Meng Hao was suspended in the air, and the four ancient swords and spirits also flew up and surrounded Meng Hao. Each body radiated the breath of the heavenly Saint emperor. It was also difficult to deal with them.

A smile flashed across the corner of his mouth. Meng Hao's body suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he was behind the Jue Xian sword spirit. The terrible breath went up and down. He saw flames surging behind Meng Hao and turned into a rosefinch, emitting terrible pressure.

"Rosefinch soul"!!!

A faint sound came from Meng Hao's mouth. The soul of rosefinch made a clear sound, and then directly entangled the spirit of Jue Xianjian sword. The spirit of Jue Xianjian sword couldn't move in a short time.

"Good boy, let's fight together, we can't be broken one by one", Zhu Xianjian Jianling laughed, then called the trapped Xianjian Jianling and the killing Xianjian Jianling to fight together and plundered Meng Hao.

Meng Hao's body flickered and disappeared directly in place, which made the three sword spirits lose their attack opponents. Their faces were suspicious. For a time, they didn't think of the law of space.

"Empty cage, confinement"!!!

The faint voice suddenly spread. Meng Hao suddenly appeared on the top of the spirit of killing immortal sword. There was a space law in his hand. It turned into a space cage and directly imprisoned the spirit of killing immortal sword.

After two shots, Meng Hao stopped two of the sword spirits temporarily. If the four of them joined hands, they would certainly use the immortal killing sword array. At that time, Meng Hao was not sure to fight against the immortal killing sword array of the four.

"Reincarnation Wu soul, stop him." a black-and-white figure emerged behind Meng Hao. It was the second reincarnation Wu soul in the earth that day. I saw that the reincarnation Wu soul directly turned into a streamer, swept away towards the spirit of the immortal sword and entangled it.

"It's reincarnation Wu soul, which really shocked us, but we can just see the power of reincarnation Wu soul", Zhu Xianjian Jianling laughed and robbed reincarnation Wu soul without hesitation.

Meng Hao was also gasping for breath at this time. He had just cast two martial spirits in succession. He was also a little overwhelmed. If he hadn't stepped into the holy emperor's realm, I'm afraid he would directly consume his spiritual power and faint.

At this time, Meng Hao's opponent is only the spirit of the trapped Xianjian sword. I saw a majestic Star River emerge behind Meng Hao. The Star River emits a bright light, dazzling and shocking.

"Star River disillusionment"!!!

A faint voice sounded from the bottom of Meng Hao's heart. He saw the stars in the sky gradually rotating, and then gathered together frantically, turning into a star light ball, emitting terrible fluctuations.

Then the Star River light ball flew directly past and swept away at the spirit of the trapped fairy sword. The terrible momentum fluctuated, and even the spirit of the trapped fairy sword showed a dignified look.

"It's the holy art of heaven and earth. What a terrible pressure", the dignified color appeared on the face of the spirit of the trapped immortal sword, and then the sword Qi filled his body, and his own momentum suddenly spread.

"Kill the immortal"!!!

The low voice spread, and a light blade appeared in front of the spirit of the trapped immortal sword, emitting strong power fluctuations, directly across the void and swept away at the Star River light ball.

This is the strongest attack of the trapped immortal sword. Its power is comparable to the top holy art, but there is still a big gap with the holy art of heaven and earth. However, the strength of the trapped immortal sword is much stronger than Meng Haoqiang, so who is better is not sure.


The two attacks collided, and an amazing roar broke out. The Xinghe light ball was better and scattered the blade, which hurt the spirit of the trapped immortal sword.

"Little fellow, you are very strong. Our four brothers are willing to submit to you," said Zhu Xianjian Jianling with a smile. The other three Jianling also nodded. They are naturally very happy and willing to follow such a powerful master.

"Thank you for your success", Meng Hao is also very happy. If the four sword spirits want to resist, Meng Hao doesn't have many ways. After all, it's terrible for them to display the immortal killing sword array together.

"See you, master". The spirit of the four immortal killing swords hugged Meng Hao, then flew past and returned to the four ancient swords. Meng Hao waved his palm gently to put away the four ancient swords.

At the next moment, the majestic energy surges into Meng Hao's body. The fully obedient Zhu Xian four swords can feed back their energy to Meng Hao, so Meng Hao's strength will be greatly improved.

Sure enough, Meng Hao, who has absorbed the four immortal killing swords, has made great progress. Although he has not stepped into the holy emperor level of Tianpin, he still reaches the holy emperor level of lingpin peak, which is much stronger than before.

Put away the four swords and Meng Hao flew out of Tianxiang pool. Just now, the amazing battle between him and the four swords of killing immortals has not been spread. Gu linger is still practicing at ease.

Meng Hao had a huge receipt this time. Besides, he promised Gu batian to take Gu linger back safely, so Meng Hao had to stay here and wait for Gu linger to leave the customs.

Fortunately, Meng Hao didn't wait too long. Three days later, Gu linger went out of the pass, and her strength fluctuated. She absorbed the majestic energy in Tianxiang pool, and even stepped directly from the third transformation into the sixth transformation. Her strength directly exceeded that of his father.

"Mr. Meng, have you finished your work?"? Gu linger showed a happy look on her pretty face. When she saw Meng Hao sitting cross legged waiting for her to pass, a happy smile appeared on her little face.

"It's good to step into the six transformation realm," Meng Hao said with a smile. He immediately took out a holy level spirit formula and handed it to Gu linger, and then gave her a storage ring, which placed some cultivation resources, enough for Gu linger to practice in the holy state.

"Take the spirit formula and storage ring. I also have a large receipt this time. It can be regarded as compensation for your ancient spirit village. There is a bottle of elixir in it, which can help your grandfather step into the realm of spiritual communication. You can keep the rest of your cultivation resources and practice well in the future," Meng Hao said with a smile. Then he waved his palm lightly and left Tianxiang pool with Gu ling'er.

Gu ling'er only felt as if he had been in the void for a while. He found that he had returned to Gu Ling village. There were nine people such as Cao Jiu nearby, but there was no Meng Hao.

"Brother Meng, ling'er will work hard to cultivate and never live up to your expectations of me." Gu ling'er tightly grasped the storage ring in his hand and showed a firm look on his small face.

Meng Hao has left. He is also very happy to successfully accept the four swords of Zhu Xian. However, it is not long before the final war for half a year. He must seize the time to gather the jade of the ninth emperor and open the ninth emperor palace to find his way to promote himself to the Holy emperor of heaven.

It has to be said that Meng Hao's space law has also been improved and reached the state of great success. He is only one step away from the point of perfection. He needs to practice the power of his various laws to perfection before the war comes, so that he can be sure to fight against the world demon saint and Xuantian Bone Demon.

In fact, Meng Hao has guessed that the demon family should have found the seal of Xuantian Bone Demon. I'm afraid Xuantian Bone Demon will be born in six months. At that time, the super strong man can deal with a lot.

The fire emperor, one of the strongest in heaven and earth, is not the opponent of Xuantian Bone Demon, so Meng Hao must seize the time to improve his strength, so that he can stop Xuantian Bone Demon.

The soul martial world is the place where he has lived for a long time. He doesn't want the place where he has lived for a long time to be occupied by the demon clan. If he wants to do this, he must defeat the Xuantian Bone Demon. Only by defeating the Xuantian Bone Demon can the soul martial world enter a peaceful realm.

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