Soul Echo

Chapter 198

Nemo Bellucci Bailey? Why does it feel like I've heard this name somewhere...

Just when Lilian was distracted, the young man had already tore off all the black cloth that wrapped the painting.

A half-length, one-arm wide oil painting appeared in front of them. However, in Lillian's eyes, there was nothing wrong with this oil painting, and it could even be said that it was quite... perfect?

A noble woman wears a simple and elegant off-shoulder dress and sits sideways on a high-back chair, with delicate and beautiful features, three gemstone rings on both hands, and two strands of long hair hanging down on her temples. Three precious metal hairpins stood up, and the dress was embroidered with a pale pink lily that grew from the waist on the left, spanned half of the body, and bloomed upward on the right.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth, the angle of the body's inclination, and the color of the background all look quite coordinated. When these things are combined, they can give people a 'perfect' illusion.

Holding the oil painting in his hand, the young man whispered: "To be honest, when I first saw this painting, I felt that the artist is very good..."

painting The skill is like transcending the times and transcending the ordinary, even those who don't know how to appreciate oil painting can feel the beauty of it after seeing this painting.

But after listening to Mark Crew's description, Lillian was left with only disgust and fear for the painting.

Such a dungeon as small as a map, how complicated the plot It shouldn't be, just relying on the intelligence of these people can connect the plot of the entire dungeon together.

Lilian pinched her chin and silently looked at the painting held by the young man. Suddenly she thought of something and asked in a low voice, "Have you cleared this dungeon?"

Hearing this question, the young man instantly turned into a bitter face, shook his head and sighed: "No..."

Each player can only clear the same dungeon three times, because all dungeons have the number of clearances Limited, if one person clears too many times, it will crowd out the resources of other players.

And the number of copies that exist in a place is also limited. If all copies of a place are consumed, then this place will no longer have copies.

Lilian doesn't know what the purpose of this troublesome setting is, but the Mirage Company likes to do things that raise blood pressure.

Lilian nodded, and asked again: "How did you go about the plot before?"

The youth was a little distressed, "The first time I went directly to the study, because I felt this The picture may be a little weird, but after I entered the study, I didn't do anything, and the system told me that the mission failed... But what the mission was, the system didn't say anything!

"Second , I still didn't look at the painting three times, I tried to look in other rooms, but the result was the same, the fourth time I saw the painting, but before the painting changed, I was killed by the ghost that appeared Now, it's almost the same later..."

When the young man said this, the complaints in his tone could not be concealed.

"What about the other Bulger players? Lillian asked, "Did anyone in the forum say anything? "

The young man couldn't help but sighed: "Other players are like me. People in the forum said that the problem should lie with those few people, but no matter how I ask them, they will not Answer, when the time is up, you will be killed by the ghost. "

Speaking of this, he finally couldn't hold back his irritability and scolded in a low voice: "This copy is designed like a mentally retarded, who can beat it?" "

Sure enough, the way to clear the dungeon is on those few people.

Lilian nodded, and then looked towards the oil painting.

Mark Crew station At the round table, I glanced at a few other people, looked at Lilian, and asked worriedly, "You two, do you have any clues? "

Lilian both hands crossed near chest, taps her right hand index finger on her arm a few times, and suddenly turned around and looked towards the six people.

"Several, I already have Some thoughts, I have some questions to ask you now, I hope you can answer my questions truthfully so that I can resolve this matter. "

Mark Crew was overjoyed, and for the first time, the other five had obvious reactions.

"Okay!" good! We must answer truthfully! After the sentence blurted out, Mark Crewe hesitated for a moment, then added, "Of course, there are some privacy-related questions that we won't answer..."

"Although rest assured, the question I asked will not involve your privacy. "

Lilian smiled slightly, and began to ask questions: "First of all, I want to know who among you was the first to feel that someone was watching you secretly? What is the order? "

Mark Crew opened his mouth slightly, but thought of something again and licked his lips, "...The first one is me, and the others are almost indistinguishable." "

"Is it divided by the bid price? Lillian asked again.

There was a hint of surprise on Mark Crew's face, and then he was beaming, "You, you know... as expected!" You two demonhunters, you really can solve our problem! "

He wasn't the first, or rather, he was the last!

The others wore masks and didn't reveal their identities, because among them, Mark Crewe His identity is the most humble, even if his identity is revealed, it doesn't matter, that's why he was asked to speak on their behalf.

And looking at the decoration of this room, you can see that Mark Crewe It shouldn't be too rich , in that case, his bid is probably the lowest one.

"Very well, I think I've caught the ghost! "

Speaking, Lillian not only took out a hand crossbow from her pocket and loaded it, but also invited the young people around her to arm with her.

Mark Crewe and the others were slightly taken aback, But thinking of what Lillian just said, thinking she was going to deal with the 'ghost', she suppressed her uneasy heart.

Lillian took out her rapier and pretended to look around. , continue to ask: "Second, besides feeling that someone is staring at you in secret, do you feel any changes in your body? Like chills, heat, strange limbs? "

tone barely fell , and Mark Crewe vehemently denied: "No! We never feel that way! "

"Then the third—"

Lilian raised her crossbow and shook it at those people's bodies, making them feel a little uncomfortable.


The young man swallowed nervously, as if he knew what Bai Lili An wanted to do.

"Have you felt any changes in the world in your eyes? Lillian narrowed her eyes, "Except for this painting!" "

After entering the dungeon, the system didn't tell them what the mission was, whether it was to solve the 'ghost' in the mansion, or to solve the 'picture', or to relieve the strange state of those people...everything There is no explanation, and players need to explore by themselves.


Mark Crew opened his mouth slightly, and just wanted to explain, he saw the girl quickly turn her crossbow She took the rocking chair by the fireplace and pulled the trigger.

Meanwhile, Lillian shouted, "Start!"

The arrow she fired pierced the old man's head In the middle, the young man was shooting arrows in a hurry, but it failed.

Mark Crewe let out a scream that was not human-like, and the other four also clapped the table and stood up.

By Lily An old man with an arrow stuck in his head also supported the handrail and stood up suddenly.

"Cultist! "

Lillian stared, inserted the rapier into the carpet, and quickly pulled the string to reel the arrow.

While the young man beside him was still busy pulling the string, she had already pulled the arrow. The filling is complete.

Seeing those people rushing over, Lilian raised her hand and shot an arrow, which pierced a cultist's eye socket, causing his body to freeze and fall to the ground.


The five people rushed together, Lilian picked up the rapier from the ground, stepped back, threw the crossbow aside, and pulled the young man's hand.

The young man fell backward, Sitting on the ground in embarrassment, Lilian was unusually calm, and stabbed the rapier according to the practice in normally.

The flying silver light hit the throats of the two cultists, instantly piercing them Killed.

The girl fought and retreated, although there was a wall behind her, but after her heel reached the base of the wall, she had already killed several other cultists with less serious changes with the light sword in her hand Died, only the old man is left.

Gathering a few breaths, Lillian used her superb sword technique to fight with him, constantly slicing his elbows, shoulders, knees, and letting his mobility become A little bit of loss, and then a sword pierced through his head, killing him completely.

After killing the old man with a silver-laced light sword, she was worried that his death was not complete enough, and put him in her pocket. A whole bottle of holy water was poured down his throat.

As expected, not long after the holy water was poured in, the old man let out a scream and jumped up from the ground.

He His body began to burn. Strangely, those flames did not ignite any objects around him.

The young man stood there dumbfounded, looking down at the weapon in his hand.

He just finished the panic and drew his weapon, and Lillian ended the battle...

This, this is not the same as the plot he imagined!

Lillian gasped. , I saw a Dao (道)' character screen appearing in front of me——

【Congratulations, dear player, you are the first place clearer of "Phantom in the Painting", you will get 150 points Soul fragment reward!]

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