The flaming giant tiger flew past directly and flew towards the four-star God puppet. The whole body was rippling with the terrible smell of the season.

The body of the four-star God heavenly puppet trembled slightly. The long blue knife in his hand directly cut off Meng Hao. There was a terrible knife awn rising into the sky, and a terrible knife intention spread away.

Dao mang went down with the trend and directly cut the flaming tiger in half. The majestic Dao mang fell mercilessly to Meng Hao, emitting a terrible smell.

"Desperate knife"? Meng Hao's face showed a look of surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that the four-star God heavenly puppet should master the meaning of desperate knife. It's a little difficult to deal with.

Meng Hao retreated directly to the rear and used his life magic power to "move the shape and change the shadow" to directly avoid the blade with a majestic breath. The star soul sword fell into his hand. Facing the four-star God puppet with desperate knife intention, he also directly used his inferior artifact star soul sword.

"Husband, how can this four-star God puppet master the meaning of the sword"? Wu Xinying came here with a look of doubt on her face. According to the truth, the puppet can't understand the meaning of the sword.

Meng Hao explained with a smile: "this four-star God heavenly puppet was refined from a corpse. The corpse was a swordsman and a swordsman who mastered the meaning of desperate swords. Therefore, after being refined into a puppet, you can show some meaning of swords more or less.".

Meng Hao just sensed that the other party's desperate Dao intention was only 20% of the state, but he could refine the corpse into a puppet after death, and still retain and control the desperate Dao intention of 20% of the state, which proved that the other party had mastered at least 70% of the desperate Dao intention during his lifetime. That was a determined swordsman.


A faint voice came from Meng Hao's mouth. He directly flew up and met the flying four-star God puppet, and the star soul sword in his hand was directly cut down in front.

The terrible sword appeared. The gray sword just appeared for a moment and disappeared. The four-star God Tiangui had no intelligence at all, so he still plundered Meng Hao without stopping.


The next moment, the terrible gray sword appeared in front of the four-star God heavenly puppet, then directly blasted on its body and cut it away.

But at the next moment, it came flying again. At the same time, the terrible despair spread. The long knife in his hand fell slowly, and the terrible breath spread. It was very terrible.

The terrible Dao mang seemed to turn into a gray python, plundered towards Meng Hao, and opened his mouth, as if to swallow Meng Hao.

"No trace of destruction"!!!

Meng Hao drank lightly. The star soul sword in his hand fell slowly, and the terrible destruction storm swept away, emitting terrible pressure. At this time, he tried his best to urge the destruction sword intention of 40% level. With the blessing of the inferior artifact star soul sword, the power has reached a very terrible level.

At the same time, Wu Xinying also appeared on the head of the four-star God heavenly puppet. There was a terrible spread of spiritual power on her body. In just a few breaths, she turned into a terrible giant hand and suspended in mid air.

"Spirit heart slaughters heaven hand"!!!

The faint cry of Jiao suddenly spread. Wu Xinying's palm fell slowly, and the huge hand emitting a terrible smell in the sky also fell slowly, directly suppressing the four-star God Tiangui.


The destruction storm collided with the gray python, and an earth shaking roar broke out. Then the two deadlocked for a moment, and the gray Python crashed away.

Meng Hao was not surprised by this result. He tried his best to destroy without trace. I'm afraid even Liu Hancheng may not be able to retreat, let alone a puppet who only knows brute force attack.

The four-star God heavenly puppet was directly wrapped by the destruction storm. At the same time, the big hand of spiritual power in the sky fell down and photographed the four-star God heavenly puppet into the soil. It had no combat power anymore.

"Yinger, well done", Meng Hao smiled at Wu Xinying. Wu Xinying also fell slowly and came to Meng Hao with a happy smile on his small face.

Both of them are just the initial strength of Shengzun territory. Together, they easily solved the four-star God puppet. It can be said that they cooperated well. Otherwise, with Meng Hao's strength, if they want to solve the four-star God puppet, I'm afraid they have to expose some cards.

"Wow, husband, we make a lot of money. The score of this four-star God puppet is as high as 50 points." Wu Xinying looked at the token in her hand and added a full 50 points, that is to say, the score of the four-star God puppet is 50.

Meng Hao looked at the token in Wu Xinying's hand, smiled and said, "then continue to look for the four-star God heavenly puppet. With his current strength, he is not afraid as long as it is not the strong one in the later stage of the holy state, that is, the five-star God heavenly puppet.

But just then, Meng Hao glanced at the shattered and dissipated four-star God puppet, where there was a gray light ball emitting dazzling light.

With a flick of his palm, Meng Hao put it away, looked at it for a moment, showed a happy face and said happily: "this light ball actually contains the meaning of desperate sword. If I can understand it, I should be able to understand the meaning of desperate sword".

Meng Hao's goal is to understand all the ten attribute sword meanings, and then try to integrate them together to create a new attribute sword meaning. As for his sword cultivation, he has already given up. He plans to practice Kendo well.

"Then I'll congratulate my husband on having another attribute sword meaning," Wu Xinying said with a smile. She naturally knew that Meng Hao now mastered three attribute sword meanings. If she understood the meaning of desperate sword again, there were four, and it was not too far from ten.

However, at this time, Meng Hao looked slightly and directly pulled Wu Xinying to the side. Just as the two of them had just escaped, a black gorilla fell where they had just, smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Black fire sky scarlet", Meng Hao faintly said the name of the black gorilla. This is a soul animal at the peak level in the early stage of level 10, and it radiates strong power fluctuations. I'm afraid that the general soul animals at the middle level of level 10 may not be his opponent.


The black gorilla looks at Meng Hao and wuxinying, and his body flies and swims, as if it was a hill running straight to Menghao. They hit them, rather than hitting the south wall and not turning back. Oh, it should be that they should never turn back without hitting Meng Hao and wuxinying.

"It should have been led by the one who had just fought," Meng Hao whispered. Then he touched the soles of his feet and jumped up. Looking at his appearance, he bumped directly into the black fire sky scarlet. Obviously, he was going to fight hard.

There was a terrible golden light on Meng Hao's body, and then there were seven golden round suns rising slowly behind him. At this time, Meng Hao seemed to turn into a little golden giant, but he was still a little smaller than heihuotianxing.

"Seven Yang destroys the sky"!!!

The faint cry suddenly spread, and the seven yuan days suspended behind him slowly gathered together. In just a few breaths, they turned into a golden long stick, glittering and magnificent.

Just as he was approaching the black fire scarlet, Meng Hao waved his palm lightly, directly held the long golden stick in his hand, and hit the black fire scarlet mercilessly.


The roar of terror spread, and the black flamingo, the size of a hill, was directly smashed and flew out, with a huge scar on his chest and blood flowing.

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