Soul Echo

Chapter 189

Until now, sitting in the carriage, Lillian a little not quite believe the man sitting across from her is the 'real whitefish'.

She thought they need to spend a lot of effort in order to catch a big 'really whitefish', did not expect, he should be sent to the lords of Annecy their eyes.

After identify those hallucinogens traffickers, this man's identity has been confirmed, he is indeed 'real whitefish', Annecy on line all hallucinogens traffickers.

So, Zhong Ye in last night withdrew piece of tasks, but still receives those hallucinogens traffickers was seized and turned adventurer back, and pay remuneration.

but are not limited to the message, the Adventurer back from the outside, if the message is already known, hallucinogens dealer also come back again, Zhong Ye dealer receives hallucinogens, but You will not pay remuneration.

So in less than an hour, Annecy's 'confusion' comes to an end, came out of the mad dog has been closed back.

adventurer who did not make any share of the money earned matter, are drunk in the hall adventurer House and unconscious.

make money in the celebration, but did not make money in Xiaochou for nobles actions did not feel.

In these, only Zhong Ye always maintained within the conscious, living in both innings, but also like an outsider, sit on the sidelines all this. After

received 'real whitefish', Lillian saw Zhong Ye extort from the hands of the lord steward to a carriage, is now riding their car.

Previously, if placed, would be difficult to imagine Zhong Ye she can deadpan even extort something from the hands of other people, but he really did.

Of course, she does not think Zhong Ye did something wrong, because this car carriage very comfortable with them.

sunlight through the glass, so that the vehicle interior is full of light.

Heaven and Earth raging snow quietly ceased last night, and now the carriage traveling on snow, difficult.

The weather is not suitable for travel, but Zhong Ye have made the decision, Lillian is not good opposition.

"teacher, then we're going?" Lillian whispered questions, she knew that even if separated by a piece of wood, Zhong Ye can hear.

Zhong Ye that of penetrating voice immediately passed the cabin, "de Bourg."


Lillian doubt removed from the backpack map, on which a line of sight seek soon found in Anaheim Northwest marker that city, and also science up barrage.

In reality, the city named 'Bray Myers', to date, has become part of Lyon metropolitan area, connected by a vacuum lane and the main city.

That city was the capital of a province of France, just like the Earth in most countries, France has also canceled the administrative division of the region 'province' of mine because of the distance Fort Lyon close, Agriculture and Livestock industry developed, it was included in the Lyon metropolitan area, it has become a major part of the production of food metropolitan area.

- even modern synthetic starch may have been, but people still prefer to eat farming food out of the earth inside.

In the history of Bourg how much can be regarded as a more important city, presumably in the "Soul Echo" among the almost right.

Lillian immersed in a barrage of interaction with them, did not notice they were about to leave Annecy.

Zhong Ye holding the reins, spit out a white gas.

gas white arrow, fly far. After

After two days before the publicity, he can be considered small reputation in this small town of Annecy, adventurer name his name through the streets, innocent people were taken away to get their compensation, return home , also boasting his name to others, with family, talking about his friends saw what a big hero.

Many people are aware of Annecy came a hero, he was chasing the pace from the cult of a sudden people have filed vigilance, not behind closed doors, for fear of themselves and their loved ones brutally evil Christians killed.

apart from this, Zhong Ye also hired two adventurer, let them go to other hotel sung his story.

So, he attracted everyone's attention, hallucinogens traffickers behind that interest groups should shift our attention from those he used the adventurer who to him here.

He has never strong martial power, and adventurer who is not the same, even if that provoke the interest groups will not be an accident, can adventurer who is different, once the interests of retaliation, they almost did not resist Power.

Also impressive, every move will attract attention there is another advantage - all do not want to reveal the identity of the cultists and demons would stay away from him.

Spread the speed of this era is very slow, but Zhong Ye'm sure about his message will spread throughout the high Luwang Guo in the shortest possible time.

So, the Second Step program also completed.

Next, see 'stoic shield apos performance.


Look at those behind himself, apathetic guy, gray and full of middle age person can not help in the heart cursed.

"Let them hurry on the train!" Middle age person standing beside the carriage turned and snapped a servant soon.

do not know what the problem is, since yesterday saw Zhong Ye, middle age person's heart is floating anxious mood, so difficult for him to remain calm.

is snapped servant shocked, quickly driving the car dealer hallucinogens.

If nothing else, they will be in the classic dungeon lord for a few days, either starve to death or be killed ......

servant, not without malicious imagine corner of my eye suddenly caught a touch of bright, curious turned around and looked aghast to see a Pijianzhirui Knight line to silence.

"Your honor, there!"

servant screams aroused irritability middle age person's heart, "Shut up!"

He roars. soon, then evil fiercely turned to stare, stare go ......

middle age person held his breath, his eyes peering at that flag was a Knight on his shoulders.

Lord of Annecy as a pro paternity, he very clearly the presence of the Lord and his family a 'world enemy' - the family Goddess church 'perseverance Shield' battle group!

It is because of this battle group, so that they can not fully exercise the power of the Lord, doing everything needed terrified and over-cautious, other lords can do, most of them can not do.

Even 'perseverance Shield' did not do anything, just stationed in the surrounding Annecy, it has been enough to make them feel humbled and humiliated.

"Mr. Karp Ituri, please those who left."

That team Knight approached middle age person to lead the team, led by Knight a call for middle age person's last name.

When Alex the speaker, Knight were silent spread out, surrounded by the team.

middle age person's face suddenly flushed with anger, "deputy head of Alec, you What does this mean? These people are master named death, do not you want to protect them?"

". not so," Alex's face hidden behind the visor, people look down on his face, in a low, muffled voice said, a "just because we do not have confidence in you - Mr. Karp Turi, if your mind is not sick, you should know that I'm talking about what that means. "

hearing this, middle age person stunned surprised a moment.

He thought he had enough sharp-tongued, did not expect Alex to an opening almost insulting.

Immediately, he was shaking with anger, "You, you dare -"

"You dare to let hallucinogens flooding in the city, pumping his own face, Why now I'm just sick mind you said something, you got angry it? "Alex interrupted by middle age person, then, represents the first confusion, then earnest persuasion and well-meant advised of," we just to correct you mistakes, I hope you will be able to recover early step in the edge of a cliff leg better, Wan accidentally dropped 'into the abyss', that would be bad. "

early close hand, dropped 'into the abyss' ......

deep felt from killing intent behind the visor, as there is a pot of ice water poured from the lower, middle age person calm down instantly.

As a parent paternity Lord, how he may not know the history of Annecy? I do not know 'abyss' is what?

With a bit confused, looking around that surrounded the team Knight, until now, middle age person was fear of discovery, we have been pressing their hands in a grip on the weapon, hidden behind the visor pairs of eyes cast a killing intent.

clenching his teeth, did not let the teeth chattering, middle age person out of the word hissed:. "The guys down, we go back"

This will panic hallucinogens traffickers who heard these words, suddenly out of the listless state, have been barking up.

They consider themselves the lords tacit understanding, but these Knight absolutely impossible and they have common interests!

middle age person ignored the screams of those who, with fear, let the servant hallucinogens traffickers who leave the car, then drove away.

sitting in the carriage, middle age person looked back, the line of sight through the window and landed on Knight's body.

looked over from his point of view, 'stoic Shield' warrior standing in front of the house door adventurer, consisting of just one side rugged towering city wall.

All of a sudden, middle age person to want to understand everything!

- Zhong Ye and 'perseverance Shield' did not fall out, it is just that they deliberately manifested illusion!

Zhong Ye from the very beginning not intend to catch hallucinogens traffickers to them, he was publishing tasks, let adventurer to capture the group of guys, the purpose is to catch them out.

He at first think they are human traffickers behind those hallucinogens, so will the 'real whitefish surrender' as a quid pro quo.

Once they prefer to 'true whitefish' pay out, let him withdraw task, he will be able to infer them based on fact, and the proliferation of hallucinogens have a deeper connection ......

Today 'perseverance shield' appeared, cut away those hallucinogens traffickers, not only to make them unable to kill a witness to silence them, but warn them so that they do not play mind adventurer house.

- After this event, they truly appreciate the energy adventurer House, trying to figure out just how to manipulate adventurer home.

But the emergence of 'perseverance Shield' directly declare their plan has not yet begun to burst.

Zhong Ye got 'real whitefish', also got more evidence, 'stoic Shield' to take over those hallucinogens traffickers to their ability Soon, the entire Annecy and the surrounding area hallucinogens traders will be cleaned in an instant!

Only they - nothing to get ......

figured out these joints, middle age person slumped carriage, the gray eyes defeated.

finished all over ...... ......

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