Soul Echo

Chapter 75

"Tell me about your observations!"

Zhong Ye and Lillian were sitting in the hotel lobby, and they walked down after putting their bags in the room because In principle, Zhong Ye will not be in a closed space with other women, and he is well aware that his physique will bring fear to women and a small number of men.

Even if he is very restrained and knows what he will not do, and women themselves don't necessarily mind, but there are some things that can't be done just can't be done.

Zhong Ye asked his students about the observation results, and the people who were asked were confused.

Lilian hesitated, she didn't expect Zhong Ye to ask this kind of question suddenly, without the slightest preparation.

Glancing at the barrage quietly, Lilian cautiously replied: "...there are very few outsiders in this town?"

Zhong Ye knew her by seeing her appearance. Where did he get this answer, and the corner of his lips pursed: "Why?"

"...because this hotel is very dilapidated, and people on the street look at us with vigilance, not even the merchants. Talk to us." After speaking, Lilian suddenly realized.

It turned out that the teacher wanted to test her own observation, so she shouldn't peek at the answers given to her by the barrage.

"In daily life, many people don't realize it. In fact, their eyes, movements and expressions can provide a lot of information to others. If you carefully observe the environment and integrate this information, even if you don't need to speak. You can also know a lot of things by asking."

Zhong Ye tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly, "Even if you don't want to become an adventurer in the future, these skills will be of great benefit to you."

The girl pursed her lips, obviously this Zhong Ye is more attractive, why does the Zhong Ye in her dream look like that?

After a pause, Zhong Ye asked again: "What do you think about the legend that Boss said?"

"I, I don't know..." Lillian lowered head.

"Then I'll tell you my opinion."

Zhong Ye thought about it, organized the language, and said, "First of all, I think the story he told is ridiculous, because The incident happened ten or twenty years ago, and it is impossible for any monster to do nothing for such a long time. If the person doing this is a human, then she does not need to set those restrictions for herself.

"Secondly, I sensed danger when I was out of town, but when I got inside, that feeling went away, and I suspect the real danger might come from somewhere around the town. "

After speaking, Zhong Ye stood up, "Let's go!" No amount of speculation here is as good as actual investigation. ”

The girl stood up with a vague understanding and took the light sword given to her by Zhong Ye.

There is only one main road in the town, and this straight road runs through the entire small town. In the town, most of the houses are distributed on both sides of the straight road, and the gaps between the houses form alleys of different lengths and widths, and the end of these alleys is usually another house.

This construction method makes the layout of the town look very messy. Some people want to go home. Instead of returning from the main road in the town, it is better to go outside the town and climb over the wall, which may be faster.

Zhong Ye and Lillian are probably the only outsiders in this town, because they found that not only did the vendors not sell to them, but also to others, which means that the vendors knew what the people in the town needed.

And the people in the town didn't bargain or even ask for the price when buying goods. The transaction was very refreshing.

It is clear that this town is not far from the essence of Etrul, But it seems to have been forgotten by the world and time, staying in the Middle Ages.

Zhong Ye has [affinity physique] and looks handsome, which can dispel the rejection of outsiders in people's hearts.

He got a lot of information from the townspeople, such as the legend of the 'Mother of Autumn' really exists in this town, and other legends mentioned by the hotel boss are indeed circulating in the town.

As for the church on the mountainside, as early as ten years ago, after the priest of Earth Mother left without saying goodbye, the church was abandoned, and no one has ever visited it again.

As for other things, the townspeople are not Clearly.

"The hotel boss is right, he is indeed the most well-informed person in town. "Lilian sighed.

They asked several townspeople before they collected all the information and confirmed that the hotel boss had not missed anything.

Zhong Ye looked up at the church halfway up the mountain. , standing in the town, he can already see the shape of the church clearly.

From the outside, the church seems to be really abandoned, the door panel is half dropped, the windows are also disappeared, and there is only one black hole left. The mouth.

He took Lillian around the town, but found nothing. Now the whole town is the only church that has not been visited.

It's just the weather It is already a little late, the sun is slanting west, if we go up again at this time, the search may not be too detailed.

Lillian also has to go offline to rest. After the hosting, the game characters will become quite rigid. That's it for the time being today, see if anything weird happens in the town at night, and then go check out the abandoned church tomorrow.

But then again, the abandoned church - this is a classic in many games Scenarios, including but not limited to horror games.

Although this is the real world, it is weird enough to leave the priest without saying goodbye.

Taking the sunset, Zhong Ye and Lillian returned to the hotel

The Boss has lit the candle extravagantly, but under the flickering light, shadows stalk the shadows, making the dilapidated hotel even more eerie.

Standing at the door Taking a look inside, Lilian got goosebumps all over her body.

As the sun went down, the town that was not lively quickly became quiet, because it was autumn, and the children were all surrounded by adults. Rushing into the house, even the fatherless orphans will be temporarily adopted by the neighbors.

In the evening, the cool wind blows on the street, taking away the residual warmth of the day.

The hotel boss had been waiting in the lobby for a long time, and when he saw Zhong Ye and the others coming back, he greeted them with a smile.

Because Zhong Ye didn't give them any special instructions, he didn't help them prepare dinner.

And Zhong Ye, like many adventurers, bought some food on the way back. This is due precaution, and it is also the unwritten rules of the adventurer and the hotel Boss.

During dinner, Zhong Ye didn't talk to Lillian, because he knew that his students must have gone offline for dinner again.

The sky quickly turned dark, and the whole town was in a panic. It was dark.

The doors and windows of the hotel were closed, and the Boss also left early, leaving the hall to Zhong Ye and Lillian.

When Lillian logged in again, there was a sudden sound in his ear The sound of the wind knocking on the doors and windows startled her.

Heart Thumping, the girl turned her head and saw the flames beating, reflecting Zhong Ye's profile gloomy and uncertain.

Seeing that Zhong Ye was still by her side, the girl immediately relaxed.

"It's almost time." Zhong Ye closed his eyes, opened his eyes and stood up from the chair.

Lilian remembered that they were going to verify the legends circulating in the town tonight, she shuddered, and hurriedly followed in Zhong Ye's footsteps.

There must be a reason why those stories are circulated in small towns, even if the hotel Boss said that neither he nor anyone he knew had seen those things, it might just be good luck.

Before opening the hotel door, Zhong Ye suddenly stopped, looked towards his student, and asked, "By the way, Lillian, how old are you? Are you over fourteen?"


The timid expression froze on her face, the girl puffed up her face, loudly said: "I'm already sixteen!"

With a chuckle, Zhong Ye opened the door, and it was a cool night. Wind asserts the senses.

Looking at the scene outside the door, he said softly, "It's foggy..."

The fine water droplets were suspended in the air, and the white mist filled the street, and the wind was not strong. I know when it stopped, and I was still knocking on the doors and windows just now.

——[! ]

——【Lilian, how are you? ]

——[Looks like the set of a horror game]

Lilian's lips moved, and she hurriedly followed when she saw Zhong Ye step out of the door.

She doesn't even have the guts to listen to ghost stories, how dare she act alone in such a place.

After closing the door, Zhong Ye led Lillian into the mist.

He wants to see what the hell is going on in this town!

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