Meng Hao and Wu Xinying continued to move forward. They met many souls along the way, but their strength was not strong. They showed their birth strength, and those souls scattered one after another.

"It's better to meet at last", Meng Hao showed a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, and Wu Xinying also showed a look of joy when she heard the speech. They looked at the void ahead at the same time.


I saw a beautiful and colorful petite figure slowly emerging in the void ahead. At the moment of her appearance, the sky and earth changed color and began to float snowflakes, and a cold air filled the air.

"Hunyuan snow butterfly", Meng Hao directly revealed the ontological identity of this charming smiling figure. Although she turned into a human at this time, the unique breath fluctuation of the soul beast was not covered up. Maybe she didn't want to cover up at all.

Wu Xinying said in a deep voice, "husband, her strength is very strong. I'm afraid the strength of level 9 peak level is not easy to deal with.".

"You go, I don't want to kill you," Hunyuan snow butterfly whispered. There was a strong fluctuation of power around her. However, she didn't intend to kill Meng Hao and Wu Xinying, but she just wanted them to leave here.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the holy emperor of Lingxin who stayed to guard the treasure house," Meng Hao said with a faint smile and paused, "there should be many guardians like you".

After a little meditation, he continued: "you should feel that she has the inheritance smell of spiritual heart Saint emperor. That's why you want us to leave.".

"She" in Meng Hao's mouth naturally refers to Wu Xinying. At this time, Wu Xinying also looks at the Hunyuan snow butterfly and shows a color of thinking. Although she has been inherited by the holy emperor of Lingxin, she doesn't know the Hunyuan snow butterfly in front of her.

"You are smart, and I also feel a faint smell of danger on you. It seems that you are not as simple as you seem," said Hunyuan snow butterfly, whose voice seemed to be filled with cold air.

"We won't leave, but we don't want to kill you when you cultivate to such a degree, so play a game and let us pass when we win. How about?"? Meng Hao smiled and said that he didn't worry too much.

Hunyuan snow butterfly looked at Meng Hao coldly. A moment later, she nodded her head leisurely and said, "it seems that you won't leave easily. In that case, let me see what means you have to break through from me.".

When the voice fell, there was a terrible cold behind her, and the snowflakes were flying, as if she had turned into a snow God and controlled all the snow in the world.

"Yinger, please step back and give it to me." Meng Hao smiled reassuringly at Wu Xinying. Although with Wu Xinying's strength, there was no big problem to deal with Hunyuan snow butterfly, Meng Hao would not let Wu Xinying do it. He stayed aside and watched.

Wu Xinying nodded at the speech and said, "husband, be careful", then her delicate body twinkled and directly withdrew from the battle circle, looking at Meng Hao with a little worry.

Although she knew Meng Hao's strength was unfathomable and her cards were emerging one after another, she was still worried about Meng Hao's injury.

Meng Hao looked up at the Hunyuan snow butterfly, and a dignified color gradually appeared in the depths of his eyes. The strength of the soul beasts at the top level of level 9 may be comparable to the strong ones in the half step holy state, which is far from being comparable to the devil boxing emperor.

"Be careful," Meng Hao smiled at the Hunyuan snow butterfly. He immediately flashed past and swept away into the space ahead.

Whew, whew!!!

But in an instant, Meng Hao's figure appeared behind the Hunyuan snow butterfly. There was a terrible flame rising on his palm and turned into a hexagonal flame square seal.

"Fire spirit kills sky seal"!!!

The faint voices spread, and the terrible flame square seal was directly suppressed against the Hunyuan snow butterfly, emitting an extremely terrible smell.

The hot flame rolled in, and there was a flash of surprise at the bottom of the eyes of Hunyuan snow butterfly. She didn't know how Meng Hao appeared behind her, but she didn't have time to think about it. The jade hand waved gently, and there were snowflakes gathering in front of her.

The snow condensed and turned into a shield to block behind. At this time, the flame square seal also fell suddenly. It was only a breathing time to smash the shield turned by the snow.


Then the flame square seal directly exploded at the place where the Hunyuan snow butterfly was located. However, Meng Hao didn't think he hit the Hunyuan snow butterfly. In an instant, he urged his body method to retreat towards the rear.

Just as he had just retreated, a snowflake sword came from the void and fell on the void where Meng Hao was before. If it was a little later, I'm afraid Meng Hao would be hit.

Meng haochang took a breath. Fortunately, years of experience made him instinctively vigilant. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will be planted in the hands of Hunyuan snow butterfly.

At this time, the petite figure of Hunyuan snow butterfly appeared in the void. She looked at Meng Hao, and there was a look of surprise at the bottom of her eyes. At her speed, Meng Hao hid. This white man with only six turns to become the emperor of life and death is really something extraordinary.

Meng Hao put his hands together, and the terrible breath fluctuated behind him. In just a few breaths, a flaming giant bird emerged, stretching its elegant wings to block out the sky and the sun.

"Rosefinch soul"!!!

Facing the Hunyuan snow butterfly, Meng Hao also directly summoned his rosefinch soul, and then clenched his hands with purple streamers flashing. These purple streamers poured into the rosefinch soul. In just a few breathing times, the red rosefinch soul turned purple, emitting noble temperament from top to bottom, and there was a terrible smell.

"The rosefinch is one of the four gods and beasts. No wonder I feel a faint pressure on you." Hunyuan snow butterfly showed a dignified color on her face and immediately smiled and said, "if I don't see it, the purple flame should be the famous purple dazzle spirit flame on the sky fire list".

"It seems that you know a lot. In order to deal with you, I can expose a lot of cards." Meng Hao smiled leisurely. At this time, his face also showed a pale color. Obviously, it consumed him to summon the soul of rosefinch.

"Next, let's hide the martial soul skills of my rosefinch martial soul", Meng Hao smiled calmly, his face gradually became dignified, and then put his hands together, and a mysterious seal gradually spread.

"Rosefinch purple flame, burning the sky and the earth"!!!

A faint voice came from Meng Hao's mouth. The soul of rosefinch suddenly opened its small mouth, and a purplish red flame spewed out from its small mouth, and then directly swept away at the Hunyuan spirit butterfly.

Originally, the rosefinch fire mastered by the rosefinch Wu soul has been very powerful, but with Meng Hao's gradual mastery of the rosefinch Wu soul, he can even integrate the rosefinch fire with the purple dazzle spirit flame, giving birth to this kind of flame in front of him, which is as powerful as the superior holy Art or even the top holy art.

Hunyuan snow butterfly looked at the purple red flame flying, and her small face also showed a dignified color. The terrible breath fluctuated from her body, and then turned into a snow butterfly flapping snow-white wings behind her.

"Hunyuan storm volume"!!!

I saw the Hunyuan snow butterfly directly summon out of the body, and then rotate continuously. Snowflakes converge towards it one after another. In just a few breaths, it turns into a tornado thousands of feet in size.

The tornado revealed the cold air, and then flew past and hit the purple flame. At this time, the face of the petite figure also showed a pale color. Obviously, it had a great impact on her.

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