Not long after Meng Hao came out, the phantom and Liu Yi came out of the cave one after another. Then Yinhun checked the number of people and found that seven guild members were missing. I think they will stay in the cave forever.

Meng Haochong smiled at Liu Yi and said, "brother Liu Yi, I want to go to them with brother yinsoul. I don't know what you plan to do."

Liu Yi said with a smile: "brother Meng Hao, I also gained a lot from this trip to the cave, and my strength has reached the bottleneck, so I'm going to go back to the heaven knife gate and close it for a while."

"Well, let's say goodbye and see you in the ranking war of the Land Rover list," Meng Hao said in a deep voice, hugging his fist. He still has a good impression of Liu Yi and Meng Hao. It's good to be friends.

Liu Yi also hugged his fist and said, "see you in the ranking war of the land tiger list". Without hesitation, he swept directly into the forest and disappeared in a few flashes.

"Let's go too", Meng Hao whispered, and then took the lead in plundering forward. The silver soul and the phantom looked at each other and followed closely, and the gang members of Haotian Gang behind him also followed closely.

The party swept towards the headquarters of the Haotian gang and returned to the Haotian gang before long. The lone wolf came out with some gang members to meet them.

In a relatively hidden room of Haotian Gang, Meng Hao sits on the first seat. Below are silver soul, phantom, lone wolf and Yin Feng, as well as the four tiger generals.

This is the place where Meng Hao discussed things. Meng Hao smiled and said, "silver soul, phantom, how did you get on this trip?"

Silver soul took the lead and said, "I got a four section inferior fist soul skill. In addition, my strength has also been improved. I can make a breakthrough in almost half a month."

Then the phantom whispered, "young Lord, I entered the birth gate and got an intermediate first-class spirit tool" cold blood dagger ", as well as a four-stage top-grade soul skill, which is suitable for my cultivation. Then I refined a ball of energy light, and my strength broke through to the peak of tianwu six times."

Meng Hao was surprised when he heard the speech. Unexpectedly, the phantom even entered the way of life, and his strength was also improved a lot.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "yes, the phantom didn't expect you to enter the way of life. It seems that the opportunity is abundant. I just don't know who broke into the door."

"Did the little Lord enter the death gate?" the phantom was surprised, because if he didn't enter the death gate, how would he know there was another enlightenment gate.

Meng Hao didn't want to hide. He nodded with a smile. The phantom had no choice but to smile. It seems that the little Lord has gained more than himself.

Meng Hao said in a deep voice, "no one of you is allowed to spread this matter. Just let's know it ourselves. In addition, the silver soul and phantom, what you get belongs to yourself. That's your own chance."

"Young master Xie", they said together. Meng Hao smiled and waved his hand. First, he took out 20 earth elixirs and gave them to the four tigers, five to each, and then took out eight heaven elixirs and gave them to the silver soul. None of them had two.

Everyone was very happy when they got the elixir. Meng Hao whispered: "next, you will help the internal rectification. I'll give you half a month to do it well.".

After a pause, he said again: "the phantom you stay, and others can go down". When they heard the speech, they all got up and left. Only the phantom stayed as he said, but didn't get up and leave.

After everyone left, Meng Hao whispered, "phantom, I'll give you another task now. I want you to understand the strength in Lanyou city in half a month. No problem."

"Please rest assured, young master, that your subordinates will complete the task", the phantom said in a deep voice. Meng Hao nodded and asked him to leave to do the task he gave her.

Then Meng Hao also left here and rushed to the Lingbao Pavilion in Lanyou city. Now he has something to sell and buys some materials for refining heaven elixir. He wants to start refining three product elixir.

"Please come inside, young master. What do you want to buy, spiritual weapon or elixir?" a maid came to the tunnel respectfully. Their manager had told them to greet Meng Hao well.

Meng Hao took out a piece of white paper with written words and whispered, "pack the materials for me according to what is written on it."

The maid turned out to be blank and respectfully said, "please wait a moment, young master. I'll prepare the materials for you now."

Then the maid left, and then gave the white paper to another maid to do it. She came to the backyard to report.

"Miss, the boy you asked us to pay attention to last time came again. This time he bought some materials for refining the three product elixir", the maid said respectfully to a girl in purple.

The purple robed girl smiled and said, "it's done well. I'll go and see the boy now". Then she left the backyard and walked towards the front room.

"Eh, brother Meng Hao, how can it be you?" the purple robed girl went to the front room, but found that the boy he met knew himself.

Meng Hao heard the familiar voice and looked up ahead. A beautiful little face that brought disaster to the country and the people came into Meng Hao's eyes.

"Sister Ziyan, why are you here", Meng Hao was also a little surprised. The girl in front of him was Ouyang Ziyan, who was familiar with him.

"Brother Meng Hao, you're the one who bought the materials for refining the elixir. I thought it was who," Ouyang Ziyan said with a smile: "this Lingbao Pavilion is opened by our family, so I'm here naturally."

Meng Hao smiled helplessly. It turned out that Lingbao pavilion was the industry of Shangguan family. Suddenly, Meng Hao remembered something and said, "sister Ziyan, I heard you say my father was poisoned last time. I don't know what's going on now. Has the poison been detoxified?"

Ouyang Ziyan smiled bitterly and said, "the poison in my father is very rare. Although it has been controlled now, it is not easy to cure it. Master Huo prescribes a pill that can cure my father's poison, but there are two kinds of miraculous drugs. Even if our family doesn't have them, I've tried my best to inquire about them during this time, but there is no whereabouts of these two miraculous drugs."

"I don't know what pill master Huo gave my uncle. Can sister Ziyan tell me about it?" Meng Hao whispered.

Ouyang Ziyan nodded and said, "since Meng Hao's brother wants to know, I naturally won't hide anything. Master Huo said that there are only six products of the elixir" Purple dew concentration pill. "

Meng Hao nodded when he heard the speech. He also heard the name of the purple dew concentration pill. The "alchemy Sutra" taught him by the emperor of mountains and rivers has an introduction to this kind of elixir.

"Sister Ziyan, the two materials that must be missing are Phoenix blood and purple rhyme Dragon Emperor ginseng", Meng Hao thought and whispered.

Ouyang Ziyan smiled and nodded when she heard the speech. You've heard of Zilu concentration pill, but it's useless even if you've heard of it. Neither of these two materials is so easy to get.

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