Meng Hao plundered into the stone gate, and a feeling of dizziness rushed to his heart. With his 70% space meaning, he was a little dizzy. I'm afraid others were even worse, and it even took a long time to recover.

Meng Hao couldn't take care of them. This feeling of dizziness didn't last too long. He just recovered and found himself in a swamp. It was very quiet around him, not even birds and animals.

"No, it's too quiet here." Meng Hao's eyes showed a thoughtful look and urged his spiritual power to take off. However, he found that he couldn't fly here, as if a heavy force was suppressing him.

"No air array"? Meng Hao's eyes showed a thoughtful look. The only thing that could restrict flight was the no air array. However, the next moment he shook his head because he didn't sense the fluctuation of the array. I think the gravity here is really too strong, so he can't fly.

In that case, Meng Hao also showed his soul power, investigated the surrounding situation, and then moved forward slowly. The surrounding fog filled the air, and he couldn't see clearly ahead.

Fortunately, there is no limit to the soul power, so relying on the soul power, Meng Hao grasps one direction and moves forward slowly. The flame spirit power runs and is ready to take action at any time.

However, after walking for about two hours, Meng Hao still didn't encounter danger. Instead, he heard Jiao's voice in front, frowned and walked up, but he couldn't see the situation ahead.

The soul power went up and down. It was found that a woman in black was fighting with the swamp spirit crocodile. The swamp spirit crocodile had the strength of the initial level of level 10, which was comparable to the early strength of the human warrior Saint Zun territory. Therefore, the woman in black was also difficult to deal with. After all, this kind of soul beast had too strong defense and was difficult to deal with.

In addition, this is the swamp and the battlefield of swamp spirit crocodiles, so it can play 12% of its strength here. In contrast, the woman in black has the initial strength of Saint Zun territory, but it is also difficult to kill swamp spirit crocodiles in the swamp.

Meng Hao slowly went out, and the fog in front gradually dissipated. Meng Hao also saw the war clearly, and the woman in black was Chu Biyue.

"Saint Chu Biyue, I didn't expect to meet so early. I'm very curious about your identity. I'd better say it and listen to it," Meng Hao said with an indifferent smile, and his spiritual power is surging and ready to do it at any time.

Chu Biyue also glanced at Meng Hao. There was a touch of fear in the bottom of her eyes. Now she not only had to face the swamp spirit crocodile, but also had to guard against Meng Hao's sneak attack. She was suppressed by the swamp spirit crocodile.

"Fire spirit kills sky seal"!!!

There is a hexagonal flame square seal on Meng Hao's palm, which appears. Then he swings it directly and sweeps it away to the front, emitting a powerful fluctuation of power.

Chu Biyue's face changed greatly. She fought hard with the swamp spirit crocodile to avoid Meng Hao's attack, but the swamp spirit crocodile's defense was so amazing that she resisted Chu Biyue's blow and restrained it.

"Go", Meng Hao's face showed a look of conspiracy. He saw that the square seal of fire stopped a little and blew directly on the body of the swamp spirit crocodile. Meng Hao's cold cry spread at this time.

Chu Biyue was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Meng Hao to help her. When she heard Meng Hao's cry, her delicate body trembled and retreated towards the rear. There was a surge of black spiritual power on her feet, which directly swept away from the distance.

Meng Hao retreated without hesitation, leaving the swamp spirit crocodile roaring madly, but at this time, Meng Hao and Chu Biyue had already left far away. Even if the swamp spirit crocodile was angry, it was of no use.

"Why help me"? Chu Biyue stood quietly under an ancient tree and looked at Meng Hao. She asked faintly that their identity should be opposite. She didn't know what purpose Meng Hao had for helping her.

"I always think I've seen you somewhere, but I really haven't seen your face." Meng Hao's eyes also showed doubts. Just now he would help Chu Biyue escape because of that familiar feeling.

Chu Biyue's delicate body trembled a little, but she recovered as before in an instant. She said faintly, "I'm Chu Biyue. I haven't seen xuanhuang before. How can I be familiar with it?"?

Although Chu Biyue's action is very small and almost invisible, Meng Hao still captures that action, his face is silent, but his heart is thinking. It seems that Chu Biyue also has some unknown things.

"In that case, I'll leave and see you later". Meng Hao smiled lightly, stood on the ground, and swept away lightly towards the distance. In the twinkling of an eye, he disappeared, filled with fog, and the whole swamp became mysterious.

Chu Biyue looked at the direction of Meng Hao's departure. There was a soft color in the bottom of her eyes and sighed, "I shoulder a great mission, so I can't recognize you. As long as you can be well, everything is well.".

The next moment, she also trembled her delicate body and swept away in the opposite direction to Meng Hao. There was a black flame rising on her body, and the speed was fast to the extreme.

Just as Chu Biyue had just gone away, Meng Hao's figure slowly emerged. There was a faint smile on his mouth. He naturally heard Chu Biyue's muttering before, so he was more and more sure that Chu Biyue was a person he knew and had a good relationship with him.

But Meng Hao didn't think of who it was. He pondered for a moment and chased Chu Biyue in the direction of leaving. Since he knew that Chu Biyue might be someone he knew or even familiar, he must find out this matter.

Ho ho!!!

Suddenly, the deafening roar spread. Meng Hao's eyes slightly coagulated and looked ahead. What came into sight was a blue giant tiger. The giant tiger had a blue flame rising, giving people a strong feeling.

"Ice blue spirit tiger"!!!

A faint smile appeared in Meng Hao's eyes. The soul beast ice blue spirit tiger at the initial level of level 10, and the blue flame rising on his body is also a very strong animal fire, ice spirit blue flame.

Ice spirit blue flame ranks seventh in the animal fire list, so the combat effectiveness of ice blue spirit tiger is very strong. Even the swamp spirit crocodile he met before is not his opponent.

Meng Hao found a problem, that is, the spirits and beasts here don't seem to have high intelligence, so he took the lead, the red spiritual power on his body fluctuated, wrapped his palm and patted the ice blue spirit tiger directly.

Ho ho!!!

The body of the ice blue spirit tiger was slightly shocked, and the blue flame on the body rose and swept directly towards Meng Hao, successfully blocking Meng Hao's attack.

Holding Chixiao sword in his backhand, Meng Hao's momentum becomes much more fierce. He is a swordsman and a swordsman who controls the meaning of attribute sword. Although the combat effectiveness is amazing when he doesn't use the sword, it will become more terrible once he uses the sword.

However, few people know Meng Hao's identity as a swordsman. In addition, Meng Haogen didn't use swordsmanship recently, so few people know that Meng Hao is best at swordsmanship.

"Sword burning dance"!!!

A faint sound came from Meng Hao's mouth. He saw dozens of burning swords suspended in the air, then directly pierced the void and stabbed the ice blue spirit tiger with great momentum.

This is not over yet. Meng Hao continues to wave Chixiao sword. A flame sword flower slowly emerges, and then directly blasts forward with those burning swords.

"Burning burning - pole cutting"!!!

This is the last version of the formula of burning Heaven Sword. Its power is no less than that of low-level holy arts, and even comparable to that of medium-level holy arts. Meng Hao has successfully practiced it for a long time, but it has not been used.

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