The four cherry blossoms slowly bloomed, enveloping the black spirit wolf. At this time, the black spirit wolf also showed a shocked look. Obviously, I didn't expect that there was a big array in it.

Moreover, looking at the human appearance, it seems that it has been arranged long ago, just waiting for himself to jump out and get in. This guy is too terrible. In addition, this big array gives him a sense of danger.

"Human beings are indeed the most cunning", sneered the black spirit wolf, and then there was a faint light flashing on his body, which sent out a terrible smell.

"Black spirit destroys light"!!!

Human beings have their own life magic power, and the soul beast also has the natural magic power. I can see that the dark light emits terrible pressure, and even the trees are instantly dried up where they pass. Just like its name, it takes away the vitality of the surrounding trees.

Flashing, the dark light suddenly glanced at one of the cherry blossoms. According to its appearance, it planned to destroy one of the cherry blossoms first, and then break the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array.

"You think well, but it's useless." Meng Hao's indifferent voice suddenly spread. I saw the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array running in an instant. The four cherry blossoms were connected into a line and hit the dark light.


With one blow, the first two cherry blossoms lost their vitality in an instant. At the same time, the dark light also lost the support of the follow-up force and dissipated in an instant.

At the same time, the remaining two cherry blossoms did not hesitate to blow on the body of the black Spirit Wolf and fly away. If it were not for the soul animal system of the black spirit wolf, I'm afraid it would be seriously injured now.

Meng Hao's mouth showed a faint smile, his hands suddenly closed together, a perfect seal appeared, and he swept directly into the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array.

"Cherry Blossom regeneration"!!!

The faint sound spread, and the sound of Weng Ming spread. Then four cherry blossoms slowly emerged, and the smell fluctuation was also very terrible.

"Go", after the four cherry blossoms emerged, they flew past and suppressed towards the black spirit wolf. As long as the array is not destroyed, the cherry blossoms will always be reborn, so this is also the most terrible place of the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array.

Just a few minutes later, the black spirit wolf not only didn't break out, but made himself covered with wounds, his body was covered with scars, and his blood trickled to the ground.

"Boy, why don't you let me go and I'll tell you where there are treasures?"? The black spirit wolf shouted at Meng Hao outside the array.

The black spirit God wolf has the posture of admitting defeat, but there is a huge killing light flashing in the bottom of his eyes. It seems that he is waiting for Meng Hao to remove the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array, and then deal with Meng Hao.

It's really hard for ordinary people to find the killing intention in his eyes, but Meng Hao's spiritual power and soul power are very strong. He always pays attention to the every move of the black spirit wolf. Naturally, he sees the killing intention in his eyes.

He smiled and said, "I like your crystal core too. If you are willing to hand over the crystal core, I can let you out.".

The black spirit God wolf's heart flashed furious. If he really handed over the crystal nucleus, he was not far from the time of falling. This hateful human planned to take his crystal nucleus.

"It seems that you don't intend to let me go. Let's see if your big array can trap me," said the black spirit wolf coldly, and then there is a terrible light on your body, which continues to spread.

The terrible lacquer black light instantly turned into a black light ball on his head. There was a terrible smell in the light ball. It seemed that he was going to use his cards.

"See how I break your array. When I break the array, you will be my food", the black spirit wolf said fiercely, and then the black light ball flew up and blasted forward.

"Did you find the array center? Even if you find it, you can't break it. "Meng Hao showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the direction of the light ball, it happened to be the center of the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array. It seems that the black spirit wolf has successfully found the center of the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array and plans to break it with strength.

"Cherry blossoms in one, bloodthirsty world"!!!

A faint voice came from Meng Hao's mouth. There was a mysterious seal on his palm, which poured into the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array, and the terrible smell of time spread.

The four cherry blossoms were directly fused together to form a cherry blossom hundreds of feet in size with a majestic atmosphere, circling and hitting the black light ball.


When the two collided, there was no unexpected explosion of terrible roar. I saw that the black light ball just insisted on two breaths, and then it crashed away.

The cherry blossoms with hundreds of feet of laughter turned into blood red at this time, as if they were stained with blood, emitting more terrible breath fluctuations, and directly suppressed the black spirit wolf.


Seeing the cherry blossoms hundreds of feet in size, the black spirit wolf directly broke his attack and suppressed himself without hesitation. He immediately urged the force to emerge on his body and wanted to block it with his strong defense.

Whew, whew!!!

However, at this time, the original printing size of tens of feet narrowed rapidly. In just a few breaths, it turned into a palm sized cherry blossom, filled with blood, and swept away at the black spirit wolf at a more terrible speed.


The palm sized bloody cherry blossoms are extremely fast. It's too late to avoid. They see the blood light flashing, directly penetrating all the defenses of the black Spirit Wolf and passing through its chest.

The next moment, the black spirit God wolf's eyes stared round and showed an incredible look. He immediately fell to the ground without breath. He didn't expect to fall into the hands of a six turn perfect life and death emperor.

Meng Hao waved his palm lightly, and the crystal core of the black spirit wolf fell into his hand. Then he bent his fingers and flicked, and the purple Xuan spirit flame swept over, directly burning the body of the black spirit wolf.

"Really dead? The black spirit wolf at the initial level of level 10 was solved by you so easily "? Wu Xinying and snow butterfly also came from a distance. The former's face showed an incredible look.

Snow butterfly was even more shocked. At this time, she was also secretly happy. If she didn't follow Wu Xinying, I'm afraid she would fall into Meng Hao's hands.

Meng Hao showed a satisfied smile on his face. He just mastered the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array and killed the black spirit wolf at the initial level of level 10. Although the black spirit wolf has just stepped into level 10 for a short time, it is also a brilliant record.

According to his estimation, if the seven highest cherry blossoms of the cherry blossom bloodthirsty array are arranged, even the strong ones in the middle of the holy Zun territory have the power of a war. I don't know whether they can be killed or not.

Meng Hao smiled at Wu Xinying and said, "it's time for us to find the remaining levels. I have a hunch that only through all the levels can we find the holy art of heaven and earth".

Now they have only passed three levels, and then there are seven, so they must seize the time to find the remaining levels. In addition, he will see if he can meet Han run again. If he meets Han run again, he will directly kill Han run or pick out the treasure house. In this way, he can also deal with the remaining levels at ease.

Three streamers flickered in the sky. Meng Hao and his three men kept moving forward. No one knew where the level was, so they could only find it by luck.

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