Soul Between Lives
Chapter 17
Alex was blushing furiously as he sat on the ground lost in thought. The system was busy analyzing his condition trying to understand what was wrong with him so it could propose countermeasures but after a few minutes, it was still unable to discover what afflicted Alex.
"Alicia, I suggest you begin moving toward the nearest human settlement while being wary of your surroundings." Angel prompted Alex. The orb that was meant for the real Alicia was preloaded with her starting stats including mana and some innate abilities that would be helpful to her as well as a beautified appearance preset. Once Alex was beaned with the orb, all this data was applied to him similar to how he became a wild boar, bug, and tree among other things from the other orbs. What made this orb special was of course that it contained an assistant system. Once in the world it was customized for, it would be able to access information and utilize its special functions.
Along with this customized preset and system was a name chosen by the patron goddess that had requested the hero.
"Alicia, are you listening? What is wrong?" Angel persisted in trying to spur Alex into action.
"Why do you keep calling me Alicia?" He finally responded.
"That is your name. Have you perhaps suffered a mental trauma recently? Do you know who you are?"
"Mental trauma..." Upon being asked if he'd been traumatized, Alex recalled just half of his recent deaths and began to laugh inwardly. [I've been animals, bugs, a tree, even a pink demon but I've never been a girl before. Perhaps I really am a little broken inside now.] Alex remembered the nasty surprise for Chris and him in the form of a boiling caramel bath after they were drowned in candy water. The experience probably ruined caramel apples forever for him.
After a moment of silent recollection, Alex continued his inner dialogue, [Compared to all that I've been through before, being a girl is nothing. In fact, I may never get this ah... once in a lifetime opportunity again. If I'm a man, I have to exploit this chance for all its worth! However, what can I do while the system is keeping an eye on me...?]
*Ahem* "Angel right? Would you be able to turn yourself off for a while? At least until I call for you again?" Clearing his throat, Alex asks the system for some alone time with a bit of trepidation. He doesn't even care about finding a human settlement at this point. After all, how many times has he died by now? What fear is there in death for him after all he's been through?
"It's recommended that I stay active at all times Alicia. For what reason do you want to turn me off? I am here to assist you in all things."
Alex's true motives flash through his mind for a moment as he tried to come up with a reasonable excuse.
"Ah, It's just that I really need to use the restroom and would like some privacy. It'd be embarrassing if I know I'm being watched." Alex reasoned.
"I can read your mind you know. And I recommend you don't experiment with your body until you're somewhere safe." Angel said flat out.
Alex nearly died of embarrassment and actually looked around for a hole to crawl into before the system continued on while bringing the HUD back up into Alex's view, "If you follow the path marked out on the map you should be able to reach the nearest town within an hour. While you walk I will begin explaining about magic and the mana needed to fuel it. These are the current spells you have access to."
The system opens a rather short list of magic spells for Alex to glance at while he plods along. There are just three spells listed. A spell to open his personal storage space. A spell to speed up the body's natural healing and oddly enough a powerful fireball spell.
"Hmm, there should be more spells listed than this. Weren't you able to choose more spells before coming here?" The system was perplexed by the limited resources that were far less than what its default information said that Alex should have. Angel has no idea that Alex is not Alicia because it was not activated until after it came into contact with Alex's soul and was linked to him after reincarnating into the new world.
"Using magic costs mana points right? I've played some B*th*sda games before, so you don't have to explain what magic is to me." Alex interrupted and waved off the confused system's tutorial.
"Rather than talking my ear off, can you play any music for me?" He hadn't been able to relax for a long time now. Not since he was first rudely awakened by the old man's lightning attack.
"What kind of music would you like to listen to? I can extrapolate music you've listened to before from your memory. Wait... What is this!?" Angel's astounded voice rang out in Alex's mind as it finally finished processing his memories of being on Earth through to all the lives he's lived until now. It still doesn't know that Alex is not the real Alicia though because even Alex is unaware of the current circumstances.
Normally, Alex would be head over heels at the chance to use real-life magic but with how fleeting life has been for him recently, his priorities are a bit messed up. Currently, he wants nothing more than to fully explore his soft female body. The pink demon's body was soft but the body of a real human woman was a whole other creature. In his life on Earth, he got close to a number of girls but every time it seemed like a sure thing, something would inexplicably go wrong. Almost as if the angels watching him from Heaven were just waiting to screw with him.
The system seemed to be intent on spazzing out for a while so Alex concentrated on observing his surroundings as he continued toward the nearest town.
"Have you finally chosen all your skills, abilities and spells yet?" The old man anxiously asked the real Alicia.
"Just about. Hey, can you explain the difference between the cleanse body and body cleansing spells?"
"We're really running short on time here? Does it really matter what the difference between them is?"
"Well, I can't decide between them for my last spell. Can't you let me have just this one extra?"
The old man sighed in agitation before relenting, "Fine, just hurry up and make your final decisions. You need to get moving to retake your rightful destiny."
"Alright, done!" Alicia announced with a beaming smile. "I'm all ready. Oh, can you give me some extra spending money?" She asked as the old man prepared to activate the orb.
"Here just take it." The old man impatiently shoved a large bag of gold jewelry and gemstones into her hands and sent her on her way.
Pushing past the brush on the top of the small depression he just climbed out of, Alex finally caught sight the town wall encircling his destination and, still grumbling that he hasn't gotten a bit of private time yet, he hastened his pace toward the city gates.
A couple of the guards stared wide-eyed at Alex as he passed but none of them tried to stop him. In fact, they seemed rather happy seeing a beauty walk into town. One of them even recommended a nearby inn called the Starry Night and asked if Alex was free for dinner with a wide goofy grin barely keeping his drool in check.
"I'm in a hurry so maybe another time." Alex had mixed feelings about the preferential treatment he was receiving as a girl but he quickly pushed all his misgivings aside when he recalled his own ulterior motives of the moment.
It didn't take him long to find the Starry Night Inn and the host was warm and welcoming. She didn't even get impatient when it was revealed how Alex didn't have enough money for a meal let alone a room. Instead of chasing him out she told Alex about the adventurers' guild just down the street where he could sign up and perhaps earn some coin. The guild also provided simple accommodations for new members.
Before long Alex found himself being stared down at by an imposing old man with large scars crisscrossing his grizzled face at the guild receptionist counter.
"What can I do for you, little lady?"
"... I'd like to sign up as an adventurer." Alex reflexively felt insulted being called a little lady to his face but did his best to hide his displeasure in front of this veteran's keen eye.
"Alright, I'll help you with your registration." With well-practiced movements, the veteran pulled out a form and decided to skip the usual vetting methods due to the general lack of manpower and shortage of new enlistees throughout the troubled times. It seems that even the town's layabouts could find work while the continent was embroiled in war.
"What's your name?"
Upon hearing her host using the name Alex, Angel woke up from her half-broken state and mentally facepalmed.
"Alex? That's a bit of a masculine name for a girl, isn't it? I like it." The veteran said with a grin.
"Where are you from?"
Alex was just about to answer when Angel urgently spoke up within his mind, [Careful, don't reveal that you're from another world or they'll think your mind is demon addled and throw you in jail. And you should know what happens to pretty young girls in jail.]
Alex almost bit his tongue as he closed his mouth and looked down blushing profusely. He couldn't help thinking indecent thoughts and panicking a little at how close he came to disaster just now. He thought it would be funny to see the old man's reaction upon learning of other worlds in retaliation for being called a little lady.
"What's wrong? Why are you blushing like you're embarrassed?" The old veteran was impatient and confused by Alex's silence.
Alex further lowered his head to partially hide his eyes as he struggled to find words to say.
The old veteran suddenly seemed to realize something, "Don't tell me you don't remember where you're from? Are you lost?"
Alex was going to grab this misunderstanding and use it as a life preserver when Angel chimed in again. [Just say that you're from Agrippa Village which was wiped out a month ago as most of its residents escaped ahead of time.]
"Ah, yeah I'm from Agrippa Village and am a bit lost at the moment."
"Is that so? You've worked hard coming here. Alright, let's continue." The old veteran relaxed and viewed Alex with sympathy instead of suspicion.
"What skills are you proficient in?"
Still a bit flustered, Alex quickly recalled the only skills that stood out to him from earlier, "Gro... Groping."
"Groping!?" The words were barely out of Alex's mouth before the old veteran had a shocked reaction and started blushing himself. But he quickly shook his head. "Ah, you must mean grappling hahaha!"
The old vet wrote the skill down and the rest of the registration proceeded more smoothly. Alex was even given a room all to himself free of charge.
Alone in relative safety at last Alex spent a few minutes mentally working himself up and was finally going to start exploring his new body when a knock came from the door.
"Ya!" An embarrassing scream escaped his mouth and his hands darted back to his sides while his back straightened like he'd been shocked.
"Sorry to disturb you so soon young missy, but there is an opportunity for you to make some quick money I thought I'd run by you." It was the old veteran at the door and Alex's dirty mind immediately recalled what the system said about young women in jail and his face paled.
[It can't be that he's propositioning me can it?]
"Wha.. What do I have to do?" Alex asked with a bit of panic through the closed door.
"There's a group of adventurers downstairs about to head out to clean up a small goblin nest and they could use an extra hand to watch their backs."
[Hmm, I'll probably be hungry after I'm done fooling around anyway and without money, I can't get food. Maybe I'll even find some berries or something in the forest if I go.]
Coming to a decision, Alex told the old veteran that he'll go and asked about the supplies he should bring along. Alex woke up with some basic gear including a large knife similar to a machete and the linen clothes he was wearing but he didn't think this would be enough for an actual fight. Even though he's not afraid of death anymore, he won't accept death so easily when he's in a world that seems promising. Remembering the world with the beautiful meadow, he only killed himself because he didn't want to suffer being eaten alive by the griffon that was swooping down on him. Now that death didn't hold many mysteries for him, he could give more rational thought to trying to live a little longer rather than desperately following his instincts and emotions. At least that's the excuse he had this time to fool himself into thinking that it's not all about being able to do perverted stuff later.
In the end, he was able to borrow a small wooden shield and some cheap leather armor from the guild before meeting the group of adventurers. They were a group of five comprised of three swordsmen, including their leader Harkon, a female healer and a male archer. Three members of the group seemed oddly familiar but Alex couldn't say why.
On the way to the goblin den, the male archer eagerly tried to get to know Alex and asked about his family and whether he had a special someone in town. Alex was extremely annoyed at first but soon took the initiative to ask for fighting tips and tricks as well as other useful survival skills. It was decided that he would stay outside the cave with the male archer while the rest of the group would assault the cave.
As the attacking team crept as close to the cave as possible before starting their assault, the archer told Alex that he needed to take care of something in the bushes nearby and that he'd be right back. For his part, Alex only needed to help keep an eye out for any returning goblins and kill them if possible so the assaulting group could concentrate on the enemies in front of them.
A little bit after the archer disappeared behind some dense foliage, Alex heard the soft tromping of bare feet on leaves and twigs approaching. It was a group of three goblins that were more busy dragging a dead deer behind them than paying attention to their surroundings so Alex had a few moments to decide what he was going to do. He reasoned that if he moved or called out to the archer that he'd tip the goblins off and they'd be able to warn the group of goblins guarding the cave entrance and all h*ll would break loose before everyone was ready for it.
Alex was at a loss for what to do when he heard a strange glitching sound similar to a malfunctioning computer speaker in his head as Angel chimed in, "You should use your fireball spell to deal with the group in one go. I'll help you cast it immediately so they don't have a chance to escape. Just point your palm at them and say fireball and I'll take care of the rest."
At the same time Angel proposed this, the assault group began their attack in earnest and were busy cutting down the group of goblin guards while making a ton of noise. This alerted the three returning goblins but before they could make sense of what was going on Alex raised his right hand and whispered, "Fireball." and a split second later a huge ball of flames shot out of his palm and flew straight at the trio of goblins. Only one of the goblins reacted by trying to jump away but was still caught in the explosion and blown up into the air in many pieces as the contents of its leather pouches spilled out and drifted down over the area.
That one spell drained all of Alex's mana and made him pass out on the spot. The loud explosion made the assault team turn around to investigate and it only took them a few moments to get a view of the carnage. It was decided ahead of time that if an unexpected situation occurred before anyone had gotten deeply into the cave that they would fall back and regroup. The sudden explosion from an unknown source counted as unexpected, so they were already falling back while investigating.
"Oi! It smells like burning goblin berserker powder!" One of the swordsmen yelled out in warning.
"This is bad! Alex has fainted and there's a bush bunny chewing on her throat!" The healer exclaimed while running up to Alex as fast as she could.
"Careful! Their teeth are razor sharp and can mince leather let alone soft human flesh and I think that thing breathed in some of that berserker powder. Let me handle it." Harkon said while running up to get the bush bunny off Alex.
When the healer could safely reach Alex, she inspected the wound while chanting a quick healing spell.
"I only went to take a quick dump behind a tree a moment ago. How did this happen?" The returning archer asked in a frenzy.
"It's no good. My healing spell isn't working correctly on her throat and she's losing too much blood. Help me cover her wound. We need to get her to the town priest as fast as we can!"
"We think that Alex shot a fireball which spread out the goblin powder and that bush bunny got a whiff of it." One of the swordsmen not involved in carrying Alex explained to the grief-stricken archer as they made their way as quickly as they could back to town.
"Why are you carrying around such valuable items in a sac out in the middle of nowhere? You don't even have a merchant's pass so don't even try to tell me you were just in town to sell it all." The commander of the gate guards was questioning a girl that looked just like Alex at the entrance to town.
"Its all mine. What business is it of yours if I choose to carry around my valuables anyway?"
"Normally I wouldn't care. But you just recently left town with Harkon's group only to return so soon and with a bag full of valuables that you didn't have before? I wouldn't be qualified to guard the latrine let alone the town gate if I didn't look into this kind of funny business now would I?"
The real Alicia could only grit her teeth and scowl at the commander while she thought up an explanation.
Just then Harkon's group was rushing back with the near-death Alex and had reached the gate only to stop in their tracks with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
"Alex? Alex has a twin?" Harkon asked in shock.
"Can't be, Alex said she had no surviving relatives. Can this be a doppelganger?" The archer who had gotten to know Alex on the way out of town informed the others.
"We need to keep moving! Someone call the priest!" The healer yelled out.
One of the other swordsmen took over for Harkon and together with the healer carried Alex through the gate in a hurry. As they passed, Alicia and the commander got a good look at Alex's deathly pale face. Harkon and the rest immediately surrounded Alicia while drawing their weapons.
"I knew there was something suspicious going on." The commander spat at Alicia as he helped cut off her retreat.
"I... What...?" Alicia had only just started putting the pieces together. She hadn't realized that she and Alex would look exactly alike. Nor did she know the girl was Alex until after she heard Harkon and the archer using his name.
"Careful, this monster has already killed a lot of people to get that much wealth." The commander warned.
"It must be an agent of the demons." One of the other guards said.
"I'm not a monster! I.." Alicia couldn't think straight and started to panic from having so many dangerous weapons and killing intent directed at her. The urge to run was becoming overwhelming.
"You two grab her. I'll make a good deep cut and let her bleed. Then we'll see if she's a doppel monster." The commander said as he advanced toward her.
Alicia tried to run but was quickly hit over the head and grabbed by a couple of powerful arms. All she could do was scream at the top of her lungs before she was run through.
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