory. There are 30 healing elixirs, 20 soul reviving elixirs and one breaking heavenly elixir. They are very precious. There are four bone washing elixirs and eighteen earthling elixirs.

There are also 30 inferior soul stones and 2.6 million crystal coins. It's cheaper, Meng Hao.

Then Meng Hao received all these things in the reincarnation temple. He left only some second-class healing pills, second-class soul returning pills, Earth Spirit pills and a blue crystal card in his middle-class heaven and earth bag. In addition, he also had his own sword "star thunder sword."

These are necessities, things that can be used and other things that can't be used. Naturally, they are thrown into the reincarnation temple. Anyway, the internal space of the reincarnation temple is very large.

"Meng Hao, come to the inner space of Shanshui emperor jade. I have something to tell you."

At this time, a voice sounded in Meng Hao's ear, and then Meng Hao's figure disappeared in place.

The next moment, he appeared in the inner space of Shanshui emperor jade and said respectfully, "master, you asked me to come here. What can I do for you?"

The landscape emperor waved his hand and said with a smile, "now your strength is about to reach the territory of the nine heavy heaven of earth and martial arts. There is not much power left for the soul of the teacher. Now I give you two things. You must do them with your heart."

Meng Hao nodded when he heard the speech. Although he knew that his master didn't have much time, he was really reluctant to give up when it came to the day of real separation.

"When your strength reaches the realm of creation in the future, you should go to Shanshui Linggu. There should be my descendants there. If they are OK, you don't have to take care of them. If they are not good, you should try your best to help them. Even if I beg you before I die, another thing is to find the other eight emperor jade and their heirs early, We must not let the world fall into the hands of other races. "

Meng Hao nodded and said in a deep voice, "don't worry, master. I will do what you have told me seriously."

The landscape emperor's face showed a happy color. He waved his palm gently. An ancient and simple ring fell into Meng Hao's hand. Then he smiled and said, "good disciple, this is the heaven and earth ring for the teacher. Its name is" Xiaoyao ring ". It's a better storage equipment than the top-grade heaven and earth bag. Now I'll give it to you.".

After a pause, he said, "my body still has some strength. Now let me help you with the last one.".

After saying that, with a wave of his palm, Meng Hao found that he couldn't move, and the terrible aura poured into his body.

"Good apprentice, the world depends on you to protect. I believe brother's vision will not be wrong. Work hard." the voice of the landscape emperor resounded through the inner space of the landscape emperor jade, and then the figure of the great bank gradually disappeared between heaven and earth.

Meng Hao had no time to pay attention to those. At this time, he had been dazzled by the aura of heaven and earth. He fainted when his head hurt.

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