Soul Echo

Chapter 177

Today... Lillian doesn't seem to be online.

Zhong Ye glanced at the girl across the table. Although the girl still had aura in her eyes, she was not as agile as usual—in other words, 'the soul is not in the body'.

It's a little different from the past. Before this little girl would not be online until noon, is it because of what happened in reality?

Zhong Ye's eyes flashed gloom, and he was silent for a long time, and reluctantly put out a breath.

Dan's world is far from Earth, and even if he knew what happened to Lillian, he couldn't help.

After lunch, Zhong Ye took Liliane to the room to pack up.

Now that there are no cultists in this place, even if there are remaining cultists, they will be picked up by the Church of the God of Business, which is highly motivated.

Compared to a church, the individual's power is still too weak when it comes to finding cultists.

Zhong Ye doesn't plan to stay in Montreux. Without the cultists, it would be meaningless for him to stay there. There may be cultists or demons in other places, and those places need him even more.

——As a transcender, he works more efficiently than ten people combined. With his help, other places can find cultists faster.

"The next place is... Annecy? The Kingdom of Gaul?"

Zhong Ye has a little impression of this place.

Amos once mentioned to him in a small talk that the area did not belong to the Gallic kingdom originally, but in an abyss invasion incident caused by a cultist, the archduke family that ruled that area went up and down. All died - the cultist was the second daughter of the archduke at that time, and in exchange for the lives and souls of her entire family, the summon descended with an Archfiend, almost opening the door to the abyss.

Only at the cost of the 'city' can we summon the arrival of the gate of the abyss, and enough death and despair can build the foundation of the gate.

The death of an archduke family was not enough for the gate of the abyss to descend on that city.

That city once suffered an abyss invasion, and there is still a family Goddess named chapter stationed until now, and there are still cultists?

Sitting on a chair, Zhong Ye spread out the small book that recorded the information in front of him.

Because the information given by the Turin black market led him to find a cultist, he already had some trust in these information.

Perhaps the places and people recorded in the intelligence are not necessarily cultists or have a relationship with cultists, but it is better to have clues than to search aimlessly.

After deliberating for a moment, Zhong Ye decided to pack up and then go to the market to replenish some supplies before heading to Annecy.

Whether this information is correct or not, there is no way to confirm it by sitting here and dreaming.

And the adventurer house in Montreux has not been completed, so there is no way to connect to the Internet.

He was a little curious about what the trailer for Chapter 2 looked like, although based on the usual aesthetics of the production team, there is a high probability that it will not be very good, and it is very likely that it will follow the stream of consciousness style.

After packing up, Zhong Ye carried them all on his back, walked downstairs with Lillian's game character, and exited the room.

Meet Paul when taking horses. The father has decided not to run a business anymore. He wants to return to his hometown with his savings and his daughter over the years to manage a piece of land, even if it is poor and hard. , and will never let her daughter suffer again.

It was also during the few days when his daughter was abducted that he realized that he had owed too much to his daughter over the years.

Paul also wanted to give him some items, but Zhong Ye firmly refused.

Those things are obviously more important to Paul. Anyway, now he is not short of money and has no material desires.

After saying goodbye to the father, Zhong Ye went to the market.

Because of the cold wave, more and more people are selling firewood and coal in the market. In contrast, there are fewer traders selling vegetables, fruits and dry food.

Every household is storing food for the winter, and the food on the market has been reduced a lot. Fortunately, there are only two of them in Zhong Ye, so they don't need to prepare much.

Ready, Zhong Ye took Lillian to the pier outside the city.

He was going to take a boat to the lakeside town of the Gallic kingdom, and then walk to Annecy, which would shorten the trip a lot.

When leaving the city, he said hello to the clergy guarding the city gate, Zhong Ye ignored them and waved his hand away.

Walking slowly along the lake shore, feeling the cold wind blowing from the lake, Zhong Ye asked Lillian's game character to wear extra clothes.

The player's game character will also get sick - at least during the internal test, Zhong Ye heard someone mention in the forum that his character accidentally caught a cold, the symptoms are not much different from reality, and almost So died once.

Montreux is the largest settlement in the surrounding area. Therefore, there are many merchant ships docked at the pier. Zhong Ye found a merchant ship that was going to Geneva and spent some money. , the captain agreed to stop at a lakeside town in the Gallic kingdom.

The merchant ship will set sail in the afternoon and will arrive at a lakeside town in the Kingdom of Gaul about tomorrow. Of all the lakeside towns near Annecy, the only place where the merchant ship can dock 's pier.

The horse and Zhong Ye stayed in the same cabin. When they got on the boat, it showed great unease, and the whole horse seemed to be sluggish. It may appear more restless.

Fortunately, there are no winds and waves in Lake Lemonus most of the time, and there is a lot of cargo in the warehouse, so that the merchant ship does not sway from side to side.

In the dark cabin, Zhong Ye silently flipped through books, constantly learning new knowledge from books.

He will occasionally turn his head to look at Lillian's game character to make sure his students are online.

It wasn't until evening, after dinner, that Lillian logged into the game.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I appeared in a dim cabin, and the only rays of light came from the wind lanterns hanging on the pillars.

Lilian was extremely surprised, extremely surprised, and hurriedly lowered her head to confirm whether she had been kidnapped, and found that there was no rope on her body, and she was sighed in relief.

She immediately raised her hand and patted her head—with Zhong Ye by her side to protect her, how could something happen to her?

Lilian answered the barrage's greetings and doubts while flipping through the game log, and saw that it was Zhong Ye who decided to leave Montreux by boat, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"...Annecy? What is this place? Do you know?"

A barrage like a river flashed past, making Lilian feel dizzy, right here , Zhong Ye pushed the door and walked in.

Noticing the look in Lilian's eyes, Zhong Ye felt relieved, and then said nonchalantly: "It's snowing outside, remember to wear more clothes tomorrow so as not to catch the cold."

People in this era don't have such a clear understanding of the seasons, but no matter where it is, as long as it snows, First Stage snow will be used as the dividing line between autumn and winter.

In other words, the western land is entering winter...

If he remembers correctly, a Spiritual God once told him that in the early winter, the gods of the sky they It will try to let players gradually come into contact with demons, so as to lay a solid foundation for dealing with the abyss in the future.

This is a dangerous thing, accidentally leading to a higher level abyss invasion event.

However, this is also a must!

Even though the 'Abyss' is hotly discussed in the game forums, as long as players haven't really touched demons, they won't understand their terrifying.

After the player kills the demon, the Spiritual Gods will keep the demon's soul in this world. Now the two copies of Laurel City are based on the demon soul, and players need to keep killing the copies. the demons in, to consume their souls.

When the game enters the second chapter, Spiritual God will put into use the demon souls that have been stored for many years, create copies, and open the Copy System of Soul Echo.

apart from this , there are many things related to 'Chapter 2', and the time when the game enters the second chapter is after winter!

"Is it snowing?" Lillian asked with wide eyes.

Lake Lemonus will be beautiful after the snow!

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