Next, Meng Hao, Wu Xinying and snow butterfly continued to move forward, so they didn't spend too long to encounter the level, which is the third level Meng Hao and Wu Xinying have encountered so far.

What came into sight were the three lion statues. When Meng Hao and his family had just stepped into the world, they saw that the three lion statues suddenly burst into dazzling white light, and a terrible smell gradually spread.

Ho ho!!!

The next moment, the white light flickered, and the three lion statues flew up. In just a few breaths, they turned into three white spirit lions, suspended in front of Meng Hao and others, and stared at Meng Hao and them coldly.

"It's the rarest animal puppet among the gods and heavenly puppets". Meng Hao's eyes showed a touch of brilliance. He is worthy of being the holy emperor of spiritual heart. The puppets left to guard the checkpoint are also different.

Moreover, the level test seems to know how many people will come, and then arrange the opponent. This time, Meng Hao and Wu Xinying have another Hunyuan snow butterfly, so there is also another puppet.

As for the beast melting puppet, when refining the puppet, a kind of divine animal blood is integrated into it, so the refined puppet can turn into its same appearance with the help of this blood, and even master the same means.

"Tianluo spirit lion, an ancient alien, is a real divine beast. It has the power of heaven and earth, but it is still obtained by the holy emperor of Lingxin, and it is also used to refine puppets," Meng Hao sighed, and his eyes immediately fell on the three white lions.

He smiled and said: "although it's just a beast puppet, it still has a lot of Tianluo spirit lion's means. It's difficult to deal with, so be careful later.".

The three white lions in front of them are all gods and heavenly puppets, and they are all two-star gods and heavenly puppets, that is, those who are comparable to human martial arts turn to the strength of the emperor of life and death. In addition, they have extraordinary means, so even the strong in the half step holy territory have to avoid the edge for the time being.

"Husband, be careful," Wu Xinying whispered. Meng Hao is only six to become the king of life and death, so Wu Xinying is also worried about Meng Hao's safety.

"Do it", Meng Hao nodded slightly, and then drank coldly. He took the lead to sweep away towards the front. The terrible flame spirit power fluctuated, which directly shrouded one of the white lions.

When Meng Hao's flame power shrouded the white lion, the white lion suddenly burst into dazzling white light, stepped back and stepped on the ground, his body was directly ready, Meng Hao flew forward, and his body was rippling with majestic power fluctuations.

Looking at the huge figure, Meng Hao didn't panic too much. Instead, he held the Chixiao sword lightly in his hand, and the breath of semi artifact spread.

"I haven't used the sword for a long time. I'll try my new move with you today." Meng Hao smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth and cut out his hand holding Chixiao sword from top to bottom. At that time, there was a gray storm sweeping away.

"Destruction storm"!!!

A faint low voice sounded from the bottom of Menghai's heart. A gray storm with a terrible smell gradually spread away, and then swept away towards the white lion.

Meng Hao's mastery of Kendo is a genius. Now he has cultivated the idea of destroying the sword to the early stage of 50%. The unique skill created by the idea of destroying the sword is also extremely powerful.

The white lion is the body of a puppet, so he doesn't know how to avoid at all. He sees a terrible white light flashing on his body, and then gathers together and roars towards the front!!!

The white light converged to form a white ball, which exploded on the gray storm. The roar broke out in Dun time, and the shock wave also spread.

"Is it in the way"? Meng Hao's eyes showed a surprised expression, because his gray storm had dissipated, which was obviously broken by the white lion.

However, Meng Hao clearly saw that the white light on the white lion's body had become much dimmer. It was obviously a great trauma. Although it blocked Meng Hao's killing move, it also paid a high price.

"Chixiao broken cloud chop"!!!

Meng Hao took the Chixiao sword in his hand and cut it off directly. A flash of sword light flashed through the time. It fell on the body of the white lion very quickly.


The white lion didn't react at all. In addition, he had just been hurt. He was directly hit by the sword light and flew upside down.

But even so, the white lion still didn't dissipate. Meng Hao's figure directly appeared on the top of the white lion's head, with a flame shining on his palm.

"ChiYan Jiuchong mountain"!!!

Turning his hands, a flaming mountain peak emerged, and then directly suppressed it against the white lion. Meng Hao made a fierce and deadly move.


The white lion's body radiates white light, which can resist the suppression of the flame mountain, but this state lasted only a few breaths, and then it broke away.

At the moment when the white lion was broken, Meng Hao obviously felt a magnificent energy pouring down from his head and into his body. His strength improved a lot in a short time.

Although not too much, he obviously felt the promotion, which surprised Meng Hao a little. However, in a moment, he returned to his mind, stretched out his hand and gently moved, and saw a porcelain vase fall in his hand.

The porcelain vase is not a divine pill, but bright red blood. However, Meng Hao sensed that the energy emitted by the bright red blood is very extraordinary, which is likely to be the blood essence of Tianluo spirit lion.

Moreover, Meng Hao clearly felt that if he refined the bright red blood in the porcelain vase, he should be able to step into the level of six turn perfect life and death, or even reach the level of seven turn life and death. Not only that, even his celestial bodies around Jiuyang will be greatly improved.

"Spirit heart slaughters heaven hand"!!!

Suddenly, a Jiao's cry spread. Meng Hao looked at it and saw Wu Xinying's intermediate holy skill, which directly dissipated the suppression of the white lion.

Wu Xinying also obviously felt a magnificent energy pouring down into her body, and her little face showed a happy look.

Then Wu Xinying as like as two peas, and a porcelain bottle fell into her hands. The bright red blood was exactly the same as the porcelain bottle that Meng Hao got.

She explained the bright red blood, and then looked at the Hunyuan snow butterfly. She was not simple. When she saw that Meng Hao and Wu Xinying had solved their opponents, they also broke out their strong strength and blasted the last white lion away.

"Snow butterfly, collect the booty", Meng Hao smiled at Hunyuan snow butterfly. Hunyuan snow butterfly was sensing the majestic energy that had just poured into her body. Hearing the speech, she also reacted and stretched out her little hand to catch the broken place of the white lion.

Whew, whew!!!

However, at this time, a strange black hole suddenly appeared in the void and directly sucked the porcelain vase into it. Hunyuan snow butterfly slowed down a little and looked at the void suspiciously.

Without waiting for her to say anything, Meng Hao's palm pierced through the void and grabbed at the black hole. At the same time, the cold voice suddenly spread, "how can you do some shameless things like sneaking around"?

Dong Dong!!!

There was a dull hum from the black hole. Meng Hao saw the thunder surge on his palm, rushed in and wreaked havoc, and forcibly robbed the porcelain bottle back.

"Aren't you going to show up yet"? Meng Hao recaptured the porcelain vase, bent his fingers and flicked it back into the hands of snow butterfly, and then the cold voice suddenly spread.

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